Surgery has been rescheduled :-(

on 3/5/07 8:24 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Well, I got so sick with my asthma last week that I had to be given a very high dose of prednisone to get my breathing back on track. I talked to the nurse in Dr B's office and they did have to reschedule my surgery. I am very disappointed, but with the way I was (not) breathing last week, there's no way I would have been healthy enough for surgery. They've got me set for May 9th, which is just as soon as I could get in and off the steroids. I've been really pleased with how Stella and Noreen have been helping me out with my situation. It sucks that I'm not having surgery in 2 weeks now, but at least I will be a lot healthier when I do have surgery..... Alli
desert rat
on 3/5/07 12:06 pm - Goodyear, AZ
Alli I soooo feel your pain. My surgery was 20 months ago but the memory of having it rescheduled is still very fresh to me. I got a screaming urinary tract infection on the morning I was scheduled for surgery. I ended up in the ER at 3 a.m. because of pain and blood and my surgery was set for 8 a.m. I had to call Dr Blackstone's office and wake up the doctor on call. Of course they cancelled my surgery and they weren't able to reschedule it for 6 weeks! I was devistated and difficult to be around for those six weeks but we all survived and it all worked out in the end. Your attitude is so much better than mine and I know you'll be fine. You're being smart about this whole thing. You're need to be all better before you have surgery; you'll be happy that you have your strength. Hang in there, hang around here and you'll be on the losing side in no time. God Bless! Dj
on 3/5/07 12:55 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks for the kind words DJ. I know I'm not the only person that has had to be re-scheduled and with Dr B's crazy schedule, I'm amazed that they are getting me back in 2 months. I was really upset this past week, but now I'm just glad that I'm breathing better, and am working towards being a lot healthier for my surgery. I believe that everything happens for a reason, so this must be the best path for me. I am so grateful for all the support I've been given on the boards, and hope someday my story can help someone else also. Alli
Sharon Martinez
on 3/5/07 1:33 pm - Mesa, AZ
Hi Alli...Im sorry you had to reschedule sweety....with my surgery only being a month ago...and rescheduled twice, I feel your anxiety! It's terrible I know...but hey, you wanna be healthy.....hang in there will be over before you know it! Sharon
on 3/5/07 1:53 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I'm hangin in there, and I know this is the best thing for my health. A lot of people have had to wait a lot longer than I have, so I'm not going to complain about a few months. The important thing is getting healthy, and getting through surgery and recovery. I'm very grateful that they were able to re-schedule me so quickly. I will survive Alli
on 3/5/07 10:33 pm - Layton, UT
Oh my gosh Alli !!!!! I would beat the feathers out of a nice firm pillow, take a deep breath and then think of everything possibly fun to do between now and surgery date. Maybe head out shopping to buy a "goal outfit"......take advantage of this fantastic weather and do some walking (will help with circulation for an even safer surgery).....clean out your closet and group things into 1. things that I'll have to give away soon. 2. things I will be able to wear 5 minutes after my surgery 3. things I thought I'd never wear again (and maybe shouldn't ! 4. things I love but I'll find a duplicate 10 sizes smaller in a few months!!!! Y'know.....go crazy with the possitives! You'll be living the dream before you know it!!!! Huggggzzz to you and remember to take HUGE breaths in and out several times a day to clear those lungs!!!! Joyce
on 3/6/07 8:53 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks for the encouragement Joyce, I appreciate it. Although I'm disappointed with the delay, my health is my number one priority, and I will be much better prepared for surgery in May. Thanks for all your help throughout this entire process Alli
on 3/5/07 3:04 pm
Ali, Good things come to those who wait!!! Yes, disappointing it is as I too had to postpone mine just three days before a July'04 surgery and it was pushed back to Nov'04. I firmly believe the extra time made me transform my habits of diet, exercise and journaling into daily rituals so by the time my surgery came I had developed such good habits they were second nature! Use this time to get healthy and focus on the behavioral changes between now and May. Your surgery will be that much more successful. Best wishes, Pam RNY Dr. Amy Kohler 11/04 335/170 - 5'7" Plastic Surgery 06/22/06 Dr. Mazaheri
on 3/5/07 4:41 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I do believe everything happens for a reason I will make good use of the additional time that I have now before surgery. Thanks for the encouragement, I need all the help I can get !!! Alli
on 3/5/07 9:36 pm
Alli You have a great & posative attitude about it all. And your right you will be much healthier when you have the surgery. you dont need any complications. I know its hard to be pushed back a bit But your still a GO!! and not not totally eliminated from the surgery. Plus I will be in town for your Surgery and can come & visit ya ... Now whats up with your JOB?? I am sure all the Gang is supportive. Hey Tell Shannon I said Hello ! just tell her Rosa"s friend I hope you and Hubby can come to our Spring fling - Should be fun !!!
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