We Need Your Help! Arizona!! "Ask Your Doctors?"
A Re-Post from "The Men's Board."
Yes -----------
it's Long, and Drawn Out,
But hang in on this one-
We Need Your Help! Arizona!!
We always hear - "Ask Your Doctor!"
So now I'm asking for just That!
Ah, Numbers.....
They don't lie,
And the truth is pretty astounding:
Men are 39 % more likely to die from diabetes than women,
64 % more likely to die from pneumonia and flu,
78 % more likely to die from heart disease,
4 times more likely to die from suicide from depression,
And so on, and so on...
All can be Caused by or directly related to Obesity.
A major reason why the statistics are dire
Is because of the way boys are socialized.
According to Men's health researcher, Dr. Don McCreary,
"One of the biggest aspects of the male gender role is toughness,
Not displaying weakness."
Boys are taught to "take it like a man";
Health problems are seen as a sign of weakness
And, at the same time, taking risks with health
Is seen as being tough.
Girls maturing into Young Women, go to the doctor on a regular basis,
And that's been socialized into them.
The same is not true for boys.
Health issues among men,
Says McCreary, are understudied and underreported.
Depression and anxiety are major issues,
As is evidenced by the suicide numbers,
Yet many men don't want to see a doctor
Or therapist for help because
Depression is thought of as a 'woman's problem'
And a sign of weakness.
Add yet more...
Dr. Ken Fujioka, an expert in nutrition and metabolism
At the Scripps Clinic in San Diego,
Explains that fat distribution may indeed account for the health gap.
"We've known for years that women tolerate obesity better than men,
And our guess is that it's hormone-mediated," said Fujioka.
"It's mainly because men store fat centrally
Around the organs and in the abdominal area,
While women store it in their hips, breasts and thighs.
And essentially when you increase the fat in the abdominal area,
Insulin levels have a tendency to rise, and you increase pressure
On the abdominal cavity.
It'll be harder to intake oxygen and breathe."
Prior to WLS,
Obesity is much harder physically on Men than Women.
Statistically, there are just as many MO Men, as Women.
So why do Men continue to make up Only about 12% to 19%
Of the people who are having WLS?
On the plus side?
Although that distribution of fat
Puts greater strain on our Respiratory and Cardiac systems
Prior to WLS, Post-Op,
Our redundant skin is typically isolated
To our "Trunk" and we have a far less issues with
"Bat-Wings," and excessive sagging tissue
On our thighs and butts.
Still, seems not such a great trade-off in the face of
Far greater incidents of heart disease and diabetes.
Back when I started all of this, in 2002, Men made up only 12%
Of the total people having WLS.
This year I've come across the info
That now 19% of the people having WLS are Men!
We're Up By 7%!
Now, News from my Visit with the Doc this week....
Asking about my "perfect Blood-work / Lab results?"
According to My Bariatric Dr. -
"Generally, my Male patients don't have the same problems
With Calcium and Iron that the Women do."
"Is it a compliance thing, or physiology?"
"Hormonal effects. Women have more difficulties
In maintaining Calcium and Iron levels even without By-Pass surgery."
"So, is it true that Men tend to lose their weight quicker
And with less problems than Women?"
"Of my patients, I would have to say yes.
The extra Muscle Mass prior to surgery just burns more calories."
"Any other differences?"
"...harder to do Men Laproscopically because of the Abdominal fat.
Men tend more often to fall into 'Apple shaped' body types
Where more women tend to be 'pear shaped' and carry their
Excess fat tissue lower on their body and in extremities."
Then it was on to talking about my upcoming Plastic Surgery.
I have ONE anecdotal piece of information from "My Dr."
Anecdotal information supports "Alien Abductions" and all sorts of
But, with enough numbers to Crunch,
We could have some "Real Info."
Here's my proposition-
Next visit to your Doc,
Have them answer the questions from the 'Survey' Below.
I'm also e-mailing requests to Bariatric Clinics and Docs across the country.
Once the Survey responses are added and averaged and all the numbers are 'crunched,'
We should have a sort of -"4 out of 5 Dentist prefer..." blocks of information.
That will at least be a clearer picture of the actual Male/Female differences
As regards to Bariatric Surgery, than all of the "Collected Stories"
That are told and re-told and skewed and mis-represented...etc.
Up to Helping a Brother Out?
Here's the Survey-
I'll set up a post to drop the results into at-
A Huge Favor for the "Men of OH?"
If you have the opportunity, Please help by copy/pasting this survey into a word file and printing. Take it with you to your next meeting with your Bariatric Surgeon or even the Clinic, and ask if they could provide any answers. Then, Copy past back into this Thread so that the results can be "harvested" and Compiled for future statistical data base of Observations. Eventually the overall statistics will be made available as a posting here for all to utilize. I'm doing a "mass e-mail" to the Docs listed with OH.
"Numbers, Ah, Numbers..... They don't lie,
And I hope they will be pretty astounding."
Thank you All So Much in Advance!
General information-
(all replies are confidential and will be used only in compiling
Data base of "Anecdotal Observations."
Answers provided by- Dr.? _____ / Clinic Representative?_____
City/State of Practice?______________/____________
Years Performing Bariatric Surgery?________
Types of Procedures Performed:
RNY Open_____ RNY Lap_____ Lap-Band_____ DS_____ VBG_____ Other_____
Rough approximation of number of procedures a year_________
What percentage of your patients are Male?____________
(or estimation, check one-)
Less than 10%___ / 10% to 20%___ / 20% to 30%___
30% to 50%___ / More than 50%___
Answer the following as -
Strongly Agree -(5)
Somewhat Agree -(4)
Agree -(3)
Somewhat Disagree -(2)
Strongly Disagree -(1)
No Observation - (0)
_____ 1.) A Larger percentage of my Male patients are Less Compliant
With Dietary Protocols Than my Female Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 2.) A Larger percentage of my Male patients are More Motivated towards
Exercise than my Female Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 3.) A Larger percentage of my Male patients reach "Goal Weights"
Sooner than my Female Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 4.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients Maintain "Goal Weights"
Better than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 5.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients have difficulty with
Calcium Levels than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 6.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients have difficulty with
Iron Levels than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 7.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients have some difficulties with
Nutrition / 'Lab-Work' in general than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 8.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients take a more active role
In educating themselves about the Bariatric Procedure than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 9.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients present more Co-Morbidities
Prior to Surgery than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
_____ 10.) A Larger percentage of my Female patients experience post-operative
Complications than my Male Patients.
approx. % of Men? _____ / approx. % of Women?_____
In General,
What would you rank as the TOP 5
Most Observable Differences
Seen in how Women and Men differ as to regards to Bariatric Surgery?
What would you rank as the Seen in how Women and Men differ as to regards to Bariatric Surgery?
(Place (1) for Most Observed, (2) for Second Most, etc...)
_____Level of Pre-Operative Anxiety
_____Level of Pre-Operative Preparedness
_____Number/Severity of Pre-Operative Co-Morbidities
_____Level of Post-Surgical Depression
_____Self-Esteem issues related to Obesity
_____Post-Operative Exercise Program
_____Post-Operative Diet
_____Utilization of Support Group/s
_____Later Plastic Surgery Needs
_____Calcium Deficiency Issues Post-Operatively
_____Iron Deficiency Issues Post-Operatively
_____B-12 Deficiency Issues Post-Operatively
_____Low Albumin Levels Post-Operatively
_____General Nutritional Issues Post-Operatively
_____Improvement of Sleep Apnea Post-Operatively
_____Improvement of Blood Pressure Post-Operatively
_____Improvement of Diabetes Post-Operatively
_____Improvement of Mobility Post-Operatively
_____Improvement of Depression Issues Post-Operatively
_____General Compliance with Post-Operative Protocols
_____Other? (comments-______________________________
In General Rating/Ranking, Based on your Observations-
Answer the following if you have noticed, or perceived a difference.
1.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are Quicker to reach "Goal Weight?"
2.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are Better at Maintaining "Goal Weight?"
3.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Show more Dramatic Health benefits?
4.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are Less likely to Present Surgical Complications?
5.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are Less likely to Present Post-Operative Nutritional Complications?
6.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Appear to be More knowledgeable about their Procedure?
7.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are More Likely to be Compliant Patients?
8.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are More Likely to Develop Hernias Post-Operatively?
9.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Are Less likely to have Post-Operative Plastic Surgery Needs?
10.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Tend to be Older overall when seeking Bariatric Procedure?
11.)Men_____ or Women _____ 50/50 _____
Tend to be riskier candidates due to health when seeking Bariatric Procedure?
Any Quick Observation as to a major difference in Men and Women
As it relates to Weight-Loss Surgery?
Thank you So very much for your Time and input.
Survey of Male/Female differences
as regards to aspects of Bariatric Surgery:
That's it Folks!
I'll have a Completed one loaded into the "Response" Thread soon-
Best Wishes-