Wait time for SBC and Dr Blackstone

on 10/10/06 10:58 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Does anyone know whats going on with SBC? I sent my packet in almost a month ago, and still no response. I liked Dr. Blackstone the best after all the seminars I went to, but the office was less than pleasant when I called to see whether they had received it or not. I know I'm not supposed to call, but's its been almost a month now. I was scheduled for a seminar with Dr. Juarez last week, but he was unable to make it, so I didn't go. I'm wondering now if I should try to get to another seminar with either him or Dr. Fang. Any help or suggestions out there?!?!?!?!? Alli
Darlene X
on 10/10/06 11:36 am - Maricopa, AZ
I believe 2 of her surgeons quit..... so they are really behind. I heard she has a new surgeon now... but I imagine they will be behind for a while.
Nicole W.
on 10/10/06 11:42 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Alli, Call Terry at SBC... tell her you submitted your packet a few weeks ago and you are just following up. She will not get mad or anything. I turned in my packet at the seminar and I waited 2-3 weeks and then I called. Terry then set up my inital consultation and pysch appointments for a few weeks later. Since Dr. Kohler and Dr. Kieran's departure the office has been extremely busy. From what I understand Dr. Blackstone is currently interviewing new surgeons to join her team. She is taking her time with this because they want the best... which i can understand because so far my experience has been awesome. I received so much information with in my pre-op classes and support groups... I am very happy with my decision. Dr. Abarikwu originally referred me to another surgeon, but I went with SBC because of the support groups, location, the hospital and the reputation of program. Unfortunately, there is a wait with everything... I started my paperwork in May and my surgery is October 30th... I thought it would be much quicker also, but I am glad of how everything has fallen into place. I spent so much time stressing over approvals, figuring out when I might have surgery and other things... and when I got a date it worked out just fine. I am glad I had the wait also, because I educated myself and my friends and family a great deal... it just made me want this even more! But, if you cannot wait any longer and want to see if you can get in quicker with other surgeons maybe see another because I know SBC is now scheduling for late January (this is what I heard at the last support group meeting). I wish you best of luck with your decision... but don't stress over it. Go with your gut! (no pun intended!) ~Nicole
on 10/10/06 11:53 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks for the info Nicole. I'm trying to be patient, but it's just that I'm ready to get on with the rest of my life as a healthier person, and I want everything now.....I believe that Dr. Blackstone is worth the wait, I'm just scared about getting approved, and instead of thinking the best, I'm thinking about the worst. One day at a time...On a happier note, your surgery is coming up, so you must be very excited. Good luck in the upcoming weeks, and hopefully I'll be a few months behind you Alli
Nicole W.
on 10/10/06 12:21 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
I too was nervous about not getting approved... but after meeting with Dr. Kohler at SBC, she said that even thou I didn't have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol... but since I did have disc and joint problems that I had good documentation of previous weight loss attempts (meridia, weigh****chers, jenny craig, atkins, zone diet, etc.) and a history of obesity that it wouldn't be a problem of getting approved. There is so many stories out there and I had to stop myself of thinking... oh my god, i won't get approved and fortunately I did. Because after reading some things on here and some other places, I got really discouraged. So, keep your spirits high and think postive. I am also a person that likes instant gratification, but in the long run this has all been worth the wait!
Annie L.
on 10/17/06 9:00 am - Arizona City, AZ
Hi Nicole, I am currently in the process of getting the surgery done by SBC and I was wondering if you would happen to know why the two surgeons are no longer there. I had my inital visit with Dr. Kohler and she was so nice and understanding I was hoping she would still be there. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Take Care
Kathy S.
on 10/10/06 1:12 pm - PHX, AZ
Hi Allie, Dr. Blackstone is worth the wait. ....I had my surgery 5 months ago. At my final pre-op meeting she postponed my surgery to do a colonoscopy(I was very anemic). Long story short, she and Dr Kohler did my surgery two weeks later 5/5/06 and I was the ONLY patient they did that day. The process can take awhile...getting clearances, appointments at SBC and the waiting that goes with that. It took me eleven months to get approved but I would do it all over again. I am down almost 100 pounds and feel better than I have in over ten years. Depending on how unpleasant Dr B's staff was you might want to talk to Diane the office manager. Dr B is very selective about her staff and would want to know. When I was in last week I noticed quite a few new faces. My friend who just submitted has had good luck talking to Freda to get her stuff done. I found emailing the various people I dealt with preop was more effective, time/date stamped email documents your communication also. A suggestion to help you get things moving while you wait to hear on the packet. Find out the requirements your insurance company stipulates for the surgery. Some typical requirements are a pap smear, mammogram if over 40, a cardiac clearance, pulmonary clearance, a medically supervised weight loss program for example. You could schedule your appointments for some of these things now....I waited almost three months to see a pulmonologist! This way you show intiative by asking your insurance company what is required and you are making progress toward submitting sooner. Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best.....getting approved is starting your journey, coming up after the surgery is when the process truly begins! If you want the names of my docs I used for the clearances email me - they are right around SBC. Kathy
on 10/11/06 12:50 pm
Alli...I see there are alot of positive things to say about SBC and let me tell you, my case was likely unique but, my paperwork with SBC was a nightmare. Paperwork was missing all the time even after watching my DR fax it to them. I was 1 day away from being denied when they finally got it straight. I had to resubmit paperwork 2-3 times, many times. I also had to wonder at these prices for surgery why I had to track down my own paperwork. I felt like that was their job to do. Now, in defense of SBC, Dr Koler was the best there is. When it comes to surgeons I do not think there are any finer then SBC. When it comes to office staff I was real disappointed in the lack of professionalism and respect. Lastly, if I had to have the surgery all over again I would and I would hope for a surgeon the caliber of Dr Koler. I would also wish for a completely different office staff. Be persistent, YOU are the customer and you are entitled to answers. Hang in there and good luck...........Claudette
Felicia M.
on 10/15/06 9:30 am - Middle of Nowhere, PA
You are right to ask this question! I have been working with SBC since March to get approval. It has been an extremely frustrating expereince. Tish, the person formerly in chare of insurance approval, was condecending, rude and lacked follow up. Thankfully, she is no longer working there! I started working with Freda in July. Despite having submitted all the required paperwork multiple times... I'm still not approved. Things kept getting lost with SBC and my insurance company. Now everything is in and SBC is not the problem, my insurance company is playing games. I have had more problems than you can imagine. I have heard wonderful things about Dr. Blackstone, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have looked for a different surgeon. This is proving to be far too difficult. My cir****tance may be differnt that yours, I live on the east coast and plan to fly to AZ for the surgery. If I had any idea that I would encounter the type of setbacks I have with SBC I would have looked for a surgeon in my area. My initial consultation at SBC was great. But, boy are there problems wit staff behind the scenes. I suggest you keep copies of everthing (all records) you send to Freda. I've learned that it is important to have your own records handy because things seem to always get lost. Good luck to us both!
Felicia M.
on 10/16/06 10:38 am - Middle of Nowhere, PA
Hi Alli, Great news! Today I spoke with Freda and finally got approval! Then Noreen called and got me scheduled, my surgery is Dec. 15!!! Thought I'd share this with you so that you'd be encouraged. Hopefully things are improving at SBC! Currently, Dr. Blackstone is still the only surgeon on staff. Good Luck, Felicia
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