Slow...Slow...Slow Weight Loss

on 4/10/07 5:46 am - Tolleson, AZ
I will be 9 weeks post op tomorrow and have lost 36 pounds. Only 36 pounds! I read on these boards about people who are already in the 50 and 60 pound weight loss at 8 weeks. There are only a few things that may have attributed to my slow weight loss. First is I have not been the best at taking my vitamins everyday. Would that slow the weight loss? Also I did not join a gym until post op week 7 and did very limited walking up to that point. I know that is a factor but would it account for such a slow loss? I am 51 years old and only 5 feet tall. My initial weight was 266.6 and I am currently at 230.4. I am averaging about 500-750 calories a day...mostly protein. Some days I have issues with water also. It still seems thick right behind my breast bone. I am getting better with it but have rarely exceeded the 64 ounces needed each day. All in all I am depressed at only losing 36 pounds and changing my life so drastically. Right now I have to say it just does not feel worth it for such a small loss. This is not an easy road we have all chosen. It takes work and dedication. Does anyone have any suggestions to brighten my spirit? If this is the hardest it will be I can deal with that as long as the weight loss continues in a steady fashion. I would hope to lose at least 10 pounds each month. What should I do?
on 4/10/07 8:28 am - Layton, UT
Hey Ellen, I lost the majority of my weight (140 pounds) within the first 9 months post-op. BUT.....within that time period, I had a couple of 3 week plateaus and some very slow stretches. It was discouraging! I compared myself to others as well and decided I was the unlucky one that didn't get the magic surgery afterall! .....Soooo, I kept in tight with the nutritionist and got the tweaking I needed from her. She had me increase my calories up to 1,000 and weight dropped. Then she had me increase my protein grams and cut back on the carbs (I'd been doing easy downers like crackers and such).....Then, I hired a personal trainer who got me into a good routine for my current physical capabilities. I dropped another chunk. Then....I put it all together and kept my body moving while eating the right things and finally worked on increasing my water. That's when my weight really started coming off! I could visualize a literal washing away of fat each time I drank another water bottle. Carry a water bottle with you every minute (except for the 30 after you eat)!!!! Drink, drink, dirnk all day long! And....if you can hook up with one of those cool graphics that charts your weight loss (lots of people have them on O.H.) where it shows how your loss is going spite of the numbers! I think the visual really helps! WE all lose at different rates with our genetics, gender, age, health, etc. being part of the equation. I doubt if a lack of vitamins would slow your weight loss but it might just contribute to your depression!!!! Take your vitamins girlfriend! You need the energy to move your body! Congrats on your loss so far! Set some mini milestones ! You'll get there!'s always good to check in with your surgeon just to make sure everything's peachy! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Joyce
on 4/10/07 10:01 am - Maricopa, AZ
OMG Ellen...DONT FORGET YOUR VITAMINS!!!!!! You can really do some nerve damage if you don't! My girlfriend did not take hers for awhile and she lost the feeling in both of her legs! The condition is treatable, but the girl is only 26 and has to go everywere in a walker. She is not happy about it at all! Remember, WLS is only a tool. We have to do our part if we want to be successful. Do you use a pedometer? If you don't have one, get one. It really gives you a good indication of what your activity level should be. The goal is 10,000 steps everyday. I am a pretty active person w/ 2 little ones at home, and the most I have ever gotten is barely 8,000. Keep your chin up girly! You still got plenty of time to drop the pounds. I'd say I'd go walkin' w/ ya, but I live in Maricopa, which is a drive for anyone. Its a great thing that you signed up for the gym though. Keep up the good work! Dawn
on 4/10/07 11:02 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Ellen, congratulations on the 36 pounds!!! Girl, when was the last time you lost 36 lbs in two months???? Although as WLS patients we tend to lose weight a lot faster than others, slower more gradual weight loss is good for your body also. Joyce hit the mark with the protein and water intake. And please don't forget to take your supplements!!! You are right, it takes hard work and dedication, but weight loss is not only counted in pounds, but in inches also. Have you measured yourself lately? Are your clothes getting lose yet, are you feeling better, do you have more energy yet???? Try to think of this as a little rough patch on the road to better help. Best wishes....' Alli
Nicole W.
on 4/10/07 11:42 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Ellen, 36lbs is awesome! Congratulations! Go get one of those baskets from the grocery store and put tons of potatos in there, you will feel alot better. I picked up my 39lb nephew the other day and I've lost more than 2 of him! It is a real eye opener. I too have been comparing myself to others for a long time, I have heard people losing 145lbs in 6 months, etc... and I a nothing near that, it got depressing and fustrating so I just stopped. Each person is different and loses weight in a different way. I hit my plateau and it has passed... but I had to kickstart my exercise and push myself a bit more each day. It helped a great deal. I also had to eat 3 meals a day, I quit the snacking and focused on my protein again. And I WALK, WALK, WALK, WALK!!!! Get that heart beating, you will get such a confidence boost when you feel those chemicals pumping. Sometimes I kick my own butt at the gym and damn it feels good! I too struggle with my vitamins, especially my calcium... I just always forget! But I make sure I take my Multivitamin and B-Complex once I get to work each morning. So I bought double bottles and keep them at work. I open my drawer and there they are and I just take them at that moment. I also keep some protein bars and shakes at work. At my 4 month visit with the dieticians, I asked how many calories I should be taking in and Cassie told me not to count calories and to count protein instead. Protein is essential. Make sure you are getting in your 60-80 grams in a day. Go to support groups... I swear they are a big help. Success rates with WLS are higher when you attend support groups. I swear by this... Mary and I were in group last time with everyone that was in the same shoes as us... all around the same surgery date and we all were at plateau's. It was a great discussion and really made you feel better when you left. Follow the 5 Rules from Dr. Blackstone... this tool will work. Over the weekend I pulled out my blue binder and re-read everything, it really does help you get refocused. When you met with Randy at your 2 month visit (if you havent already) he will tell you... it is ideal to reach goal within 18 months. The slower the weight loss the better for your body in the long run and the more likely you will be successful in keeping the weight off long term. It is scary to read how many people need revisions because of regain of weight. You are doing a great job... don't forget that. Remember... "Put on your Big Girl Panties..." Call me if you ever need to talk! ~Nicole
Linda S.
on 4/11/07 3:04 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Congrats on your weight loss! I am sure you will do better as far as the vitamins, and things will get more of a routine feel. I only weigh once a month, I am 56. I probably miss my stalls this way...laugh! These guys are a wealth of info and encouragement. Just keep on going girl. Some days I can walk, and some days I have too much pain. It seems to even out. I am five feet ten and others notice my weight loss more than me, but take pics! You will be surprised. I try to remember that this is a life change, not a diet. I hope my 2 cents worth helps.
desert rat
on 4/12/07 12:37 pm - Goodyear, AZ
Ellen, You are starting off just like I did & I hope that you are as successful as I have been. I read your weight loss amount & thought that it sounded just like me so I went and checked my journal and sure enough, I had lost 40 pounds at the 9 week mark. I was 43 when I had the surgery and only lost 4 pounds more than you have lost in the same period. I had a young woman in my support group at that time who had her surgery on the same day as me. She had lost a lot more (can't remember the exact amount but it was significant) and I was upset! I was sure that I was the ONE person that this surgery wouldn't work for. But, low and behold, I'm approaching my 2nd year anniversary and I've been at goal for a couple of months already. Dr. Blackstone set my goal at 150 & I hit that at 15 months. Three more months went by and I was down another 10-15 pounds (depending on the day ). My total rate of weight loss was an average of 10 pounds per month. It wasn't great but I could live with it. It was slow but steady. I never hit a plateau and I ended up losing as much as everyone else, it just took a couple of months longer. I have lost a total of 180 pounds & it took me 19 or 20 months. You really need to push the water. Your body is melting need to give it plenty of water to flush all of the waste out!! I agree with Joyce, carry water with you EVERYWHERE!!! Also, keep your protein ABOVE 80 grams, above 100 grams is even better. There are a lot of options but if you want quick & easy, look into the New Whey 42. Drink half of the 3 ounce vile, & fini**** off 90 minutes or more later & you'll have 42 grams of protein out of the way. My husband had his surgery 2 day before you and he does 2 of the New Whey's per day. He doesn't eat much else yet but he gets his protein in!! Nobody should have a problem with 1.5 ounces at a time! Also, I didn't do very much in the way of exercise at first either. It was July and I weighed over 300 pounds! I did walk as much as I could and I went to Curves 2 or 3 days a week after my six weeks of recovery. Do the best you can and keep asking questions. Good luck and please don't panic! Dj
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