Chandler Support Report for 7/11

on 7/12/06 5:16 am - Layton, UT
What a FUN FUN FUN gathering took place last night under the direction of "Professor Chuck" who educated us on the very basics of PROTEIN....with art work, handouts and EVERYTHING! You Rock Chuck! Thanks bunches! (gotta love our men!) High Fives Kitten and Ed for delivering our goodies to us again at such amazing prices and so unselfishly! You serve us with a smile and we are grateful! Winona floated in for a quickie (gotta stay longer next time Winnie!!!) deliver a bag full of protein samples to share with our pre-ops gals! You look LOV ER LY sweetie pie! The new Pam arrived with all eyes on her as she sported her new "hour glass" hot look! .....She proved to us that it really WAS her by passing her before pictures around! .....truly an amazing piece of art work!!!! Hottie girlfriend! Woooooo Hoooooooo! Good to see our sexy little Mel again! How bout we all chip in a dollar a month so Mel can buy a computer and be back on-line with us all!!! Gil, Chuck and E.J. continue to melt away in this Arizona heat becoming hotter and hotter! ....Wayne is on deck to join them and may be ready to write the book on the subject by the time he has his surgery! Way to do research and get ready Mr. Wayne!!! Dawleeeeeeeeeeeen was careful not to "whine" about ONLY losing 97 pounds in 3 months but was brave enough to share her "concern" about being on a plateau!!!! Poor sweetie pie......I'm sure it will pass soon! Just hang in there! *winks* Dawn was excited about selling her home (Yay)...and buying a new home (Wooooo Hoooo) and even about finally joining her handsome hubby for a couple of weeks! ??????....but, lest she thinks she can just move away without some tears on our part....she is mistaken!!! Marlene was sporting yet another "hot" and very put together outfit! Wow! Does that girlfriend know how to accessorize or what???!!!!! .....oh soooooooo good to be ableto shop and what a miracle she is to have lost her wheelchair! Ginger was looking more like the Ginger made famous by curves and sex appeal and yet doesn't see herself as being "changed"??? HELLO! Ginger! You are gorgeous! Our perky Kathy was looking pretty with it in her short little jean skirt! Oh my gosh girlfriend....STOP with the worry over that stupid 132 NUMBER!!!! Her "Irish eyes" are always smiling! Luv U! And we welcomed to our fold Liza (on deck for surgery with Pam as her new Angel)......and Liza's daughter "Angel"! Ahhhhh another angel to love as a super support person! Cynthia is a new friend with a tight little FIT body and can be one of our resident experts on workouts, marathons and staying "at goal"!!! WELCOME Cynthia! Welcome to Bev who is pledging to purge a couple of "old habits" that have snuck into her life by being one of our faithful support members! You CAN do it Bev!!!! ....BTW...Bev is a Red Hat diva! Debbie returned for a round 2 with us and wonders how to get off those last few pounds! We all agree that she already LOOKS like she's perfect in every way but we shared some tips with her on how to chisel off that last ounce or two! Laurie joined us for the first time and is yet another perky, fun, girlfriend to add to our goofy fun mix! She had her surgery in northern Idaho and has moved with her family to AZ ....maybe she wants to "meltaway" as well!!! It was fun to have Christine join us for supper................Way at the end of the lonnnnnggggg table to smile and wink at the bunches of us! And......last, was our Jeanna who is a little anxious over her upcoming surgery on MONDAY!!!!! Holy Cow Miss are only 5 wake-ups away from a new life! .....Thank you sweetie pie for the lovely "happy" daisies......they are my fave and are sprucing up my entrance as I type! .....Darlene will be angeling Jeanna and giving us reports but I"m sure she'll be happy to have a note or a "drop by" if anyone can swing it. ...P.S....the thousands of us enjoyed a "hot" evening at Applebees cuz Jeanna was honored with her supper request! .....Did you enjoy your supper Jeanna? Mine was sooooooooooooo good!!!!! ....Feelin good in the neighborhood! always, we wondered about those of you who were not with us and are hoping that your excuse involves FUN, exercise, and healthy food choices!!!!! .....BUT....don't stay away long cuz that Carb Monster is ever present and ready to pounce when you don't have the "Force" of the support with you! If I have forgotten anyone then just whip me with a low carb noodle!!!! Our next meeting will be on the 25th! Gil will be "the man" in charge and I KNOW it will be worth it to show up and gleen a little of his wisdom and a lot of the groups energy and support! See y'all soon! Joyce
on 7/12/06 5:55 am - mesa, AZ
Yes I did !!!! had the rest for lunch today .. And yes your right I have only a short tiem till I start leading and exciting new & healthy life .. I am so blessed to have all of you Angels in Chandler - The support I have received from all of you folks is so appreciated ! I look forward to our next meeting . the new me will attend p.s. Lets put our thinking caps on for a clothing exchange
on 7/12/06 7:30 am - Layton, UT
Jeanna, We've had oodles of clothing closets kept and clothing exchanges. Someone always gets left behind with big bags of clothes to store. ... Katie used to keep them at her house until it took over her entire house! ....BUT....maybe when it cools down, we can have a potluck in a park and trade some bags of clothes. That seemed to be the easiest exchange idea I've been to cuz then folks just haul home their leftovers. Maybe just tag yourself with someone who is just a step ahead of you in the losing department (Darlene?) Joyce
Sarah C.
on 7/12/06 6:59 am - Mesa, AZ
Joyce, Wow, sounds like a great night! I am sorry I missed it, but I had to get all of my last minute stuff bought in preperation for tomorrow!! I will be at the next meeting though! Sarah
on 7/12/06 7:34 am - Layton, UT
Hey Sarah! We missed you but totally understand the need to get ready for surgery!!! .....Little details like SURGERY are the reason we are here! LOL! Could you e-mail me your contact numbers, e-mail, etc. so I can pass it all on to Kathy H (your Chandler Angel) She's excited to get in contact with you and get things going! Or call me.....??? Do you have my number? Joyce [email protected]
on 7/16/06 3:56 pm - scottsdale, AZ
Hi Joyce! I am so bummed I missed it & guess what! The next one will be the day after I get home from my surgery so I don't know if I will be feeling up for it! Please keep me posted though!
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/06 12:26 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Joyce, Sounds like you had another fantastic group. I am sorry I miised it as I was in surgery. I am struggling with my cravings and the struggle for something with taste to it. But Tuesday I have my post op meeting with the dietician to start the next phase. My ming is racing with ideas of stuff I would like to try. I am down 21lbs since my surgery on Tuesday and I am very lathargic and weak. I should be walking more than I am but I just dont have the strength. Thank you for giving me such great posts to read. You are awesome. Jeremy
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