Starting all over now....

on 2/6/07 12:49 am - Flagstaff, AZ
Back in early 2004 I my husband and I were trying to have baby #2 after a year of trying I decided I would set my sight on another goal....WLS I had gotten as far as having my nut. eval and set up a consult with Dr. Fang and wouldnt ya know it I found out I was pregnant. So here I have a 21 month old baby and I'm still overweight (BMI 42.6) and I am at the begining of this road again. I just got approved for ACHHHS APIPA a few weeks ago and called the Local Bariatric surgeon ( I live in Flagstaff) Dr. Berger's office and I asked the nurse if she could tell me who was a WLS friendly PCP in the area that would help me in my WLS journey. The very helpful lady told me the name of Dr. Guadalupe Woodson. I then called and set up an first time appt. and also was told by the nurse at Dr. Bergers office to go o thier once monthly seminar. So I am going to the seminar on Feb. 13th with my husband then on the 15th I have my first appointment with my PCP where I will discuss my comcerns with my weight and hopefully she will give me a refferal to the surgeon and help me get on my way. So this morning I wrote out all my past "attempts with diets" and I was just wondering if there was anything else I should do/get to take with me to that first appointment. If you have read all this thanks I can use all the help I can get.
Nicole W.
on 2/6/07 1:44 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi jennifer, If you have any documentation of your attempts at weight loss, like Weigh****chers records, Jenny Craig... anything that will show your weight and numbers that will help a great deal. Also if you taken any prescription medications to aide in weight loss. I took Meridia under my PCP, so she had the documentation . Good Luck to you! ~Nicole
on 2/6/07 1:49 am - Flagstaff, AZ
The only thing I have that was documented was the Phentramine I was prescribed back in 2000, but that was in another state, is there anyway I could get those records? Also I have been a member of Curves Since May of 2005, I havent gone in forever but still havent cancelled my membership.
Nicole W.
on 2/6/07 1:53 am - Cave Creek, AZ
You should be able to get the phentramine record... call the doctors office and request copies of your medical records. It is always good to have. I have seen insurance companies turn around and want at least 5 years history of obesity (I had 15 years of documentation) so it would be good to have. Maybe your new PCP can use your old doc's notes to help support your case. Yep... gym memberships with help also. I got records from a gym I went to in NY and Bally's. I think it helped. Usually you can just call them and they will send you a letter.
on 2/6/07 2:27 am - Flagstaff, AZ
Ok, so I called the old Dr's office and they said I coulddo it by mail or I could have my pcp fax a medical record request when I go see her on the 15th. I aslo called Curves and she is going to mail me my contract. I's a start.
Candi Y.
on 2/6/07 8:12 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey Jen, I am no pro in the early stages of my WLS with Doc SImpson, I have chosen Lapband. but I am a self pay Is ACCCHS covering this surgery for you??? I was denied after months & months of fighting them and tests and just can't live like this anymore BMI 47.3. Not sure if I was a help or a hinder.... GOOD LUCK!! Candi Cottonwood,Az
on 2/6/07 11:04 am - Tucson, AZ
When I did my paperwork for SBC I even included hypnosis CDs that I had bought. I also belonged to Curves for 1 1/2 years--I think I went 5 times total. They don't know that part--just the date you enrolled. I think if we added up all the money that has been spent on different attempts at dieting we would all be rich! I researched alot before I gave my paperwork in and one of the sources said to write a letter to your insurance company to be added with the original request stating how being overweight has affected all aspects of your life. They said that it makes you "real" and not just another name on a piece of paper. I did that--I don't know if it made a difference or not but I got approved the first time. I didn't want to leave anything to chance. I think it depends if your insurance has WLS as a benefit. Good luck!
on 2/6/07 11:39 pm - Flagstaff, AZ
I called the insurance company yesterday the lady I spoke with (was actually nice to me...LOL) said it is covered if it is medically nessacary. Like I said I don't know what if any my co-morb's are but I have a BMI over 40 a hundred pounds overweight at least and my family carries a lot of problems I could face if my weight is not shed, like diabetes, high blood pressure( I had high blood pressure with both my pregnancies) high cholesterol and cancer up the ying yang on my moms side. So I might not have these things yet but I am still somewhat young only 26 so whos to say they wouldnt show up in the future if I couldnt have the WLS. Anyways now I'm just repeating stuff
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