Job interview today!!!
Hi all, today I go for my first job interview after 10 yrs of being a house wife! Kinda scary step for sure! I'm In the process of getting divorced. I have a great boyfriend that is supportive, he is so sweet says that I will be just fine in the interview! but holycow, I don't know what to expect! Ughh! anyway hope all are doing well! Hugs and best wishes to all...Tara
Good luck Tara. Let us know how it goes.
Do some mental work before you go! Go through positive affirmations and change all the negatives into a positive statement. Do a mental checklist of all of your valuable qulities (be generous with yourself)......A good friend told me to look at each interview as practice for the next really great one that was just around the corner. It takes the edge off and gives you confidence. .....One thing that I have learned in my life is that the next open door is even more spectacular than the last one.......Be yourself! ....If they hire you for being "YOU" then you'll find your comfort level quickly and be productive immediately.
Stretch yourself sweetie pie! You CAN do it!!!!!
Good luck with your personal changes too! I'm sure that divorce is a biggie to sort through.
(((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) and