four weeks post op question
I am four weeks post op, and I just recently posted about a week ago about some "pinching" I was having on the left side. For some reason this week, it has really gotten worse. It is interfering with my daily activities. This week all I could do is go to the bathroom and back to my recliner. This is really depressing. Has anyone had this happen to them at 4 weeks post-op? Thank you, I enjoy everyones comments.
Darlene, thank you for your quick response. It just seems like this started about a week ago, and it truly is getting worse. I was told that by the four week mark I would be able to do more. But, that just hasn't been the case here. Have you heard of anyone lasting more than a week feeling like this.
We all heal at different rates--- for me it lasted exactly one week, very painful then all of a sudden was gone.
If your really worried, then give your surgeon a call--- but it does sound like the normal mucle healing pains... at first it worried me because i was pain free, then all of a sudden the pain came back... but i was just fine