My turn for a stricture...

(deactivated member)
on 2/13/07 5:09 am - avondale, AZ
UGH... i can't believe it. I am barely 3 weeks out and have to go in tomorrow for a stricture. I haven't been able to eat or drink for 3 days now, everything that goes down comes right back up. I am more scared of having this stricture fixed, then i was of the actual bypass. I am waiting for a call to let me know what time to go in tomorrow. Melissa, was it really bad, I know you just had yours done. Thanks, Danielle
M. clarke
on 2/13/07 5:53 am
Danielle not at all. The only bad part was the IV, and that only stung for a minute. It goes so fast you hardly know you were in there. Like 10 minutes and they are done. They give you versed and demerol. They told me I had my eyes open the entire time, but I don't remember. I remember asking the nurse if it was a stricture, and she laughed and told me I had already asked her that and yes it was. That is the versed, great stuff! Makes you forget most everything and not care about the stuff you do remember. It was by far the easiest process I have ever had done. I would choose this over say going to the dentist any day! It was really that easy. Seriously don't be scared or worried about it. It is good that they are going to get you in and get it done. You don't want to be waiting around for 2 1/2 months like I did. You will feel so much better once it is done. If you are at Shea the nurses are sooo nice. And I saw like 7 of them. LOL. They were in between lunch shifts so I litterally had 7 different nurses, plus one nurse in training that was jus****ching in the short time I was there. SO here is what is going to happen. You go in. Sign some paperwork. They take you into the room. You change into a gown. Actually 2 gowns. One that opens in back and one to the front. You pee in a cup. (like always) They come and take your vitals. Then put the IV in you. Then they come and take you into a little room. You lay on the table. (at this point my aunt was still with me.. even in the Operating room). They hook up some heart monitors. Then the doctor comes in an talks to you for second. Sends you family out of the room. Then they tell you to lay on your side. Then they push the drugs into your IV. You take a short trip to the moon. Then like 10 minutes later you are talking giberish to the nurse. No Pain. I had a very very slight sore throat like 4 hours after I got home. Very Very Slight. Had i not had the procedure I probably wouldn't have even been aware of the sore throat it was so slight. Are you able to get any water down? I had periods where I could only get in like 1 glass of water a day, and at that I was getting very sick after a few days. If you aren't getting any water in make sure they know that. You don't want to get dehydrated and end up in the hospital on IV's.
(deactivated member)
on 2/13/07 7:41 am - avondale, AZ
No, I can't keep any water down. Well it stays down for about 10 minutes then comes back up. Randy told me if i get dizzy, or blurred vision i need to go to the ER for some liquids. Yep, I will back at shea, they just called and scheduled me for 1230 tomorrow. Does anyone know how much this will cost. The dr.'s office is already closed so i can't ask them. I was cash paying for surgery, so I know this is gonna cost me.
M. clarke
on 2/13/07 7:57 am
I don't know how much it is, but your insurance should cover it. They didn't get a hold of my insurance company while i was there, so they said they would let me know on benefits. I had to pay cash also for the original surgery; however my insurance should cover this. Make sure to give them your insurance information at the hospital. We can go a long while without food, but we can't survive withou****er. So make sure you listen to Randy and go to the hospital if you get too sick. Dehydration really isn't anything to mess around with. You can get very sick, very quickly. Make sure you tell them tomorrow that you are dehydrated so that they get you the good nurse to do the IV. Not that they aren't all good, but some are better then others. Great luck and have no worries. You are going to feel sooo much better when it's done. And yes you will feel fine on Thursday. I was really tired so I came home and slept for 3 hours afterwards. Just because of the drugs. Other then that I felt great.
(deactivated member)
on 2/13/07 8:05 am - avondale, AZ
I just can't wait to drink some water. I feel like I could dring the entire swimming pool right now. I know it's just been a few days, but are you already able to eat and drink. Gosh, do i have to go back to Jello after this?
M. clarke
on 2/13/07 8:18 am
lol. I think we are supposed to go back to jello. I have been drinking a lot of water, my protein shakes, and yogurt smoothies. I had a little bit of soup last night, and today i ate a few pieces of broccoli. It is taking all my self control not to eat. But I don't want to irritate my throat and cause the stricture to come back. Randy told me a few days. So I think tommorrow I will eat. Of course you are thirsty. You are dehydrated. I was constantly thirsty. Could never get enough water in and I was getting some water in. Your not getting any! That is not good. I agree with Nicole you need to go tonight and get hydrated.
M. clarke
on 2/13/07 8:27 am
As Nicole said. Please go to the hospital. Not to be crude, but you don't want to be one of the 2% that die of complications. You know you are dehydrated. Just lie and tell them your dizzy too. 3 days is too long to go withou****er. Your insurance will cover it. Don't let that worry you. And even in the case that it doesn't. So what. You pay then $20.00 a month. They will make payment arrangements with you.
Nicole W.
on 2/13/07 8:10 am - Cave Creek, AZ
I agree... Dehydration is not something to mess around with and with us it happens very quickly. Your organs will shut down and you will pay the ultimate price. We cannot survive withou****er. Danielle, do not wait until the morning. You need to go the ER now!
Nicole W.
on 2/13/07 8:04 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Call the office and have them page Randy or Melissa or whoever is on call. You need to go to the ER right NOW!!!! You are currently going thru the dehydration process. Do not wait until you have blurred vision or dizzy. The minute I wasnt able to keep water down... they told me to go to the ER. Stop drinking... the more you vomit, the quicker you get dehydrated and the worse you will be. They admitted me and I spent the nght on the bariatric unit and did the procedure the next morning. Since this is a medical condition, your insurance should coverit. Danielle, this is your health. Go to the ER, please!!!!
Nicole W.
on 2/13/07 6:54 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Danielle, My first stricture appeared at 3 weeks also. The procedure itself is nothing to be scared about. They will start an IV line and then get you ready for the endoscope. They will give you medication to pretty much knock you out and you will not remember the procedure. I remember looking at the clock at 9:30 and I woke up and it was 9:50. I have a pretty high tolerance to versed, so the first procedure I had to have it redone with general anesthesia, but it did not hurt and you can tell a different almost immediately. They will make sure you are able to keep water down before they let you leave. It sounds worse than it actually is... please do not worry. You will be fine! The Endoscope Team... the nurses and doctors is very awesome and kind. It is a simple fix!
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