OT: Prayers Needed!!!!

Sondra J. S.
on 3/2/07 7:02 am - Show Low, AZ
Hi my Arizona Brothers and Sisters, I very seldom ask anything of any of you, but I am reaching out to all of you across this great country for two reasons, first and foremost the most pressing event in my life as my one year surgaversary comes near my very dear grandmother on my Mothers side is dying literally before her eyes, my sister called me before 7 am MST to tell me that my mother was called to her side by our Aunt, her little sister, at before 7 am CST which would have been before 6am my time. My grandmother has refused her medicine, food, any treatments from the Doctors for the past couple weeks. I am heartbroken over this. My Mom lost her father in February 1994 and now it seems that Grandma is ready to go as well, she has been in a wheelchair since around March of 1995 due to a stroke that left her pretty much paralyzed on her left side, she was there for the birth of my sisters baby and at my sisters wedding in December of last year, now to think of it, that will be the last time I will get to see her alive, I am so right now, I don't have the funds to go back to Missouri because due to my ex-husband I have to save my money for airfare to go back in April for a court hearing that he's trying to hold me in contempt of court, I have a lot on my mind, it all seems like too much for one to bear, I want to eat to make the pain go away, but I haven't, I am looking to family and you all, and mostly to my God for support. I wi**** could be different, but it seems like she has given up on life and I don't want her to be in pain any longer, I want her to be in peace, I want her to go live with the angels and to be happy, even though Dad and Grandma really didn't always get along because she felt that he took away her baby too soon, Mom was 16 when they married and Mom was 6 months pregnant with my brother, but I know Dad will take care of Grandma when it is her time to go. I know that in the end Grandma forgave Dad, afterall they were married 32 years and had 3 children before he passed away in 2003. I thank all of you for your prayers in this particular matter. At 12:32Pm MST my sister called and said Grandma is falling fast and we are trying to get me out there as fast as possible, but the tickets are going to be around 800.00, including the ticket off the mountainm, can't they make this any easier?!?! The second matter involves my new Brother-In-Law, Mike, he is in the Army as a Specialist, he was shipped to Iraq in February for a tour of 12-18months, possibly longer. My sister and Mike were married on December 30th 2006, they wern't even married 2 whole months before he was shipped out. Even though he calls her often it is not the same, as I am sure a lot of you Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, well Military wifes, girlfriends, fiance's and families know well. I say Navy first because my fiance was in the Navy from 86-92, well before I met him. So, I am asking for your prayers for Mike and my sisters sanity.
M. clarke
on 3/2/07 9:10 am
Sondra. I am sorry to hear about your situation. It is always hard to lose a loved one. I have lost 7 family members, including my grandmother in the past 5 years. I understand how sad and difficult it can be. My grandmother went in a similar fashion. She was simply finished with her life here. She even made her own funeral arrangements. I have said a prayer for you and your grandmother. Your grandma isn't giving up on life. She has simply completed her journey here on earth. She has done what she was meant to do. We all have something to accomplish here (earth). For some the journey is brief, perhaps only minutes. For others it may be 90 years or more. Your Grandma is finished here. She knows this. She is trying to move on to what ever it is that comes next. So no, she isn't weak or giving up on life. She is in fact strong, fearless, and ready for her next journey. She is a very evolved soul. Celebrate her. If you make it back to see her or not, I'm sure she feels your love and knows you want to be with her.
on 3/2/07 10:32 am - Maricopa, AZ
Melissa, well spoken. Sondra, Melissa is right, your grandmother hasn''t given up. I remember when my grandmother passed, I was crushed that I was not by her side. She was a vibrant woman during her life, and the last years were most brutal. I truly believe in what Melissa said in that she is starting a new journey. I say that because about a week after my gram passed, I had a dream that she was standing in my driveway and waving to me. In my heart, I believe that she was saying she knew I loved her and that she would see me again some day. I also will say a prayer for your brother-in-law. Let us all hope that our troup's will be coming home soon. Take care and know that you have many friend here. We all hope the very best for you and your family. Dawn
on 3/2/07 10:56 am - Layton, UT
Sweet Sondra, You and all of your family are in my prayers. The passing of a loved one is hardest on those who can't be there to witness the peace that most often takes place. I wish I could write a big fat check in your behalf to help you out with the plane fare. Can you call together your local family and friend support to be with you and let you talk about Grandma and share her pictures and your memories. Put on some soothing music and try to relax and clear the pain away enough to see through to the love that your Grandma has for you and her family.....and the peace that she must feel as she leaves behind the pain she is in and the joy ahead of uniting with loved ones who have already passed. Sometimes the quiet meditation is a comfort in itself. I know you will be in the hearts of many on this support site and that all of us would wish you to find comfort and hope. I'm bummed that so many miles separate us so that I can't even drive over with some chicken soup or a hug.....but, I'm sending cyber huggggzzz across the miles!!!! Share your thoughts with us...........tell us some stories? Maybe it will help to write it out....... ...hoping that you and all your loved ones can be surrounded with love, Joyce
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 3/3/07 1:55 am - Tucson, AZ
So sorry to hear about your grandmother. I think she probably feels it is her time to go and she feels comfortable with it. I will pray for you and your family during this trying time. I am also saying some prayers for the military side of your family. I know how diffiuclt it can be for the military wife.
Sondra J. S.
on 3/10/07 2:17 am - Show Low, AZ
Hello, I am writing this with a still heavy heart. My grandmother passed away at 7:22pm Friday March 2nd. I in turn flew to Mo. within 12 hours and was there from March 3rd until Marxh 8th for my mother. When my grandmother passed all 6 of her children and some of her grandchildren were in the room with her, she was not alone, she was and is still loved very much, the funeral was very emotional and the graveside service was hard as well. We came through it with some emotional bumps and bruises that will last a lifetime, but her legacy will live on. So, as it goes, we know she is in a great place with her former husband my grandfather, they were still married, but not living together any longer I never remember them living together in all my years. I am the first born granddaughter of my grandmother and my older brother is the first born grandchild/grandson. It is a little harder on us, but, we all loved her equally!! Thank you for all your prayers and for caring it means so much to me and my family!! Sondra
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 3/10/07 7:14 am - Tucson, AZ
So sorry to hear of your grandmothers' passing. You and your family have my deepest sympathies.
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