Mammogram needs to be done again!!!

on 2/11/07 1:13 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I'm kinda freaking out, I had my mammogram done last Monday, and on Friday I got a letter from the lab saying they needed to run more tests!! WHAT?!?!?!? So I called my PCP because he ordered the test, and he was like, yeah they called me and let me know they would be sending something out to you to have you come in for additional tests. I was like WHAT?!?!?? What's wrong with me??!?!??! He said probably nothing but they have to do the left side over, and then they are going to do an ultrasound on the left side. I'm scared out of my flippin mind!!! They only reason I got a mammogram was because my surgeon requires it. I didn't feel any lumps or anything, so what could it be?!?!? Am I freaking out for nothing?!??!? Sorry to ramble on, but I'm kinda scared... Alli
Nicole W.
on 2/11/07 1:28 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Alli, I wouldn't freak out, especially since your PCP doesn't have anything bad to tell you. If there was something wrong he would know it! They probably just didn't get a good picture of your boobie and need to redo it. They are probably just covering their ass-sets. Try not to worry about it... I would freak too, but it is probably nothing. ~Nicole
on 2/11/07 1:49 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks for the kind words Nicole, I go back in for the next boobygram on Friday, so hopefully I will know something soon. If my surgery gets delayed because of faulty boobies I"M GONNA BE PISSED!! Just joking, just trying to laugh so I don't cry "-( Alli
M. clarke
on 2/11/07 1:56 pm
Ali, I've been there, done that many times. It is very scary to have a doctor request more tests, and especially when they aren't really giving you any answers. I understand how you feel. It is possible that you may have a cyst. And they do ultrasounds for that just to verify. They are very common. So as Nicole said, I wouldn't stress over it yet. No sense in borrowing trouble. It is likely nothing at all, or something as simple as a cyst.
on 2/11/07 2:40 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks Melissa, trying not to worry so I don't drive myself crazy until Friday. I can't feel any lumps, so hopefully it's just as everyone is saying and it will be nothing. Just so excited that my surgery is almost here, I don't want anything to ruin it. Thanks for the kind words Alli
M. clarke
on 2/11/07 2:55 pm
You are kinda funny. Not so worried you might have breast cancer, just worried how it will affect your weight loss surgery. I really think it is something simple. Especially if your not feeling any lumps. Please let us know what you find out. I went through the same thing and it ended up being a cyst. I didn't feel a lump either it just showed up as a dark spot on the mammogram and then they made me do another mammogram, and an ultrasound just to make sure.
on 2/12/07 1:35 am - Austin , TX
Alli, The other thing to remember, it could have been just an unclear picture, and should have been re-done while you were there. Sometimes the tissue can be hard to read if it is thick in places, so your a long way from a bad picture to breast cancer! Did they have a previous mamogram to compare the results with, I had to have mine sent here from CA. Otherwise there would be no comparrison if they ran into something strange. Try to be positive girl, it's not always bad news!!!!!
on 2/12/07 1:50 am
Alli I am sending you a big Hugg !! Dont freak out till the doctor tells you too. It can be nothing other than a tech using bad expired film. The important thing is to get it done and over with .. old saying an "Ounce or prevention is worth a pound of cure !
on 2/12/07 5:02 am - Layton, UT
Hey there sweetie pie! Hugggzzz your way! Hope you can take a deep breath and realize that many folks are called back for routine glitches. I've had to do "do-overs" twice and understand how our crazy minds can runaway with us. The first time I just cried cuz I was so excited it was "their" mistake. The 2nd time I chewed out the poor nurse who called me with the results. ....She brings it up on occasion even now and we laugh about it. I sincerley hope yours is just a glitch and a tech who is thorough. Those thorough tecs can save folks lives! Keep us posted and know that we are all sending good thoughts to you! JOyce
on 2/12/07 10:07 am - Tucson, AZ
We will all think positive thoughts for you!! I would be freaking out also--but I am sure it happens alot more than we ever hear about. I think alot of it is that if there is ANY chance of not seeing exactly what they need to they have to do it over. So many people are so "sue happy" that it leaves the medical profession no choice but to redo. I went to have my "required" pap smear after 4 years of not having one just because I hate to have them done. Then one week later the nurse called to tell me that the doctor didn't get the cells he needed to so I have to have it redone! I could not believe it. I think it was punishment for not doing it every year. If I didn't need it for this surgery I would be waiting another 4 years!! You will be in my prayers! Sherry
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