Half the man he used to be....
That is awesome!!! My husband just got to that exact same "half man" status about a month ago (we're 5 years out lol). Buy that hubby of yours some new pants!
PS- I saw you post on the Post Op Preggo Board...about the bbt, right? I was thinking I might suggest that you get those ovulation sticks that you pee on...that would tell you the level of the leutine in your urine which indicates that ovulation is approaching...that seems MUCH easier than the bbt.
Well I don't know how much those ovulation detector sticks are, but if you can afford it I would just start peeing on them from the first day of your period until you see the hormone shift. I know some drug stores sell a kit of 20 sticks just for that reason.
I looked into them when I wanted to try, but ended up just doing that online ovulation predictor. Good luck!!
Holy Toledo! (I can't say Holy Cow cuz that is just not even appropriate with the very handsome E.J.j)
Big High Fives! Congrats! Back Flips! Ouch! .......Please tell E.J. that I am sooooooooooo proud of him! He is going to be the most amazing Daddy some day and is definitely one of the hottest men in the world!
Big Hugggggzzzzz to my daughter's handsome hubby!!!!
Luv ya both!