on 1/20/07 1:05 pm - Tucson, AZ
Ok I'm scheduled for surgery on Tuesday and as it is getting closer I am getting freaked out. I'm worried about dying or complications. I know % of death is less than .5% but I'm still freaking out. Anyone with some encouring words for me?
M. clarke
on 1/20/07 2:05 pm
If your concerned about dying during surgery, don't. It's not going to happen. No surgeon is going to let you die on the operating table. Surgical complications normally take place in the first 100 operations a doctor does. I am assuming you have chosen a doctor that has done more then 100 operations, therefore you are fine there also. (Still.. they aren't going to kill you even if they have done less then 100). Afterwards much of it is up to you if you get complications or not. Follow you doctors orders and you will do great. It is those who don't follow the orders (generally), like doing your walking, breathing treatments, water intake that get into trouble. Then they get blood clots. So unless you are planning on not following your Doctors orders, you have nothing to worry about there either. So relax. You are going to be just fine! No Worries.
Nicole W.
on 1/20/07 5:39 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Don't stress yourself out... you will be fine! Drink lots of water the night before your surgery, you are nice and hydrated for the IV. Good Luck to you!
on 1/21/07 12:10 am - Tucson, AZ
Is this the Chris from my support group at St Joe's? If it is, worry not, you are in great hands. You have a great surgeon, a great staff and a whole new life when you open your eyes afterwards (and you will!). Take care and I will say a prayer for you on Tuesday. Maryellen
on 1/21/07 1:34 am - Mesa, AZ
You will do fine, Listen to what the doctors and nurses tell you to do. After surgery dont be afraid to ask for pain medication. It will be important to get up and move around after surgery, but dont do it by yourself, have the nurse assist you in getting up. Anesthesia affects different people in different ways and you dont want to get dizzy and fall. Keep a pad and pen at your bedside so you can take notes when people provide information to you. Just relax and keep in mind if you needed your appendix out they would rush you right into surgery, with this surgery they have checked you out to make sure you will not have complications. Good luck on Tuesday Moira
on 1/21/07 2:21 am - Austin , TX
Good luck Chris, listen to Melissa, she makes a lot of sense. I have surgery next week as well and I can totally related to your freaked out state. I think if we weren't a little concerned we wouldn't be normal! You have to remember these surgeons, this is their specialty, there isn't much that could come up that they haven't handled before. The way I look at it, I think we have more chance of dying getting on the 101 fwy! The freeways around here are really dangerous....but we get on them. This surgery will add not only a better quality of life but years to it and save us from some of the more common morbidities that are waiting out there for us. There have been so many before us, that should give us confidence to keep gong forward. Hang in there, we will make it to the other side..not that I've ever wanted to be a loser, but this kind is a good thing! Take care and post again when you can...
on 1/21/07 2:25 am
I'm 6 days old now so I know where you're at, I tried really hard to maintain. The anestethiologist will keep you going, their job is to monitor your heart and respirations. They have medications to bring you out of sleep right away if they needed to. You'll be under and monitored for a little while prior to the surgery so they will have a good handle on everything. Every person in the operating room has a job to do and they have lots of machines watching your every muscle quiver, you won't have any thing they won't see. You'll be well taken care of while in surgery. Tell your surgeon to make sure you have something prior to surgery and when you come out of surgery for nausea, the anestethia makes most people nauseated. Also ask them to give you something like Versed to help you relax as soon as you get to the hospital. Your stomach and intestine don't have much of a blood supply so the chance of bleeding is very slim, it's a very clean surgery. They puff you with air so they can see and the bleeding is almost none. You've done your cardiac clearance, right. Your body is strong, your mind is being the chicken.
E. Parnell
on 1/21/07 10:25 am - Safford, AZ
Hi there Chris, I am now almost 3 weeks out from my surgery. I am doing good- and I know you will too! I was freaked out as well... I had an awesome surgeon and I'm sure you do too. It's normal to feel nervous- you wouldn't be a normal person if you didn't have those nerves that wrack your brain. You may be nervous- but your surgeon isn't- he does surgery on a daily basis and it's his job to take care of you. I will keep you in my prayers- can't wait to hear back from you on the losing end!!- Erica
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 1/21/07 10:42 am - Tucson, AZ
Chris - as others have posted, this is normal for you to feel this way. You will do great and be on the losing side in no time. Best of luck on your new journey and my thoughts will be with you on Tuesday. Am looking forward to your posts about the other side when you feel up to it.
on 1/23/07 3:20 am - Phoenix, AZ
Chris it is normal for u to freak out at that point but your going to do fine and think positive..... your going to do great
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