on 3/25/07 3:13 am - Layton, UT
Nicole, You are beautiful! But, I'm concerned about your photo caption!!!! ......Having our mind catch up with our new look is delayed at best! .....Here are some fun activities to help you get a grip on how muich weight you have lost. Take a good friend with you to a mall and park yourself. You point out people that you think are the same size as you and then allow her to correct you by pointing out people that are actually the same size as you. Body dismorphia runs rampant amongst us! LOL! Another exercise is to just go shopping by yourself and try on clothes over and over at different old hangouts so you can see the differences on the rack! While you're sure and actually look at your reflection in mirrors and shop windows as you walk by!!!! Have people take your photo in different settings with different styles of clothing so that you can visually see the difference frequently. It also helps you learn which styles you look better in than others so you can make your new clothing purchases in that direction. And.....use "reframing" with your self talk. For example...."If" I were you and could see the obvious from your photo's online....I could say to myself. My neckline is emerging with lovely lines. I could say shoulders look so petite now. etc.'s always a great reminder to "remember where we've been" instead of always focusing on where we wish we were! Huggggzzzz to you pretty girlfriend! Joyce
on 3/19/07 1:01 pm - Layton, UT
Hey Sally, What's your nutritional routine? Biotin? (twice a day) Protein grams? (100 grams per day or more) How about some help from your honey bunches with a deep scalp massage each night! Oooo La la! Hang on! It's probably very temporary but you might want to have your doc run a blood pannel to check on things1 Hugggzz to you, joyce
on 3/20/07 12:35 am - PHOENIX, AZ
OK this is what I am doing for hair loss. I told my husband I would go completly bald if I could not get help. So now every night (and I mean every night) for the last two months he has massaged my head for at least 20 minutes. Yep it worked. He was so afraid of me going bald I got a free massage. Now if my hair starts to fall out believe me he will be the last to know. On top of this I cannot believe how much faster I fall asleep. That massage sure is coming in handy!!!!!!! Pam
on 3/20/07 1:12 pm - Layton, UT
Pam, Can you send me his busines card! Joyce
on 3/20/07 2:08 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Sorry: I'm afraid he might get burnt out. He needs to keep his strength up to massage my head. God forbide I might loose my hair if he misses a day. Gotta go. My masseur is waiting Pam
desert rat
on 3/20/07 11:01 am - Goodyear, AZ
Sally, The responses are all good but let me just say that I tried the Nioxin and the biotin and I didn't notice a difference until I increased my protein to 100 grams or more per day. Remember that your hair needs protein!!! Everything else helps but first you must have adequate protein. I have very fine hair naturally and was scared to death that I would look like I had a serious illness if I lost ANY so I watched it very closely. I had other issues that made me increase my protein but I noticed within ONE WEEK that my hair loss was minimal. Good luck and Happy Protein Pushing! Dj
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