First Airplane Trip After Surgery
Hi everyone,
I had open RNY done July 31 and have now lost 60 pounds. Last weekend I took a trip to Kansas City for business and was thrilled that I did NOT have to request a seat belt extension because the seatbelt fit (okay, barely, but it fit!). Last year when I went to KC I was unable to walk the two blocks from the hotel to my office building and this year, I was able to walk to and from the office. Needless to say, I was happy that I could actually walk without being out of breath and am looking forward to more weight coming off. I was also able to navigate the airports without having to request the go-cart to haul me to the gate.
I know these are just small accomplishments but they sure made me happy!
Wishing everyone skinny wishes!
I was so glad to hear about your flying experience after surgery. I have traveled quite a bit recently for my company and absolutely hate the seatbelt extender stuff. If you request one when you are first boarding and they have one available that is okay. But if they have to find one and then locate you again in your seat it is somewhat humiliating.
It was nice to see that someone else is now enjoying the "small" but oh so important things I want to enjoy. I have surgery on 11/22/06 and am hoping that my business trips in 2007 will be done without an extender!
Virginia, I'm so HAPPY for you!!! I am down 50lbs in 9 weeks and am feeling great, too. Although, I'm still struggling with my Protein intake. I just got my 1st OH mag and in it there is Proteinex which are Protein tablets w/15 grams of protein. I'm waiting on those to come in the mail. Take care and talk to you soon!
Something so small to many but huge (no pun intended) to the few of us. Congratulations on this. I too find this to be one of my goals. Not only is asking for it embarrassing but when the flight attendant feels it necessary to broadcast to anyone within ear shot your situation.
Other key goal is not having to ask for a table and having to wait forever since you can't use the booths.
That is the greatest thing! I actually avoided flying this summer to my father in law's funeral (other reasons, too, but...) I couldn't bear the thought of hiking thru airports, being "frisked" and hoping an extender fit around me - and not being able to put armrest down, etc etc So I am very happy for you because, as most of us in her do, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about!