Dr. Swain
Hi Pam...
I didn't go through Mayo, but there are a couple of men at the Chandler Support group that went/or are going through that program and they have nothing but praise. From what ive heard they have a very excellent support group and services... and Dr Swain attends the support groups and is a nice guy...
I dont often see many of his patients here... but maybe someone else will chirp in
I'm not sure why there aren't more Mayo patients online...perhaps because bariatric surgery is not their primary emphasis as a medical provider like it is with places like Scottsdale Bariatric, or perhaps because as a general rule they tend to serve older patients who may be less likely to visit online sites, or because they run their own support groups. Who knows?
Can't remember if I said it to you or someone else, but, while I haven't met Dr. Swain yet, I've seen a lot of Mayo doctors because of all my medical issues, and I've never met one I didn't like. (And I'm very, very picky about doctors). You don't get to work at Mayo unless you are one of the best doctors around.