My surgery was rescheduled....

on 11/9/06 4:32 am - Austin , TX
I'm trying to not be upset, but I am very disappointed. Last Friday my pulmonary doctor insisted I have a pulmonary artery pressure done over at Heartcare, he also said he wouldn't clear me for surgery until I had a 2nd Sleep Study. The problem with all this is, I needed to be cleared by the 16th when I have my pre-op appointment with Dr. Blackstone. The pulmonary doctor dragged his feet almost 2 weeks from the 1st visit to decide what all he would require. It's not like I didn't keep calling his office to get on with this. The problem with this it can't be done overnight and the results read in time, I have been re-scheduled until January 26th a Friday. My date was 11/29 and it was scheduled back in September. My husband had his surgery this last Monday and is now doing fine. He was doing laps around the bariatric ward the next day. He was probably the most mobile person on that floor! Today is day 4 and since the 2nd day has not had any pain medication. When I left the house this am he was looking forward to the soft proteins, I think he was going to try an egg. He has been able to rest well and makes sure he gets up every 2 hours to walk around so he won't have to worry about blood clots. His only complaint is all the gas they fill you with to do the surgery laproscopically. Oh, and the other complaint is the vegetable broth, he will never have that again! He was a little nauseated last night but it passed and he went to sleep. He's worried about my date being put off so far. I promised him I wouldn't ask him to cook any food and not eat in front of him the first month! I don't know how couples do this if you do not both have the surgery, how does one eat normal food and the other such a limited quantity and pretty restrictive as to what your eating for probably the first year? I would be interested in hearing how couples handle that. Anyway, I think I feel better just talking about how frustrating it is to go through all the appointments and endless testing to have another new doctor require even more at the last minute. Life isn't fair sometimes. Yeah, I know, who said it was.... CaroleM
Nicole W.
on 11/9/06 4:59 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Carole, I am sorry your one doc too so long... but just remember it's for your own safety to have your surgery rescheduled. Dr. Blackstone is definately a person who wants everything covered and taken care of. Since both you and your hubby are having lap bands, you can pretty much eat anything you want... just in smaller portions. Maybe you can follow your husbands diet and shed some pounds before your surgery... or heck, maybe not need it at all! I am glad he is doing well! ~Nicole
on 11/9/06 5:12 am - Austin , TX
Thanks Nicole, I know it is, I just can't help being disappointed after all I've gone through to get ready! I told my husband with me eating pretty close to what he is, I'm probably going to loose some as well. I don't think I can get away with no surgery. They tell us we have to concentrate on the lean proteins, vegitables, some fruit. We have to give up all carbonated drinks, no caffeine, and limit alchol. My hubby was upset over no beer, until he realized he could have a martini! It's not one of the things at the moment he's at all interested in. He's already down 15 pounds from Monday. He only gained 8 with all the fluids they give you for surgery. Men do not have the hormones we do, life is easier for them. You looked well when I saw you at the hospital on Tuesday. Have you managed the food cravings? What do they tell you in the post op class regarding that? What was the meal like that day? Noreen (SBC) told me they have those classes with so many of us so we can all meet each other and offer support. They really have a system, and it is better to be careful....I'll deal with it, it's not that it won't happen. Carole
Nicole W.
on 11/9/06 6:16 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Oh... I understand the mental part. You prepare yourself mentally and change your life around that and then a wrench is thrown into it! It is very disappointing... I think we all know how that feels. My food cravings were all in my head... I just let it pass. I was so happy to be able to eat food on Tuesday that I know one day i will be able to eat whatever I want in moderation, of course. The meal was gross to me... it was cottage cheese, refried beans (both which, i dislike) and tofu and hard boiled egg. I ate half of the hard boiled egg and I was done, because it was way too over cooked! So that night I had a veggie burger with cheese for dinner. Last night I got sick on Gordon's Fish Filet... it was really gross and did not agree with me.. so the 2 other boxes I bought are going back tonight! Other than that, I have been eating eggs, tuna, turkey and I am going to the outback tonight for a very small portion of Salmon. (I so need to get out of the house, other than walking!)
on 11/9/06 5:24 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Carole, I can understand your disappointment. I believe that everything happens for a reason and it's better to find out now if you have any issues, than for your surgeon to find out on the operating table. I wish you the best of luck, and keep your spirits up, this is just a delay, you will have your surgery Alli
on 11/9/06 8:21 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Carol: I am so sorry about your delay. I was going to put off my clearance and let the hosipal do the testing but now I am going to schedule my pulmonary testing. I was given that advise before to test now but ignored it. Now I won't. Thank you for your post. This is a great example of why this forum is so helpful.
on 11/10/06 12:37 am - Austin , TX
Your right, I didn't know until it was too late. Even one of the tests I repeated Monday we got the results last night and since it's not giving the pulmonary doc what he was looking for, I know he'll want me to do something else. There are different ways to get a pressure of the pulmonary artery. So, don't stress yourself out, just get them out of the way and satisfy the doctors. My insurance didn't require this either, it's the doctor's requirement. Some of the extra that we go through is to protect the doctor's also from liability as well as to keep us safe. Good luck now, and let us know how your doing. CaroleM
on 11/11/06 3:47 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Hey Carole, Tough break on the delay, although I've read that couples that are doing this together should do it at least 3 mos. apart so they are each well enough to support each other. Maybe a higher power thing for you? Anyway, your husband must have had surgery just days after me, I was the 3rd with Dr. B.The rule in my house is if you want to eat something like junk food, do it on your own time, work etc... but don't bring it home. My husband has been cooking for me and been very supportive. We have small children so he cooks the protein and some carbs and veggies for them and we try to all eat together, not really always the serene, peaceful meal but it's important for me to eat with them. I ask him to take any of the trigger leftovers to work with him the next day so I'm not around them. Plus he's not eating at all after dinner like me and is losing weight too!! He's not planning on the surgery, hoping to get it off on his own. Best of luck!! Katie
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