on 7/11/06 4:30 am - mesa, AZ
O.K. folks , As my surgery date is getting closer ( 17th ) I am getting more scared of going under the knife, I know it sounds horrible but bad thoughts keep going through my head . You know what I mean ... Any one have any idea's on how to turn off my brain ? But the good news is .. I have not broke down crying hysterically yet .. Maybe I will save that for tonight.
on 7/11/06 4:35 am - page, AZ
I think its pretty normal to have those feelings. This surgery is done everyday, sometimes several times a day for each surgeon. I have 100% confidence in my surgeon. It will be ok. Many many have had the same surgery before you and are living a great life now! I would do it again in a heartbeat. I was a little scared too. My fiance' was terrified that I was going to die! So, I spent most of the time assuring him that I was going to do great! I think I convinced myself at the same time! Hang in there and have faith! Best wished to you today and always Sally
Kathy S.
on 7/11/06 3:02 pm - PHX, AZ
Jeanna, What you are feeling is normal. I thought the days prior to surgery were worse than the event it self! You have made a major life decision to do this as so many before you have. I was feeling uneasy right before because the permanency of this choice ....no taking it back. The way I got through it was to remember exactly when and why I decided to pursue the surgery.......I was more afraid of NOT seizing the moment. My preop bloodwork showed me to be anemic, insulin resistant and I was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome two weeks preop! My surgery was 5/5/06 and I am down 65 pounds.... I'd go through every test, including the heart cath and colonoscopy again to have this surgery. In so little time so much has changed for me. I fit in booths at restaurants now, I went through a turnstile, I can tie my shoes now, my feet aren't so swollen that I can wear shoes.!! Four of JUly I bowled two hours and swam at the wave pool with a 12 year old for a couple of hours all on the same day! I can actually walk for almost an hour now.....before I could barely make it down the block. Think about everything you have done to prepare for this surgery, medical tests and appointments, maybe a weight loss program, pysch testing, and whatever else you needed to do. Focus on how you will feel a month from surgery and what you want to do with yourself afterwards. I am going to buy a bicycle and I want to try a Kayaking class. Hang in there and I send you skinny vibes and good wishes for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!!!!! KAthy
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