Surgery Tomorrow...

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/07 8:36 am - avondale, AZ
I can't believe I begin my new journey tomorrow. Im so excited, so nervous, and so hungry. Did you ever realize that every other commercial is about food? UGH!! All day I was so nervous the phone would ring and my surgery would be post poned again. Would you believe the phone rang... and it was SBC, I was so freaking nervous. They called to tell me my blood test were now more than 30 days old. Well duh, I had them drawn for my first surgery. Could they have called me more than 24 hours to let me know? So they said they may make me go in the morning and do the lab tests all over again. No big deal, but I don't want to have to pay for them again. Oh well, here's to a new begining!! Talk to you all on the losing side. Danielle
M. clarke
on 1/23/07 8:52 am
LOL. Yes, all the commercials seem to be about food. Especially late at night. The pizza and hamburger commercials. I remember being hungry the night before too. Although mostly I just wanted soda pop. Just keep in mind that after tomorrow it will be at least a few weeks before you are hungry again. Try to drink lots of water before Midnight (or when ever they told you to stop). Great luck with your surgery tomorrow! How very exciting for you! I hope your recovery is speedy!
Nicole W.
on 1/23/07 3:07 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Hey... don't you look beautiful in that picture!!!
M. clarke
on 1/23/07 3:36 pm
: blush : awe shucks.. you are always so sweet Nicole.. its an older pic. i just thought it looked more fun and natural then my other one.
(deactivated member)
on 1/23/07 10:07 am - AZ
Dannelle, good luck tommorrow. Try to get some sleep tonight, it will really help to relax you before surgery. I had to be at the hospital at 6 am. Try not to think about the food, hunger will go away soon. I am doing pretty good now. I still get neasea every day at some point in the day, but the first week is tough!! If you need us were here. Best of luck to ya!!! Erin
on 1/23/07 11:44 am - Avondale, AZ
Danielle Good luck tomorrow!! I sent you a personal message last week but never heard back from you, I imagine that your mind is elsewhere and you are busy. If you happen to still be in the hospital when I go to my appointment on Friday I will stop up to see youif that is ok? I will be thinking positive thoughts for you. See you on the losing side. Cathy
on 1/23/07 12:32 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
HI Danielle: Well its being a long journey for you. We have been corresponding back and forth for months now. I remember we were both just beginning the process. WOW-Look at us now. I will say an extra prayer for you tomorrow and have bunches and bunches of postive thoughts for you. God Bless you Pam
Nicole W.
on 1/23/07 2:54 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Danielle, Good Luck tomorrow... you will be in my thoughts and prayers!!! Don't worry about the bloodwork, they will probably draw blood after they get the IV started, I guess they want something to reference too for post-op labs. I am sure the labs you had done last month are fine. Get used to being poked by at least 5am each morning you are there. Enjoy the pain meds and don't be afraid to do 2 laps on your first walk around... the more you walk the better you will be. If I can maybe I will stop by and visit on Thursday after work. ~Nicole
on 1/24/07 1:36 am - Austin , TX
Hi Danielle! Seems like it's here fast! I've been noticing all the food commercials too, food is everywhere. That's how we got into trouble..... I know what you mean about the dreaded phone call, last night after my pre-op appt. where they tell you your all set, nothing else is needed, a phone call from SBC asking me the dosage of one of the meds I take. She starts off the conversation with, "nothing is wrong" I think they know we are a little nervous! I saw the doc herself yesterday, she looked so good, and was easy to talk to. She said I was one of the few that got 100% on the test questions, so she didn't go over that part with me at all. She was a little concerned because my previous gallbladder surgery indicated to her I had a lot of scar tissue for her to remove. They don't make incisions that large anymore so she was a little surprised. I'm now wondering if removing this scar tissue means a little more pain during recovery. I didn't ask that part! She said it would take her longer in surgery to remove that. Great, always something! No point worrying about that now..... I probably won't see you until our class on the 30th, but I'll be thinking about you in the am, I know you'll do great and we'll have fun with our first meal....ugh! See you soon, w're almost loosers!!!!
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