considering lap band

on 3/15/07 4:21 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi, For a very long time I have been preparing for GBP, an RNY preferably lap-style with Dr. Fang. As of lately I have been thinking about the Lap Band. I just read all the info that is posted as you enter into this forum and I think I am comfortable with it. I do wonder if insurance will cover the maintenance of it year after year and as I change over to other insurers. I would like to hear from people who had this done and tell me your experience and if you are happy with your choice or if you would have rather gone with the gastric bypass. Please tell me if yo had to go in to have things fixed and if so if this causes a nagging concern in your daily lives. Also, the info says that you can lose 2-3 pounds a week the first year and then it slows to about 1 pound a week thereafter, is this about right? I think if so, it sound terriffic. I would almost be at goal within my first year. Finally, if you are a patient of Dr. Fang, tell me what I can expect of him in either procedure. I met him twice. He was sweet the first time and cold and tired the second time but I don't care about this--I just want to know if he is an exceptioinal surgeon for the initial surgery and his care for the rutine adjustments for the band. Thanks for your feedback. PufftoBuff
on 3/15/07 8:10 am - Layton, UT
If yoiu check out they have a comparison of the 2 surgeries with stats. Personally, having had an Rny and worked in the LapBand environment for Dr. Simpson, I would do it over and choose...........and Rny with a band!!!! How's that for wanting it all???!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that Bandsters can get a fill when their losing has stopped but I LOVE the fact that I was in goal range within the first 6 months of my Rny and all my 11 medications and insulin shots were GONE! Tough choice! Both are great options! Good luck! Joyce P.S. My hubby had Dr. Fang and has had great success....but, my personal preference for a Lap Band would have to be with Dr. Simpson since that's his specialty, is the only surgery he does, and caters his entire pre-op and post-op care to Lap Banders!
on 3/15/07 5:51 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Joyce, Thanks for your enthusiastic response. I will go to that site and do more comparing. See my post to Carole to get my full response. I think I am leaning toward the lap band providing my insurance allows for it and the maintenance. However, I still have questions and want to hear more responses good and bad before I make my decision. I do have a question that nobody wants to ask let alone answer but how do I get info about the mortality rate from any prospective surgeon and aftercare program? Also about the hospital surgery and recovery stats--I heard on the news a couple nights ago that there are ...I don't remember; tens of thousands of deaths do to mistakes done in the hospital every year. Okay--I am a worry wart--but I also am a single woman on my own and I don't have a partner to weigh all this stuff out with. I am so thankful for people here on this site. Unbelievably accessible and resources, pleasant folks. Love to all and thanks again.
David S.
on 3/16/07 11:22 am
Cuzzi Coo! I just had RNY this past tuesday, and just got home from the hospital a couple hours ago. As for mortality rates and risks please remember: Each person has THEIR own personal risk factor, and don't ignore the mortality risk associated with doing nothing to reduce your weight. Initially, when I looked at the mortality rates of WLS, I was so scared I had to not look at WLS for several months. Then I looked at mortality rates for people with a BMI over 40 I was still scared, but my eyes were wide open. One statistic I found indicated that I would have at least a 40% chance of being dead within 10-15 years if I did not lose weight. Boy did I wish my doctors had shared that statistic with me. Also, have you recently tried to find out how much it would cost you to buy a $1M life insurance policy. I did, and ended up waiting to buy in another 6 months to a year after my surgery. The same insurance policy that would cost $300.00 per month now, would be $40-60.00 per month after dropping 100 pounds Also, I know I'm not your preacher or anything, but peace did not come to me in this decision until I had taken it to God himself, and asked him what he thought about it. I got a response as a peaceful feeling that meant it was right for me. From that point forward I was resolute in my goal.
on 3/16/07 4:41 pm - Phoenix, AZ
You bring good things for me to think about. I have known that the risk of dying is greater if I continue at my weight for a long time but I just wanted to compare the rate between the two surgies to help me weigh all aspects to each surgery. I am so glad you came to a peace of mind through seeking God's peace. What a gift it is to have faith enough to believe! You know, I never thought about life insurance--wow, what a difference! This is very good news that you ought to share with lots of folks. People like me who are single and have no children think too little about life insurance other than getting their funeral arrangements taken care of--if that. I wish you a long and prosperous life, beholding God's beauty through everything you do and everyone you see. I will look for your progress as you heal and move toward your goal. I am so excited for you. Thanks for sharing.
on 3/15/07 8:53 am - Austin , TX
We choose it for probably the same reason's your thinking of. Much less risk of complications, we've had none. Husband and myself had this done. Hubby had his last November and me this January. We didn't have any medical reason to need to loose a dramatic amount of weight overnght. The more we get into this, the more we realize we made the right choice. We've had no problems, husband has lost over 60 pounds easily, and I've lost 34 in the 6+ weeks since my surgery. I went down a couple of sizes already in my clothes, and several sizes for my husband. But more than that, we feel absolutel wonderful! I can't tell you how much it's changed our lives. We now are more focused on eating good quality protein, getting the amount of grams into our daily meals, and think about how we can add more activity to our daily routine. I joined Curves to get 4 times a week of exercise in, I didn't feel like walking for me was consistant enough. We've had no food problems, Dr. Blackstone has a great educaional aftercare program. A nutrionist available if you have questions, and Melissa in her office is wonderful and takes her time to tell you everything you need to know along the way. Your back to eating regular food in 6 weeks, just not as much of it, with the help of the band, you will continue to eat less! It's not all willpower or you wouldn't need the surgery in the first place. Dr. B's office and Melissa believe in making the band work for you. So I think they have a pretty aggressive program. We didn't want to be concerned with losing too quickly and the potential risks from that, not to mention the extra skin that may need another surgery to take care of. You have to be comfortable with who you pick, but consider the aftercare very carefully. I've heard some of the surgeon's are better with results post-op than other's. Just because someone may be a great surgeon doesn't mean you'll do well with their after care program. I was surprised to find out from reading so many posts on the lap band board, very few surgeon's prepare their patients very well for life after the band is in place and they have to fend for themselves. Some of the questions on there will amaze you. How anyone could go that unprepared into such a life changing situation is beyond me. Your smart to ask questions. I can only speak for Dr. Blackstone's program, but I have to admit it was a challenge on her surgery schedule. She had a couple of emergencies that disrupted everyone a couple of times while I was waiting, but eventhough I considered another center (Bridges actually) I'm glad I stayed with her. In addition to being a wonderful surgeon she's a truly caring individual. She will have your best interest in mind.
Candi Y.
on 3/16/07 3:09 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey there, I am 2 days out from having the Lapband installed by Doc Simpson, I too researched for months and months before making my decision, plus I had to fight with insurances which in the long run denied me, but this was for my life and I chose to be a self-pay Bander!!! I FEEL WONDERFULL!!!! Had my surgery 3/14 and its friday 3/16, my recovery has been a breeze. I too was very worried about the complications of the RNY, I also know several people after many years who have gained their weight back. Do your research and go to seminars to see what is best for you, yes do I hope to loose the weight fast...But I also know its better to loose it slower!! All I know is that I will be happy as long as I am LOOSING and not gaining! utilize this website, its wonderfull and full of great people and their own experiences! But do what is right for you! Take care, Candi
on 3/16/07 4:27 am - Phoenix, AZ
Best of luck to you Candi! Amazing that you are only 2 days out and you are up to responding. This intself is a testimony to Lap Band. I could never afford to self pay so I hope I don't run into those problems. All my physicians have signed off agreeing that this is medically neccessary and I have done everything except for one final thing that my insurance requires so hopefully all will go well and even better yet if they approve of the Lap Band then my choice will be based on what is best for me and not what is allowed for me--so keep your fingers crossed for me and drink your water! I would love to stay in touch with you and cheer you on in your whole new bright future! Major smiles here for you! Cuzzi Coo!
David S.
on 3/18/07 8:08 am
My doctor's office told me that one of the potential downsides of lap band is that if you "beat the band" or it doesn't work and has to be removed, it is likely that your insurance will not re-approve you for RNY. Some other things you can run into are that some insurance companies like to approve RNY and not the lap band.
on 3/18/07 6:13 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hmmmm...well, I have more to think over. I never heard the expression "beat the band'. It is hard to believe people do this. I rarely eat to where I am full as I have asthma and it is hard enough to breath let alone when I have a full tummy pushing under my lungs. I am pretty sure I will not be one that will push past the limit. I will consider everythng I am hearing. How are you doing anyway? Are you dealing okay with liquids this weeks? Are you moving around enough and drinking lots of water? How about your sleeping? Thanks David for bringing up this point.
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