Help! Water wt keeps coming back

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/06 7:32 am - AZ
Hello everyone, first I want to say a big thanks for everyones welcome home!! I really apprciated it! Well I am up and down on how I have been feeling for the past 3 days. I've been having issues with abdominal bloating. My belly gets tight and uncomfortable, and I start to feel very crummy. The 1st day was X-mas, I was bloated pretty much all day, well that night I woke up sweating alot, then the next morning felt ok. By the afternoon, the 2nd day same thing, belly bloated, I felt like I was 9 mo pregnant, before I went to bed I weighed myself 272. The same thing happend last night, I woke up and was sweating. This morning I woke up wieghed myself 265. Today the same thing, went to my post op class felt ok, by the time I got home, belly was bloated felt ill and had to lie down and my wt went back up to 270.....5lbs of water wt in 6 hours???? I only drank about 20oz of water I have been as active(walking, doing chores) as much as I can. But I'll be honest for the most part I have felt like crap since my surgery. I spoke to Randy yesterday about the bloat and he said it is common and to walk, walk, walk. Well talking to some of the other 20 people that had surgery last week, and nobody else had these symtoms. Just curious if anyone else experienced anything like this. Thank you so much for your advice....Erin
Nicole W.
on 12/27/06 7:45 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Erin, First thing, don't get on the scale everyday... it will do some mind tricks on you. Weigh yourself once a week and that is it!!! I weigh myself every Monday (day of surgery). I am pretty sure the bloating is normal... because of the gases (Co2) they fill the abodomen with during surgery, so I think that is common. Do you have gas at all? When I left the hospital I was still about 5 or 7lbs more (of 17lbs) with water weight, but they gave me lazix at the hospital for the water retention also because the swelling wasn't going down on its own. But definately keep walking, go a bit longer each day, you will feel the bloating going away and keep in touch with the office if things dont get better. I had some bloating and swelling for the first 2 weeks. Even in the hospital I woke up sweating in the middle of the night, I think its the vicodin. I stopped taking it 2 days after I got home and I couldn't sleep in the recliner anymore, I slept in my bed with a pillow behind my back and then 2 pillows supporting my belly on my right side and I got such better sleep without the medication. Enjoy your new food additions.. get creative!
(deactivated member)
on 12/27/06 9:15 am - AZ
Thanks Guys!! I really wasn't weighing myself to see what I lost, I was doing it to see if the bloating weighed anything. I stopped the vicodin today, it makes me feel more tired then I already am. Yes I have gas both kinds!!! Hurray for that, well I guess I will just have to be patient and wait for it to leave on its own, it's not painful just uncomfortable. I did enjoy my cottage cheese and turkey today, the broth and jello at the hospital were gross, I pretty much drank water. Well I'll keep you updated, my appt with Dr. Blackstone is next Tue. Have a good rest of the week!! Erin
M. clarke
on 12/27/06 8:11 am
You always weigh more in the evening then you do in the morning. Stop driving yourself crazy and get off the scale. LOL. I finally broke down and went out and bought a scale today. I am eight weeks out and haven't had one in the house. I am still not sure if i will keep it or not. If I find that I am getting on it more then once a week it is going right back to the store! My tummy felt distended for a few weeks after the surgery its normal. Its the gas from surgery and walking will help to move the gas around. Unfortunatly it just has to work itself out. Its uncomfy and sucky. But it will get better. Hang in there! You have our sympathy! We have all been there. A heating pad helped me. You might try that. I never shut mine off.
juanita barela
on 12/27/06 11:20 am - Fort Huachuca, AZ
Hi erin, I had open RNY on Dec 5th my first day home I felt terrible I was so bloated I looked like a cabbage patch doll. I gained 10 lbs water weight in the hospital from the iv's. Don't worry this will pass it may take about a week then you'll start feeling better. Are you peeing alot? this helps get tha****er out. I remember my stomach felt hard and I was swollen and miserable but it went away. juanita
(deactivated member)
on 12/28/06 3:40 am - AZ
Thanks Juanita, I gained 10 lbs of water wt, but have lost that and an additional 12 lbs. I think it is the gas, from the surgery itself, a little better today. I guess I need to be patient...Have a great new year.. Erin
on 12/29/06 10:25 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Erin: I had surgery on the 27th of December. I'm not bloated but did get weighed right before I was discharged and had actually gained 10lbs. For being in so much misery that wasn't good feeling. I think was may help is getting off the pain medicine. I haven't taken any since I've been home and it seems to help. Did have one blazing headache. Since our surgeries are so close its good to see what kind of symptons we are experiencing.
on 12/28/06 3:28 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Erin, Saw the posts above and all good info.!! They pump you full of fluid during surgery and like post pregnancy it does take some time for your body to eliminate it. But don't make yourself crazy with the scale. I'm a once every 3-4 days girl. But never more than once a day and I usually do the weigh in first thing in am. You'll lose weight really quickly and then stall for a few days, this is normal. I have to say it took me till about now, 8 weeks to feel almost 100%. Between post op pain/nausea/vomiting (from a stricture) and very low energy level, I took lots of naps. It will get better. Give yourself some time to heal. Take care, Katie
(deactivated member)
on 1/1/07 7:41 am - AZ
Thanks guys for all the great information I am feeling a much better!! Erin
M. clarke
on 1/1/07 9:32 am
Erin glad you are feelnig better!
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