Hair Loss

Nicole W.
on 1/29/07 5:10 am - Cave Creek, AZ
I knew this day was going to come... My hair is starting to fall out and more often! I always lost hair in my comb daily after a shower. But now I am washing my hair, hair now comes out in probably 15-20 strands. How long does this last? Since it already started, is there a way to slow it down? Is it better to have your hair long or short during this? My hair is probably 3/4 way down my back at the moment and layered, debating if I should go see my hairstylist now or later.
on 1/29/07 5:31 am - Layton, UT
Never too late to add: 1. Biotin tabs (little white tablets that are easy to swallow and cheap from WalMart). They are a form of vitamin B and specifically help nails, hair and skin. I am 4 years post-op and still take 1500 mcg (1 tablet) in the morning and again in the evening 2. Increase protein. Try to stay on the up side of 100 grams per day. 3. Keep up your vitamin supplements. 4. Try Nioxin shampoo products or other such products that are made for hair loss. ... kind of expensive but you can often find coupons on-line. 5. Massage your scalp often (better yet....have someone else massage your scalp....ahhhhhhhh!!!!) then....consider - shorter hair makeover for the period of the shedding cute wig....hey, it might become your new fun and fast look! patience - it WILL end and you'll most likely end up with healthier hair than you've ever had! Period of shedding? averages are between the 6th month po to the 18th month....but yrmv .... Huggggzzz to you! Joyce
on 1/29/07 5:36 am
Nicole Go and get some Biotin caps at the phamacy - no script needed , It wil last about a month - at least mine did , I am currently taking (5) 500 mcg capsules once per day ! also keep up on other"B" vitamins - Randy explained to me its your body - it thinks its starving .. so its sending all vital nutrients to your internal organs - takes its toll on hte hair & skin .. Also get a good body lotion and keep yourself lathered up ! or you'll get dried out .. My hair is starting to grow again ! And it got Pretty Thin ! - I have a great wig to wear fro special events . It took a good month of vitamins & biotin therapy I also started to use Womens Rogaine - Just in case ....
Nicole W.
on 1/29/07 5:45 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Thanks Joyce & Jean, I will definately go and buy some Biotin today and start taking that ASAP!
M. clarke
on 1/29/07 5:57 am
Nicole, I have lost my hair before due to medications from my neurologists for my back. I haven't had to do extensions or wigs in the past, but I probably will this time with the double whammy of the medications and the surgery. The unfortunate part of it is that the hair loss you are having today is caused by either stress or malnutrition from 3 months ago. So unless you have time machine and can go back in time there isn't much you can do about your loss today or for the next three months. Both my neurologist and my hair stylist have advised I can take extra vitamins if I want, but in truth it is just what it is and there isn't much that can be done about it. The vitamin they both recommended was Selenium which can be bought at any drugstore. Just keep in mind anything you do today you wont see the effects on your hair for 3 months. I think I am going to go with the hair extensions if I lose to much this time. I have spent way to much time growing my hair and really don't want to cut it. It is half way down my back. I would cry if I had to cut it all off. I have heard also that it grows back more healthy. Not sure that I ever noticed that in mine, but I did lose a lot of my natural curl. Which is cool as I usually straight iron my hair anyways. LOL. So that worked out for me.
M. clarke
on 1/29/07 6:13 am
p.s. A more medical explanation in short (because I know you like the medical is that your hair goes into a resting period (thats when it is dead) and it can't be shed until the new hair follicles basically pu**** out with takes 2-4 months.
Nicole W.
on 1/29/07 8:24 am - Cave Creek, AZ
I have never gotten hair extensions... how do they attach them if your hair is falling out? They are pretty expensive, correct?
M. clarke
on 1/29/07 8:42 am
I think they are a couple of hundred if you get the kind they braid into your hair, and those obviously grow out and need upkeep. The ones my stylist suggested she said you could get online for like $150.00 and they clip into your hair. So you can kinda clip them in to fill the thinning spots. Or if you just want to use them for special occasions like going out on the weekend you can just use them then. Depends on how bad your hair loss is I think. You can get them the same color and texture as your hair. I am not sure the website but I think you can just do a search and find them. She has had a few clients that went through the hair loss. She said it can get pretty bad. I am hopeful I have enough thickness to get me through.
on 1/29/07 11:19 am
There are different type of hair extensions available - the best type, most natural looking are made or real human hair and are connected to a few strands of your own hair in bundles. They are permanently connected using a wax type product and it will be melted onto the strands of hair. The end product looks more natural but you can feel the little "knobs" if you run your fingers around your head. The cost of this one is about $1500.00+ for a full head. You can also get the type that clip onto clumps of hair but they cause a part in your hair so your hair tends to fall open where the clips are so people can see them and obviously feel them if you touch your hair. These can be removed and replaced, I do not know the cost for this type. The third type is a braided in type but you have to have your hair braided to have them and the cost will depend on how many braids your head requires plus the cost of the extensions.
on 1/29/07 8:08 am - Glendale, AZ
I lost hair from about month three through about the 9th month. I think I lost about 1/2 of my hair volume and ended up cutting it shorter. A good cut really will make your hair look fuller, but I'd wait and see how it goes for you. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones. Also, a word to the wise here. There have been a couple of times when I've slacked off on protein and the results showed up on the shower floor down the road. Even at three years out, if I'm not diligent with my protein intake, I'll lose hair. Connie
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