Drink Ideas Please

Nicole W.
on 2/8/07 7:56 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Yup... you shouldn't have any of that stuff until you are least 4 months out on Dr. Blackstone's program. I haven't had anything bu****er or herbal tea since I had the surgery (here and there i am bad and I have a tiny bit of diet coke) but I was a big water drinker prior to surgery so it doesn't bother me. Dr. Blackstone wants you to learn healthy eating as well as drinking habits after surgery and that is one of the reasons why for the food and fluid restrictions post op. After a month you can add Lemon to your water.
on 2/8/07 9:19 am
What about Splenda? Did they say no to that also? I also heard somewhere about some sweetner called Stevia, but I don't know anything else about it. Might be something you can check into. Good luck, Gina
on 2/8/07 9:55 am - Glendale, AZ
If I remember right, from a million years ago.... The reason you are not to have artificial sweetners is that they believe it will cause cravings or trigger a hunger response when you aren't really hungry. I was told we could have Crystal Lite, but I couldn't, and still can't, stand it full-strength so just used a couple of drops to flavor my water. I haven't experienced any unwarranted hunger after drinking water with a little Crystal Lite in it. I'm not advocating not following your surgeon's directions, just telling you what worked for me. Connie
Maureen O.
on 2/8/07 10:26 am - Glendale, AZ
Connie, you are right. They told us no sweetners because it will trigger cravings for sweets. They even mentioned Crystal Lite and said we should not have it because it has artifical sweetner in it. I was in the store today looking for something that is sugar free to drink but everything has splenda in it. I guess I will only drink water until I can find something that will work for me and doesn't have sweetner in it. Thanks for everyone's reply, Maureen
on 2/9/07 10:32 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
HI Maureen: With my doctor we can have Chrystal Lite and believe me there are a lot of people out there who could not get there water in if they did not add it. What I do is get a bottle of water and put a tiny bit in. Just enough to give it color. My mind tells me its not plain water. It works perfect. As for hunger PERSONALLY it does not effect me whatsoever. In fact I have to force myself to eat. I cook every day for my family and still hunger or cravings do not effect me. I have seen many many post on the main board where people have been drinking Chrystal Lite and done fine. If you can get your water in with lemon or whatever that's great but if you get in a pinch try it. Good luck. Pam
on 2/9/07 12:37 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Just to answer your questions about Stevia: I use it occassionally to sweeten tea and lemoade. This is a treat for me in lieu of high calorie foods when I get a craving. Getting over cravings is difficult. You want to use sweetened beverages only as a treat, not every day. Get used to water. Stevia is a healthy option as is Splenda. However, wait till you are 4 months out and then clear it with your Nut. Mary Stevia rebaudiana Asteracea History and Folklore: This herb has been used for centuries by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay. They called it 'kaa-he-he" which, in their native vernacular means," sweet herb. These native people use stevia primarily as a sweetener of a beverage commonly used bitter called mate. Other uses included sweetening herbal medicines and just chewing the leaves for the taste. It was first "discovered" by non Native explorer, Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni, the director of the College of Agriculture in Asuncion in 1903. Where it is found: Stevia originates in the Paraguay Amambay Mountain Regions. However, since its' discovery and subsequent distribution it has been successfully cultivated in other South American countries as well as the some parts of Asia. Primary uses: Primarily, this plant is used as a culinary sweetener. Secondary uses: Stevia has also been discovered to be a natural antibacterial and antiviral agent. For diabetics, Stevia offers a safe, natural alternative to artificial sweeteners available on the market. Since stevia in non-caloric it is also helpful when used as a weight management tool. Successful uses: In addition to its original use by the native peoples of Paraguay, it has been used to sweeten ice cream, confections, bread and manufactured beverages such as soda. It currently represents 40% of the sweetening market in Japan. Other interesting facts: The wide distribution of Stevia has been greatly hampered by Government restrictions as well as Sugar and Artificial Sweetener manufactures. It definitely poses a threat to the sugar industry. Preparation: Stevia can be used without any preparation at all as in plucking a leaf from the plant and chewing it for gastro-oral satisfaction. However, and for broad distribution, Stevia has been distributed in liquid and powdered forms in addition to its natural form after drying. In its dried natural state, 2 leaves or stems infused in a cup of ho****er with other herbal tea for 20 minutes will result in a sweetened beverage. Purchased in a derivative form of powdered Stevia or liquid it can be simply added to food or beverages in an amount as desired by individual taste.
on 2/10/07 5:14 am - Mesa, AZ
I like to use True Lemon or True Lime. It's a flavoring that has "zero" everything. No sugar, no fat, no carbs, etc. I just add a little to my bottled water and it tastes great. It can also be used in recipes to add lemon or lime flavoring. You can go to their website - www.truelemon.com and get free samples sent to you. Or you can buy boxes of individual packets at almost any grocery store. I bought my box at Fry's. Just an FYI... According to Dr Emershad, there have been studies done on crystal lite and they found your body mistakes the artifical sweetner as sugar. This only seems to happen with the crystal lite brand. She said under no cir****tances to use crystal lite but all other brands are fine to drink.
on 2/10/07 6:49 am - Layton, UT
Bummer! I LOVE my Crystal Light. I'm an oldie at 4 years post-op though and have settled into the train of thought that life is about being 90 % on track. I start my morning with a protein drink, I drink pure water at the gym and afterwards, follow my workout with a protein drink and then drink pure water before lunch. BUT.....the rest of the day, I flavor my water bottles with a bit of Crystal Light. ... I"ve heard the deal about splenda and other sweeteners but I"ve decided that if I"m not stuffing my face with fat and sugar like I used to as a pre-op then a little "sugar-free" treat which has been recommended by several docs as a very good choice, can't hurt much? (my 10%) Oh well, I lost 143 pounds and drank crystal light the entire time I was losing.....(my surgeon's program did not ban it) but, I have virigin lips with anything that is carffeinated! Caffeine has definitely been proven to stimulate the appetite! The True Lemon sounds like a good option. I know that many folks like a slice of cucumber in their water to balance the ph. I haven't tried it but apparently it does a great trick for those who can't choke down pure water! Joyce P.S. Is anyone else having the Valentine's chocolate call their name???? I would love to have just a little bite of Darlene's Valentine's cake. (using a pitch fork!)
M. clarke
on 2/10/07 9:01 am
Thanks Michelle. I just went to the site and ordered a free sample. I have a notion that I will just prefer to use real lemons or limes, but it is certainly worth a try. I'm finding that things with artificial sweeteners just taste bad to me anyways. I'm sure my taste will continue to change though and I might find that I like some of that stuff again. But for now I am trying to avoid putting to much bad stuff back into my system.
on 2/10/07 8:17 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Since I cannot stand plain water I am going to continue drinking Chrystal Lite. Now mind you I am only putting in a TINY bit to give it coloring. Its a mind thing. Since my doctor has approved it I don't feel guilty drinking it. This way I will continue to get all my water in. My husband is a diabetic. One of the drinks his doctor advised him to drink was Chrystal Lite and his sugar has been under control now for the last two years. But I will also take a look at that website that was just posted. If there is a healthier way I'm all for trying it. But my number one concern will always be getting in enough water and if a tiny bit of Chrystal Lite is what I need I will continue to use it. Pam
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