Hair Loss

M. clarke
on 2/7/07 2:04 pm
I do take the selenium. I can't say I have ever been able to tell the difference between taking it and not taking it. Unfortunatly the 3 month thing is true. It may vary a few weeks less or more, but if your noticing miraculous differences in just a few weeks of starting vitamins, those are likely changes that were going to happen regardless of the vitamins. If my body is hungry and needs protein it isn't going to care how much selinium I am taking. It is going to reserve its protein all it can, which means killing off my hair So yes I still take the selinium not so much because I believe it is going to help, but I figure it can't hurt Some Hair trivia The anagen phase of hair is about 3-7 years (this is the growth period). Then the hair goes into a catagen phase or resting phase. (This is when the hair dies.) It takes about 2-4 weeks. Then it goes into a The telegen phase of hair last about 3 months. This is the shedding period of hair after it dies. It can be pulled out (like combing or washing your hair) or it will naturally shed when the next anagen phase begins and it is pushed out by the new hair coming in. Plucking your hair will start the next growth phase. At anytime 1/10 of our hair is in a shedding period. (this is why we don't go bald during normal shedding, all our hair is in different cycles at once) How long the anagen phase last depends on your genetics (which means you may never be able to grow your hair down to your waist even if you wanted to, unless your genetics allow for it) When people crash diet (or have surgery like we did) the body tries to reserve its protein by moving more hairs into the resting or catagen phase resulting in a large quantity of shedding to follow.
on 2/8/07 12:30 am - Layton, UT
Labs are our true report card on our vitamins/supplements. I get mine taken every 6 months; track the trends and then respond by immediately adjusting/adding the needed supplements. You are right about our body/hair responding a bit down the lane.......that's why it's so important to stay ahead of the game. By the tme our bodies do a natural response to trauma and missing vites; it is sometimes way too late. But, many vites can make a differnce right away. B12 via sublingual or shots can be absorbed immediately. Our energy levels can respond to it immediately. An excellent source of files on Weight loss patients and all the supplemental research can be found on the Obesity Surgery Support Group - Graduate site. Those folks have been collecting research since the first weight loss surgery was performed zillions of years ago. You have to join Yahoo groups first (FREE) and then in the search window, type: OSSG-Graduates You have to be a year or more post-op to chat on that site but I think they let anyone access their files. Good luck with your lovely locks! and....consider a drain insert for your shower.....mine was always a MESS!!!! ......grumbly hubby.....clogged drain..... Joyce
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/07 10:41 am - AZ
Hey Melissa, not looking foward to that. My hair is somewhere in the middle. I wear it up alot and try to not blow dry it too much. I am going to start taking that biotin now. Couldn't hurt. Good luck tommorrow let me know how it goes tommorrow... Erin
M. clarke
on 2/7/07 2:08 pm
Thanks Erin. I agree it can't hurt! I will let you know how it goes. I stopped wearing mine up. I used to wear pony tails, but lately my scalp has been hurting really really bad when I wear a pony tail. Like every single hair is being pulled out at once. So I can't wear them anymore. I do keep clips all over the place though so i can quickly clip it when ... well.. when I throw up. LOL. Speaking of which. I was able to eat 2 chicken nuggets for lunch. But then I tried to have some turkey for dinner. I've been throwing up for like 2 hours now. But the chicken nuggets went down! Dosen't make any sense to me.
M. clarke
on 2/7/07 2:13 pm
Now i'm throwing up water. This is ridiculous! I really hope they have some answers for me tommorrow morning! I will post after I know something and let everyone know. Thank you all by the way for the concern and emails and posts. I appreciate it.
Nicole W.
on 2/7/07 2:46 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
coughstricturecough what time is your appointment? I am going to the hospital in the AM to see Ellen.
M. clarke
on 2/7/07 3:38 pm
LOL. it is at 9:45.
M. clarke
on 2/8/07 2:49 am
Okay.. So Randy thinks I might have a stricture...LOL. So you girls were right. I won't know for sure until probably Monday or Tuesday. They will try to get me in tommorrow if they can, but seeings I can keep water and such down its not an emergency. Which makes total sense they need to get those that are dehydrated in first. And I'm not in any big rush to have them stick something down my throat anyways. It will be really nice though if that is the problem and it can solve my throwing up all the time, and allow me to eat some meat. He did tell me to stop eating the mashpotatoes (which I knew he would). On another positive note... I was depressed because I had only lost 8 pounds this month; however according to their scale I lost 15 pounds in fat, and gained 7 in muscle! So I guess I shouldn't trust my scale so much at home.
Nicole W.
on 2/8/07 4:50 am - Cave Creek, AZ
8lbs is good! you gotta eat to lose weight... get that metabolism moving. with a stricture and throwing your food up doesn't help. I lost 15lbs this month, I wasn't expecting more because I slacked on my exercise this month. I was stoked with that! The endoscope is a piece of cake, they knock you out for it anyway. You won't remember a thing!
M. clarke
on 2/8/07 4:59 am
Thanks. 8 was disappointing when you figure i lost 28 the month before or something like that. But your right I do have to eat to get the metabolism going and I have also been slacking off on my exercise and protein intake. Awsome on losing the 15! We wont know for sure if it's a sticture until I go in. I hope it is just so i can get this all solved. It was able to eat so good the 2nd and 3rd week after surgery I was so sure I was going to breeze through this. I started throwing up after week 3 and haven't stopped. That is when the strictures develope right? About week 3 or so? SO hopefully this is my answer. I will know soon
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