Down 95 pounds!
Congratulations, You must feel great. Great experiences are wonderful. When I go into department store and ask for the womans section( its a habit that is hard to break) I love when they say you don't need the womans section, the petites are over there!!!!! teee heee. If they only knew.... Good luck you are doing wonderful.
Oh Sheryl, That is awesome!!! Im right behind ya girl! Normal? wow.. I know exactly what she means. You are a wonderful normal person and Im so happy for you!! congrats on your success YOU DESERVE IT!!
almost 100lbs..that hard to imagine!!!
My surgery is 8 days away..I will do some pre op testing and the education class on tuesday in Phoenix! then home..then back to Phoenix on thursday! My surgery is 7:30am at st lukes!
By Christmas I hope to be normal like you!
Love you..