Not doing too great!

Sharon Martinez
on 2/27/07 10:14 am - Mesa, AZ
I am now almost a month post-op and I feel terrible! And I have stopped losing weight for some reason.....I dont think I have a stricture or anything like that, I just cant seem to eat or drink anything without experiencing the most excruciating pain in my pouch that radiates to my arms and back. Its hard to drink, cause I get sick to my stomach and eating, forget about it, really makes my stomach hurt.....Since I have been unable to get my protein shakes down, I'm so very weak! I was suppose to go see Dr. Fang today but I was so scared that he would put me in the hospital to find out whats wrong that I freaked out and didnt go! I know, you dont have to say it..stupid! I already went to the e.r. last week for being dehydrated...I just cant go to the hospital right now, I have NO veins..and I mean none! Just to get blood last week after numerous pokes and two arterial attempts..they had to resort to cutting my finger open and squeezing my blood into the tubes.....I have no IV access and that is why I dont want to go to the hospital, its terrible..... Anyway, hopefully I can figure what I'm doing wrong that I cant seem to be able to handle eating or drinking.....I probably have a stupid ulcer since I never quit smoking...not sure. I know my biggest problem is the pureed stage, I have such a terrible time with foods that have weird texture...ugh..dont know what to do... Sharon
on 2/27/07 11:03 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Sharon, I am sorry your not feeling well. You DO need to get in to see your doctor. The longer you wait the worse it could be. Please, you have taken a big step in having this procedure done. Now please try to make things better for yourself. Let us know how your doing after you get to your doctor. Doc
on 2/27/07 12:48 pm - Layton, UT
Sharon, Call me! I'll come get you in the morning and take you into St Lukes. Don't wait until you are a fatality!!!! ....You've got my number! Joyce
Sharon Martinez
on 2/27/07 3:44 pm - Mesa, AZ
Thank you Joyce....I'm not sure that I really want to go to the Dr...I hate that hospital and refuse to go back..but thank you so very much....I may end up taking you up on the offer, I am truly going to try really hard to get things down the next couple of days, I did a bit better today...still no protein though...again, thank you so much...but I promise that if I cant get through the next couple of days..I wont be stubborn..I will call for a ride if thats ok!?! Thank you sweety! Sharon
on 2/27/07 9:02 pm
Sharon I know how much you dislike that hospital - But!!! You need to talk to your Dr and let him decide the best way to treat you - he seemed pretty "OPEN" when I came to visit you. At the very least call and talk to the Nurse practioner.. Then you can go from there, Yes he will want to see you - But sitting home & worrying is not doing you any good . I am pretty sure the NP might have some Idea's that might help you - Like drink some hot tea before trying anything else - It might help relax your tummy and make it more accepting of protein drinks ,,, Another Idea meditate and relax , tell yourself all you have to do is get a couple swallows down - a little at a time . The smoking is hard - maybe its time for a patch ? Hang in there - Rome was not built in a day !
on 2/27/07 11:08 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Sharon, You posted for help and support so I know that you need/want it. Do as Joyce has advised! If she is busy I will come get you. You MUST go to the Doctor. There are things that you can insist on to help you overcome the anxiety. I am sure they would give you some valium or something to calm you down if you had to get an IV. Perhaps even a local anesthetic. You have to demand this though. Do not wait for them to offer it. Girl, you have come so far. This is just another bump in the road. Ignoring it and hoping it will go away is the worse thing you can do. Call me if you need a ride or a ear to cry into. Mary 602-478-2448
M. clarke
on 2/28/07 1:00 am
Sharon, First I am shocked the doctor didn't require you to quit smoking before the surgery. It is soo very bad for your recovery. And I say that as someone who had to quit smoking to have the surgery. So I absolutely know how hard it is to quit. You need to stop for your health. Second get your butt to the hospital!!! If you can't get food or water down, and you have pain when you do, and your dehydrated you likely Do have a stricture. Keep in mind that people DIE from complications from this surgery. I'm sure you don't want to be one of those people. I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to have to have them cut your finger open, but it can't be more scary then dying, can it? If you don't get your water in your body will shut down on you. PLEASE go to the hospital and take care of yourself.
Sharon Martinez
on 2/28/07 4:37 am - Mesa, AZ
I did have to quit smoking before the surgery and I was doing pretty well until the first week after surgery..then I started in again.... Thanks to all for the advice...last night I was able to eat twice which is a first...and all was drank five glasses of maybe things will get better...Im gonna try again today and if I have no success, I wont pu**** anymore....and I will seek help! Thanks again everyone of you... Sharon
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