does anyone have
Thank you! That is Joshua - he was officially 1 year old the day we took that picture. It also just happened to be the same day that the NY Yankees came to play the AZ Diamondbacks (6/16/04). We could only stay for a couple innings but he got to go on his 1st birthday so we thought that was kewl!
Joshua is now 3 and if you check out my profile you'll see updated photos of him. He's still my cutie!
Take Care!
There is a guy at the Indoor Swapmart at 27th Ave north of Camelback (open Fri, Sat and Sun) that has all kinds of cool dietary stuff. I think if we all started going there he might give us an OHA discount! Let's DO IT!!! I will go in there this weekend and see if I can set something like that up......He'd certainly get a LOT of business, wouldn't he? Especially if we could get the docs to start referring him for the stuff. Hmmm....I think I'm onto something here. By the way, my surgery is scheduled for 2/7. Wish me luck!! God bless.