Today is day 5 post-op and it's a better day

on 1/31/07 1:56 am - Austin , TX
Yesterday I had a little more pain than I would have liked, had to take some pain stuff around noon. It seemed to take the edge off and lasted all day into the evening. I laid down in the afternoon to help things along and it did seem to. Cuts into my water drinking time. I use to drink so much (I thought) water before, now it's a real chore! I find myself being a little depressed and I have not figured out may be because I'm home and not at my office where so much is going on....but I honestly can't see myself there while I'm not myself. I'm looking forward to getting out tomorrow to the post-op class. I think it lasts most of the morning, it will be nice to see other lap-band people. I'm still not hungry, and I still have pain in my left shoulder. Sometimes it's intense, that's when I use the heating pad, it does help. But the incisions are feeling better and are itching! I hate that! But I know it's normal. Anyway, that's all that's new with me. How's everyone else doing?????
on 1/31/07 2:09 am - Layton, UT
Hey Carole, I'm 9 days post-op from a totally different kind of surgery and I'm depressed too! I think it just kicks us mentally when we're not in control of our physical and when we're out of our active comfort zone in our familiar routine. I am finding that I MUST change my surroundings often to keep sane. I went to the gym this morning and though I can only walk very slowly on the tradmill right now for only 20 minutes....I at least got out. .....I'll bet your spirits are soooo much better tomorrow when you can hang with others in the same boat. It sounds like you are taking good care of yourself just do some focus on those new clothes coming your way and that revved up energy that's just around the corner. Do you have some yummy smelling lotions to rub on your incicsions or does your doc want you to keep away from them for now? Since we're both in the East Valley, maybe we could do a slow walk and talk together sometimes while we're both stil recouping? When are you planning on heading back to work? Hugggzzz, Joyce
on 2/2/07 1:51 am - Austin , TX
Glad to hear other's get depressed too. I thought yesterday would have helped. I felt good getting out, walking into the hospital, no problem. Then I started to cough up some flem again, my allergy cough has pretty much gone away, it's all this flem that builds up until you have to cough it up. I didn't have a pilllow with me so I just supported my incisions the best I could. Didn't work, as we did some of the exercises the whole class had to take part in, I felt myself feeling really bad. By the time the class was over I could barely walk out of the hospital to the car, I was in so much pain. I was so glad my husband drove. I called the doc's office and felt better after I spoke to the nurse, I pretty much crashed after that, took pain stuff, and used the heating pad. Today's a much better day...but that really added to being depressed. I'd like to try to go into my office next week for maybe half days. I'll see how it goes over the weekend. It would be fun to take a walk, right now I'm only walking in my house and the grocery store with hubby. I haven't driven yet, not until I'm off pain meds. Smelly lotions sound like fun, weren't told I couldn't do that. Sounds good..... I'll have to pm you with my cell number....and see what we can work out. Thanks Joyce....
Nicole W.
on 1/31/07 2:17 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Carole, I know what you mean about the water intake, that is one of my biggest struggles still... I used to drink three 32oz waters pre-op and now I am lucky if I can get 2 in. I know the weather is not the best today, but when I walked, the shoulder pain went away quicker. It's uncomfortable at first, but after a few days the pain was gone. I think you just need to release those chemicals out of your system and the fastest way is thru your skin and urine! Get used to be not hungry... I haven't been hungry in months! I just know that I need to eat, so its time to eat. Feel better soon... I am off to work, be back tonight since I no longer have internet at work.
on 1/31/07 3:59 am
I'm day 8 post op from my RNY and yesterday was my depression day. But today is going so much better. I think it stems mostly from having had surgery. It's so nice that you can attend a support group. I am looking for one here in Kingman. I totally understand about the water. It seems like in the morning I can't get much in but by bedtime I have managed to get it in. Don't give up...keep up the good work. Gina
M. clarke
on 1/31/07 5:42 am
Carole. I lived with the heating pad on for the first week! It is the best for the pain I think. Nicole is right walking is the best to help the pain in the shoulder. Although I found it tended to build up and get worse when I walked, it was also the only way to get rid of it. I set my clock for every two hours and walked circles around my kitchen and living room for 10 minutes. It was boring, but I didn't feel up to walking outdoors until about 1 1/2 weeks or so. Then again I never got out of my pajama's and that would have meant getting dressed, and I wasn't about to put anything tight on my tummy like pants I found it helpful to keep a journal (I probably should still be doing that) at first to mark my eating, drinking, breathing, and walking. It helped me to make sure I was doing everything I was supposed to. Glad you are able to get on the computer that is a good sign!!
Candi Y.
on 1/31/07 10:45 pm - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey Carol, Glad to hear your feeling a bit better, you will have to fill me in on EVERYTHING, the liquids drinks, the pain, ect... Today I am driving into Phoenix to meet with Dr. Simpson for my first evaluation, I have so many mixed feeling, but my strongest is excited!!!! When your up to it, IF you can give me all the details, pre-surgery on liquids, surgery pain and now.....So its 5 days since your surgery and your not hungry???? Gotta let me know, when your feeling up to it. hang in there, candi
on 2/2/07 1:07 am - Austin , TX
I will, but everyone is different, you may have a totally different experience. I'm really still not hungry, I think it might be because of all the water. But it's funny even the commercials on tv do not phase me a bit. I just know I have a very strict soft protein diet (not all the doctor's do this) and it's been proven over the years to help us get through this healing period with the least complications. For example, some doctor's think it's fine to have SF Popsicles during this time. Ours doesn't want us going there because it gets us into snacking. We're stricting 3 meals, for 20 minutes, no water 30 min before or after. None of the artificial sweeteners are recommended as the doc feels some people are negatively affected wanting carbohydrates. Since our diet is pretty much all soft protein right now, we can't go there. Anyway, good luck with your doctor appt. make sure their after care program will work for you. I think it's as important as selecting your surgeon.
Nicole W.
on 2/2/07 1:33 am - Cave Creek, AZ
I don't know about lapbands... but I haven't been hungry since I had my surgery!
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