I am still comparing Lap Band to RNY

on 3/23/07 6:49 am - Phoenix, AZ
Some of you have really come through and shared your stories and all have been helpful. Here I am asking four more questions for now from anyone out there. 1. Has anyone dealth with Mercy Care and do they cover Lap Band? 2. If you or someone you know has had slippage from the band plese tell me about it. 3. Since Lap Banders lose slower then the gastric patients, will this help the skin mold back properly with the recommended fitness regimen? 4. For those of you 3 to 5 years out, how is your health and progress now? DId you return to old habits too often? How many times did you have fills? Did you have to go in for maintenance to fix the device? Did you make your goal weight and how long did it take? Did you suffer from any vitamin defficiency's? Do you wish now you would have had a gastric bypass? If you changed insurance company's, was this surgery and the maintenance or possibility of having a reversal cause any problems? I know there are many things here but for those of you that can help with what you know I sure do appreciate your knowledge and experience. Hugs to all!
Candi Y.
on 3/23/07 8:19 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey Cuzzie, Funny, this is how I started my investigations, lots of questions, then seminars. Went to a RNY seminar, then Lapband. Your doing all the right stuff!! Good work!! OK, here comes some bad news! I too have Mercy Care, I fought for 4+ mths with supervisors, etc... Got differnent stories from everyone, first I had to prove there were 3 life threatening things wrong with me, which there isnt, thank god thats why I having this surgery to AVOID those things, then someone said even after that theres like a 10% chance they would cover it. So after 4mths, you know what I thought to myself...THIS IS MY LIFE I AM PUTTING A PRICE ON.....Crazy...... I have spent more money on a vehicle, so off to the credit card companies and banks I went and finally was able to obtain a loan with 0% for one year and I'll worry about what am gonna do after that when that times comes. As for now I am a VERY new Bander, I am 10 days out and have lost 15lbs, I do believe losing slower is better for your skin elasticity, but I also know theres several other factors with your skin as well, but I do think Banders can loose as fast IF they want, I enjoy eating WHAT I want and wanted to be sure I get al my nurtients. One of my biggest findings for myself with the Band is that I will forever have it, and my normal history has been that I gain my weight back, so having this tool inside of my I think will keep that issue under control!! Otherwise your other questions will be for older bandsters!! DOn't give up to easy with Mery Care, but remember us women need to think of OURSELFS once in a while! Good luck and ask away, thats what this board is here for!
on 3/23/07 8:27 am - Layton, UT
Well said Candi! YOU are very woth every penny! Congrats on your success so far and kudos to you for having such an uplifting attitude!!!! Hugggzzz, Joyce
on 3/24/07 6:57 am - Phoenix, AZ
Wow Candie, So Mercy Care never came through? I do have a number of life theatening illneses from being obese. All my doctor's are hoping I will get this and have provided me with letters to forward strongly urging me to have this proceedure. I was denied last year on the account that I had not lost the 5% weight and that they did not recieve all the paperwork they wanted and so the blame went on Fang's office. All I have left to do is go through 6 sessions of behaviour modification which will be soon and continue with my monthly weigh ins. This started up again in August so I should have been done already but I guess the shrink says I still need behavior modification inspite that I lost more than 9% of my weight in 6 months. She is from Bridges and has a peculiar way of interviewing. This time around I have already lost more than 9% weight and I am not handing my papers over to Fang's girls, as I will have it overnighted and a signed delevery to the exact person (my case manager) so these reasons that they held agaisnt me should not be a problem. I am doing everything they require and if I have to bring in a legal element I wil not hesitate. It is costly for health care to put me through all the preliminary testing for me to qualify so there has to be accountability on there part otherwise they will have to justify their rational which since I am doing wat is required in writing would leave the burden of proof on them.
on 3/24/07 1:57 pm - Layton, UT
Long ago....I was told by that same psych at Bridges to go to Behavior Modification because I was diagnosed with Binge/ Purge Disorder. I was bugged by it and just wanted to fast forward to surgery...thinking that life would simply fall into place after I had surgery and started getting the weight off. ...... 4 years later; I wish I would have been a little more diligent with the Behavior mod sessions and would have taken it all a bit more seriously. I know you'll hear over and over that "it's NOT brain surgery" but that's the bottom line. ...... After the initial honeymoon phase; you pretty much have to rely on learned behavior to stay at goal (or get to goal). Congrats on losing your 9% and on being pro-active! Take advantage of every bit of counseling and therapy that can come your direction before surgery so you can handle the changes forever. I'ts not a quick fix but is a lifelong challenge. I hope it all comes together for you! Joyce
on 3/23/07 9:05 am - Round Rock, TX
I was banded in November last year. Since then I have lost some sixty pounds. Most of that weight loss came in the first six weeks after surgery. I have had no problems with the band. I have had two fills and am currently at 8cc's in a 10cc band. My last fill was two months ago. I see my doctor once a month. My rate of weight loss is at about sseven pounds a month. The target rate is between five and eleven pounds a month. As you can see I am in the middle of that range. For now the decision is not to change the fill level. As far as vitamin defficiency is concerned both my wife ( she is baned also) and I take only a multi vitamin daily. My wife also takes a calcium suplement. Other than that we have been following the program outlined by our surgeon. As far as one procedure versus another my philosophy was that after looking at both the easier on my system was to have a band. I looked at it as do I want a physical change in my bodies plumbing ( pardon the example ) or do I want a device added to me that will esentially do the same thing without alot of the complications. Both procedures are life changing events so consider carefully as you are doing before making a decision. Good luck with your decision and welcome.
on 3/24/07 7:05 am - Phoenix, AZ
Thank you Steven, That is a great bottom line you decided with. Does it hurt to get t he fills? Good luck with you and your wif'es WLS journey. Thnnks.
on 3/25/07 12:51 pm - queen creek, AZ
I thought I would add my 2 cents.... I have had my band for 15 months, lost 117 lbs total. I have had 4 fills and 1 slight unfill I currently have 3cc in my band. I do not think the fills hurt but I was insulin dependent for many years so I am numb to needles at this point. I hit my goal in less than 7 months and then took off another 20lbs by my 10 month out. I have maintained this since. I do not take any of my pre-op meds including insulin and other diabetes meds. I take a multi-vitamin daily. I went from a size 26 to a 6. I worked out and found that my skin is not too bad. I am not going to have plastics since I think I am happy with just being as healthy as I am and I look good in clothes! I personally would not have done the bypass for too many reasons to list but feel I made the best choice in the band. Took a cruise last week and enjoyed the food and managed to actually lose 2 lbs. ( I worked out every day to have my cake and eat it too). I wasnt trying to lose just trying not to gain.... With all types of surgeries there are complications, I do know someone that had a slip. She required surgery but is now doing wonderful and her band is working for her. I also know too many bypass patients that are 3-5 years out and in need of a revision, some are considering the lapband. I think you will make your best choice once you consult your surgeon and discuss your situation and what will be best for you. No matter what you choose, you will do well since you are taking the time to research and ask questions. My husband was banded 4/10/06 and is down about 110 lbs. He is maintaining and training for another triathalon. Good luck to you and if you need anything or have any other questions dont hesitate to ask, Jen Lapband 12/15/05 Lost 117 lbs and loving my life!
on 3/25/07 4:33 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Thanks Jen, you answered my questions and when you wrote about your husband training for a triatholon I almost burst into tears--how amazing, to go from stuck to unstoppable! Good luck to you and I will keep you posted as I get closer to that hopeful day.
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