Did anyone see Oprah today?

Nicole W.
on 10/24/06 5:18 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
I usually do no****ch Oprah but my mom called me and told me to watch it... It was about Weight Loss Surgery and how studies show that 30% of post WLS patients transfer their food addiction to other addictions like alcohol abuse, gambling, sex addicts, complusive shoppers. Oprah also mentioned that people are considering Weight Loss Surgery as the "magic pill"... after she said that I started taking notes. There was a woman on there that lost 125lbs... Oprah had a very negative attitude pretty much throughout the entire show. I thought she was rude to her guests that have gone thru the surgery and talked down to them... not once congratulated them on their Weight Loss... well, on the air anyway. And from what I remember, she called it a "quick fix." That bugged me. Of course she had Carnie Wilson on also... who admitted she was an alcoholic prior to having her gastric bypass surgery and after her surgery, instead of using food as her addiction she turned to her first which was alcohol. I think she turned the show around a little bit and put a positive back on WLS. One thing that I did find very helpful with the show was that it's important to have the "right" friends and people to support you. Not to have people that will disappear in a short while, but those that will be there for you throughout the journey. Also the importance of getting good pyschological support prior to surgery... In my meetings with the doctor and the nutrionist... we were told you cannot have alcohol for 6 months and no beer (due to the carbination)... but I am not a drinker either. Did that in my early 20's... plus now its just too expensive and I hate sitting in bars and smelling like an ashtray after. But I can only imagine how quickly someone can get intoxicated after drinking one drink. I personally do not like that feeling. So, there was some good points mentioned on the show, but overall wasn't impressed with Oprah... never really liked her either. The show freaked out my mother more than anything and thats just what I don't need right now!!!
on 10/24/06 10:53 pm - Chandler, AZ
Hi Nicole, Yes, I caught Oprah yesterday. I just thought it was me..but I guess Oprah really was hard on her guests. It was almost like a "shame-on-you" for having the GBS and taking the easy way out...surprize!! Now you have a whole set of "new" problems!!! I am almost 1 year post-op now, and I can tell you that everyday is a new adventure. Instead of feeling hopeless..I feel hopeful in my life..it allows me to be who I really was deep down inside, that I was ashamed and embarrased to share because of my weight issues. Don't let Oprah's negative attitude about wls discourage you in your quest for a better life for yourself and your family. I'm sure the pyschological support is important both pre and post op. We should be aware of the danger signs of wls post-op..that doesn't mean that we will all go through it right? Hang in there with your mom. Sometimes it's hard to convince loved ones that we are doing what is right for us...I went through my own "convince me now" mode when my son had wls. When I saw that he was doing fine and losing...I was convinced! Hugs Ginger
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 10/25/06 12:16 am - Tucson, AZ
I agree with you Nicole.....Oprah had blinders on and was not really willing to talk about the good side of WLS. She also said the womans' stomach was now the size of a walnut, which in my training is not correct. We were told 2-4 oz and the size of an egg. I would be terrified of drinking and having a hangover and vomiting. I won't even eat anything I am not suppose to now at 5 weeks post-op for fear of getting sick. I believe Carnie Wilson turned the show around but only a tiny bit. Anyone who has read her story knows that she was a drug addict before surgery and had lots of psychological problems to deal with other than her weight. I think people should write to Oprah and tell her what they thought about the show and ask her when she is going to do a show on several patients from the beginning of their journey to present.
on 10/25/06 2:51 am
It really ****** me off when someone says it is a "quick fix" or the "easy way out". Well I think we all know... it is not easy. It is hard work and by golly just let them walk in our shoes for the first couple of months following Surgery. This is a tough decision and for a lot of us it is probably the only way back to gaining our health. Shame on Oprah, she should know better.
on 10/25/06 3:25 am - Austin , TX
Nicole, I'm sure glad I didn't see that show with Oprah. If we were all in her income bracket we could have a full time chef that prepares our food and a personal trainer that comes to our home or work as she requests. She also doesn't shop in a grocery store, buying the wrong food isn't likely either. I personally think that's more of an easy way out than what we're doing. There isn't anything easy about the surgery or life after. It's a tool and requires a whole new way or living that is not going to be easy. With only 30% of the people returning to other addictions and compulsions, that means that 70% are having positive results. I don't know about you, but I've never had 70% success with any diet and maintenance afterwards. There are always going to be people that won't be successful, they find ways to sabatoge themselves. I worked with a bariatric post op girl at the last company I was with, I met her about 9 months from her surgery date. You wouldn't believe the things she was eating....all kinds of pastry, bread, candy, ice cream. She looked terrible, if you've ever been around a vegitarian that doesn't get enough protein, they become very pale, that was how she looked. She must have gotten sick because she did change her eating habits and now she's doing much better, and dropping more weight by eating like she's suppose to. There are also people that should never have this surgery in the first place, even though they would benifit, their personality is so obsessive compulsive, they will find another addiction to replace eating. So you have to look at it from all sides. Oprah doesn't have to present both sides, she slanted the show to reflect her personal opinion. We can't be that easily influenced in such a negative way. It's completely unproductive to think that way. I also think Oprah's opinion is one of someone whose not informed about the process and lacks credibility. Hang in there girl, your almost there, besides mother's were made to worry about us! Carole M.
on 10/25/06 10:51 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Nicole, I also saw the show last night and was very disheartend by the bias against WLS. Of all the people that have struggled with weight, Oprah should be the last person to judge. Did you notice that of the three women that they featured, all had previous issues such as abuse and neglect or alcoholism? The surgery had nothing to do with what's going on with them now. The have all lost a significant amount of weight, but don't know, or understand how to lead happy, healthy lives. I actually had my first appt at SBC this morning, and went over the show with Dr Messer, and he was very surprised at the bias also. He planned on watching it later, then writing to Oprah, to give her a piece of his mind. She claimed that her message board was lit-up with tons of people who are having the same problems, which I don't think is accurate. Why couldn't she have someone like Amy Williams on, who's life has completely changed and improved for the better, all because of WLS? Even if you don't agree with what someone else is doing, at least get the correct facts out there about the subject. Just shows her professionlism or lack thereof. But on a happier note, it's almost surgery time for you Nicole!!! Yeah, you go girl!!!! Alli
on 10/25/06 11:05 am - Layton, UT
This is a hot topic all across the various boards! Why? .....In every group of folks, the bad can be selected and focused on!!!! Serious WARNING though....DO NOT lose your last 10 pounds! You will most surely turn into an attention starved maniac who drinks non stop without any regard to family or friends and most assuredly sleeps with everyone that glances in your direction! RUN to the nearest chocolate if you are nearing your goal and STOP the insanity! Oh yeah! I"m totally sarcastic and thinking Oprah strikes her blow one more time towards a lifesaving choice! Joyce, who has been addicted to exercise, crossing my legs, taking vitamins instead of medications, support groups and YIKES.....the O.H. STate boards too! I'm ready for rehab!
on 10/25/06 10:37 pm - Chandler, AZ
Joyce, Your cute little sarcastic speel just cracks me up! HugsGinger
Nicole W.
on 10/26/06 2:02 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
My new addictions will be riding rollercoasters, trying on clothes, putting the arm rest down at the movies, being able to buckle my seat belt on the airport, not worry if I will fit in the seat... being able to put the seatbelt on without it choking me or locking when you come to a stop. Being able to run and play with my nieces and nephews! It's going to be fun! So... screw Oprah!
on 10/27/06 8:41 am - Layton, UT
LOL! Great list Nicole!!!! High Fives to you for an awesome attitude! I would not want to tread on the very serious nature of those women's conditions (the one's on Oprah). They did have some mighty big addictions to deal with and I'm sure there are those folks in our mist who also fight deamons as post-ops. I think it is healthy for everyone to be aware of the possibilities that becoming healthy, thin and confident can bring to one's life. But, like you...I had my positive list that I looked forward to and so when the men started chasing me all over it was easy to just ignore them and focus on my new wardrobe! *winks* Cheers to all of us who can make the choice to be healthy! Joyce
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