things look up.

on 2/8/07 1:08 am - Farmington, NM
Hello New Mexico, Well, I've had an interesting week. Last Thursday I found out my May 3rd appointment was being bumped to Aug 29th. Since then my wife and I have moved it to October 3rd, to give us some breathing room. Our first child should be born before that date, so that don't have to risk missing the birth. I was (and still am a little) upset about the large delay. Eventually I came to my senses, and realized that Dr. Blackstone had something bad happen and I needed to be sensitive to her as a human being. I have contacted her office several times since getting the news and got some piece of mind. I understand that two new Doctors are coming on board in June, and the office staff is working closely with Dr. Blackstone to try to tweak out a few more surgery dates... In short, Dr. Blackstone and her staff are doing all they can to get me (and everyone else) in ASAP. They truly are a center of excellence! I also got a call from my insurance company and found out that I can switch surgeons, but they would refer me to someone. They said it would be Dr. James Swain, at the Mayo clinic Scottsdale. I have tried to do research on the Dr. but have had little success. OH has little information on him, because he is not registered with them. I even went to the Mayo Clinic website and got some information, but there is no mention on how many surgeries this doctor has performed or anything. He will accept all the tests I have had done for Dr. Blackstone, but I would have to see an internist or endocrinologist prior to my consult with the surgeon. I am happy to have options, as it makes me feel like I am apart of the process instead of its victim. For now, Marcie and I are going to wait until March to decide what to do, because Dr. Blackstone's office said that any changes that would see me with an earlier appointment would happen by then. We want Dr. Blackstone, because she has experience with High BMI's like mine (one might call her a Specialist with high BMI ). I really feel she is the best option for me, and so for now we are going to wait and see what happens. Besides, my insurance has already got a signed contract with her office and that means one less headache for me. Ohh Yeah, I got my results from my visit with the cardiologist. I have been given clearance for surgery. My echo showed a healthy Left ventricle, with mild enlarging of the rest of my heart. My blood volume was normal, I have some thickening of muscle tissue in one chamber, and I have sclerosis of one of my valves. Of course I thought I was dieing when I heard this, but they assured me it is mild and not a concern... YET!!! My Stress test showed the same issues, but I had a normal response to the stress. I have a green light for surgery, and for exercise (except for heavy weightlifting). Hooray for our team!!!! Keep Dr. Blackstone, My wife and unborn child and me, in your prayers. Richard I.
on 2/8/07 2:34 am - Layton, UT
Richard, I have 2 guy friends in my Chandler support group who had Dr. Swain at Mayo. Their total program is very impressive but then we wouldn't expect anything but the very best from Mayo. .... One of my girlfriends said that Mayo did not have to be a Center of Excellence because they were the almighty "Mayo Clinic"!!! ....the thing to consider with them is that they aren't trying to fill any quotos or pocket books or whatever....the surgeons work for Mayo and not for themselves and so they can turn someone away completely (and they do) who may not be a compliant patient or who they consider is a risk. So, I'd feel very confident if I was kept on as one of their patients. I'll bet things work out for you with Dr. Blackstone. If you feel comfortable with her speciality with the high BMI's then that is very very important and a good enough reason to put up with some of the inconveniences going on. Your family will be in my prayers! I'll bet you will be the best Daddy in the world and won't it be a happy future where you'll be able to participate actively in his/her life with good health! Planning for the wee one will help this time pass quickly for you. Hugggzzz to you and your wife, Joyce
on 2/9/07 8:59 am - Farmington, NM
Thank you... Richard
M. clarke
on 2/8/07 2:35 am
Richard, I don't know about that doctor, but the Mayo clinic is one of the best. If your insurance will pay for you to go there I think that is a plus. I know October would be a long time to wait, and I'm sure you would like to be healed and back on your feet, and eating some what regular before your new baby gets here. I am 100% for Dr. Blackstone and her office, but I think you have a hard situation. The most important part is for you to stay positive and not get stressed over it. Stress is no good for your heart, and it also slows down our weight loss. So take good care of yourself, and all this will work itself out. I am a believer in what is meant to be will be.
on 2/8/07 3:27 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Richard: I started my weight loss surgery thinking I would have it done at the Mayo Clinic since my insurance would cover it there. WOW it was impressive to say the least. First class all the way. But let me tell you why I did not go thur with them. On your first appointment you see a different doctor. My initial visit must have been at least 1 hour long if not longer. They do not rush you. They have a LONG clearance list that you must go thur before you ever see Dr.Swain. Where most doctors require you to attend 3 pre classes (eating classes) the Mayo REQUIRES you attend 12 (I understand they have a GREAT after care program). I also had several appointments changed. I had my cardiac and pulmonary scheduled the same day and they called and canceled the dates twice. Because I work I could not attend all the classes either. It was too much while working. If I did not work I believe I would have continued with the Mayo even with there prices being higher. But on a tight schedule it was not doable. Another thing I just remembered on my initial consultant I was told they do not rush and I may not be scheduled for surgery for over 6 months. Like I believe Joyce stated they are not a Center of Excellence. They are above and beyond that. It was a totally different atmospher. Saying all this I ended up having surgery with Dr.Juarez and he did a fantastic job. I will always be grateful. I understand you may stay with Dr.Blackstone who I understand is also a great doctor. I know this has not been easy for you and you still have a major decision to make. I just hopes this information helps you a little. Good luck Pam
on 2/9/07 9:03 am - Farmington, NM
It does help thank you, I was impressed when I was told I could go to the Mayo clinic, but being from out of state, it might take even longer to get it scheduled with them. I feel just as lucky to be a patient of Dr. Blackstone. She has such a good reputation especially for us High BMI patients. For now I think we are going to stick it out and wait for Dr. Blackstone... Her staff has been so wonderful!!! Richard
on 2/8/07 11:23 am - Peoria, AZ
Richard, I used Dr. Blackstone and can't say enough about her and her staff. She gave me my life back. Lets look back in time about 18 month. I was a svelt 411 pounds. My life revolved around my next meal. I had aches and pains. I was high risk for the surgery. I chose Dr. B because of several reason....the most important to me was her success at doing LAP RNY with high BMI patients. I had my surgery...first question when I woke up was did you do it LAP. Her response was "did you have any doubt that I would". She is a great person and surgeon. Now lets fast forward through the next several months post op. I was losing ~20#'s per month. I got more active. I got more productive. I started doing things in my life that I never imagined I could do....such as playing hockey.....playing softball...running for fun....riding quads......riding a harley..and my favorite.....buying 34" waist jeans (I started this process at a 68" waist)....I guess what I am trying to say is that the weight loss will come.....just a by product of this surgery. But you need to feel 100% comfortable with your surgeon. In reading your note it sounds to me that you have a comfort it takes a few more the long run it is only time...and after the surgery...your time is going to oh so much different... Best of luck to will change your life Dave 411/195/170
on 2/8/07 2:05 pm - Layton, UT
Oh my gosh! My brain is fuzzy at almost midnight tonight but I can still do a bit of math and your weight loss is INCREDIBLE Mr. Dave! .....High Fives! Hallelujah and Happy Dances for you! You are less than half the man you used to be !!!!! Congratulations! You are a LOSER!!!!! Wooooooooo Hoooooooooo! Joyce P.S. I can't remember what area of AZ you are from but I'll bet our Chandler Support group would LOVE to have you come and speak to motivate and inspire us!!! Possibility?
M. clarke
on 2/8/07 2:56 pm
That is an outstanding weight loss! Way to Go! You must feel so wonderful.
on 2/9/07 9:08 am - Farmington, NM
Thank you Dave, It is very nice to hear from a fellow Dr. Blackstone patient. I am excited that she is going to be my surgeon. Her reputation and sucess rate is very impressive, especially when people with high BMI's like myself are involved. I can hardly wait to return to all the activities I miss... Hiking, Football, Martial Arts. I also believe that once I begin to feel better my career options will open up. I am glad that Dr. Blackstone was there for you, and excited that a surgeon of her quality will be ther for me. Thank you again, and please keep me posted on your weight loss... Richard
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