3 week post op question
I was about 3 weeks post-op when I started getting sharp pains on the left side.... it's common, it's right around the time the muscles in your main incision (left) site start healing.
I had sharp pains for about a week, then one day it was all gone...
Im not a surgeon, but in my opinion it's nothing to worry about--- ive talked to a lot of people who felt the same way.
Hi Sally,
Yup..sounds familiar. Around 3 weeks I started having little twinges on the left side. They weren't enough to slow me down, but enough so that I would notice and say "ouch". Randy (from Scottsdale Bariatric) told me that it was common and it was probably the muscle healing. He also said that it was possible to have slightly pulled the muscle, creating a little discomfort. I was 4 weeks yesterday and haven't noticed the pain in a couple of days.
Yeah, I had them, too. I had open rny, so the pain was pretty intense and I was really freaked out for a while.
I also was put on reglan, and I discovered that it can cause depression which was excacerbated by the surgery, so I quit taking it. I kept asking myself why did I do this? But as the weight started coming off, that went away, too.
good luck!