on 1/23/07 11:32 pm
Good Morning I finally changed to yet another profile to get back on the site . Any how I have a question ...... Did anyone have no issue with their thyroid till after surgery ?? I saw my wonderfull primary care lastnight and he seems to think my blood test results are too high ( almost out of range ) and he wants to retest the TSH ** maybe this is why I am loosing so much hair ?? So as much as I hate to get poked -- I am going in next week to do the blood draw - He has also agree'd to pull blood when ever I ask and keep up on my labs - Since in June I will no longer be checking in with Dr Blackstone's Office - I will miss Randy ! - he's a sweetie. Jeanna 7/18/06 down 108,, another 100 to go !
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/07 1:04 am - Phoenix, AZ
I think you'll find it is very coincidental. Something to keep in mind, #1) Many (most?) thyroid problems go undiagnosed for a very long time and that is for a variety of reasons. #2) The American Endo Assoc. has changed the "normal" values for TSH and Free T4. What used to be considered "normal range" is no longer considered normal at all. I'm sorry, for the life of me I can't begin to tell you the new correct normal range but it is about half of what it used to be. So 3 years ago your labs could have been considered absolutely normal and today those same values represent hypothyroidism. One of the problems is that many family practitioners don't realize this change or they don't agree with it. Well, I'd put my money on an endo for thyroid problems over a GP/family practice type doc. But the true test is how you feel and if you are having symptoms. One can have perfectly normal lab values and still not feel well or have symptoms. Normal values are for the majority of the population, not everyone. They are a guide and that is all. One needs to look at all the labs together combined with symptoms instead of one at a time. If you want a great source of the latest studies, changes in thinking, etc. there is a thyroid forum on that is just fantastic. I haven't been there in ages but I was very impressed with it when I was there. A few of the regs will jump in and correct outdated info if someone posts something incorrectly. These folks are better at reading labs than some docs I know and I've been working with docs for over 20 years. ;o)
on 1/24/07 2:24 am - Gilbert, AZ
I hope your doctor will also be testing for thyroid antibodies. I have none and thus my thyroid problem is from a different source. I finally did a 24 hour urine collection and discovered that my problem is caused by an iodine deficiency. I use a "paint on" method with iodine to help with that problem, but it is not what a person with antibodies would do. Will your doctor be testing for Vitamin A, D, B1, zinc, magnesium, etc. etc.? It is important. I do have a list of suggested labs that was put together by long term grads on my website. These bodies of ours require much more attention to what is going on than ever before. Hair loss can be related to thyroid, low zinc, low protein levels, and probably other things as well. Sandy
on 1/27/07 12:12 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Jeanna, As your friend i just want u to know even though you are losing your hair your doing great. I havent had the tyroid problem. just want u to know that i have been watching you and your doing great i am glad we are friends may your day be great. I know your going to get a kick out of me responding to this since i just got off the phone with u.. thanks for being so suportive
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