what about those of us who have strange working hours not to many groups meet at
What about those of us who have strange working hours not to many groups meet at a park or mall or someplace? With my schdule it is hard to make those regularly schduled group meetings. I have hours that i never know till i go in if my schdule will change or not. I currently am in a situation where i will have set hours but still will not beable to meet at the suport groups cause of my hours. Dosent anyone else have this problem? i find out about a new job real soon and hoping it will work out. If anyone reading this wants to get together maybe we can set up our own group.
Are you looking for a support group that is coordinated with your surgeons office? or another one?
Scottsdale Bariatric Center has a support group for their patients the 1st Monday and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. I work evenings so I know how it is to try and rearrange your work schedule. Fortunately, I have a manager that is very supportive of my surgery and she lets me leave early when I want to go and make up my time. A few of us had made suggestions to have a Saturday morning group (even if it was once a month)... the staff loved the idea too, but I think they need to take a poll from the patients.
I have worked many different hours through the day since I was 19 or 20... my social life sucked for a while, but I was making some good money (which went to partying and going out with friends) but oh well. I work nights now because I go to school full time also and I love the night differential pay!
Take Care,