Hi gang. Well I have been waiting almost 2 weeks for report from gastroenterologist
on my endoscopy and colonoscopy. Endoscopy says no problems and all connections
from my 20 year old ancient WLS look good. No sign of any blood. 6 years ago I
had some bleeding in stomach which they attributed to or said they thought it was
related to my wls and put me on some meds and it went away.
The colonoscopy, he found and removed one polyp which was not cancereous
but the location of it he says is where colon cancer usually starts so he says it is
important I get checked every 5 years unless I get some other symptoms between
now and then. Medicare will only pay for it every 5 years anyway unless there is
some symptom that bears investigating. I lost a kid sister at age 27 to colon cancer
which is one reason I was a little nervous about the tests. I am breathing easier now.
The Good Lord must be watching over me.