Extra Protein Did NOT Stop My WLS Related Anemia
Had CBC done yesterday and got results this morning. Two Months without
PROCRIT looked good after first month. Readings were in good normal range
on RBC, HCT and HGB, however yesterdays test I was low on all 3. Have been
taking over 44 grams of supplemental protein in addition to very large amounts
of protein I consume in Meat, Chicken, Pork. fish and other high protein foods.
I am very disappointed though this is the first time in 3 years I have been able
to go over a month and not need a shot. I had not had any Procrit since May 1st
which is when I started the extra supl protein. Obviously this is not going to get
rid of this anemia. Not sure what I will try next. I may be stuck taking these shots
for the rest of my life. Gave myself 40,000 I.U. injection this morning after getting
results from myh hematologist in Havasu. I know a reversal of my surgery would
fix that problem BUT I know I would put the weight back on and the diabetes
I am sure would return. I have yet to find a WLS doctor who has any recommended
solution for this anemia other than reversal. I would submit to a revision if I
could find one of them that could do some sort of revision on this outdated
bilio pancreatic bypass I had in June 86. I have no problem with my IRON levels
though I have taken prescription Iron since my surgery and IRON level is always
fine when they check it. Back to the drawing board I guess. At least the Procrit
shots keep my body going but am very disappointed. Will have to give some thought
about what to try next. Some of you have asked me about this problem so I
thought I would give you the latest. I am having foot surgery on my right foot
July 7th. Gotta get that out of the way before looking at anything else on the anemia.
Hope you all have a great, happy, safe Holiday weekend.
Mike B. Mobile, Phoenix, AZ