I made it across! I'm ALIVE!!
Thank you Pam for checking up on me and keeping everyone posted, I'm ALIVE!!
This CHICKEN crossed the road!! It's been 5 days already, I haven't had any problems but trouble passing gas ... anyway
I can sleep on my right & my left sides now, coughing still hurts if I'm not sitting up and ready for it, I'm taking Lecithin so I'm not having bowel problems and I haven't been nauseated or had to use any pain killers - actually, I didn't even need to get the RX filled.
I was preparing for a harder time that I'm having right now, hopefully it will stay this easy for awhile.
I have pain in the lower left abdominal quadrant when I walk but not bad. My most painful times are bloat from trapped gas.
I've lost 8 solid pounds as of today and if I count the 4 I gained in the hospital it would be 12 pounds so far. In reality, 8 pounds down from my 229 starting weight.
Congrats! Glad you are nice and comfortable. That was one of my fears, the pain... but it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
After a few weeks I was sleeping on my stomach (I am a total stomach sleeper!) and it was pretty much pain free... but I used pillows to help support my sides when I couldnt sleep flat on my back.
Stay well!