Funeral Details for John Hix
Hey Darlene, is there a bouquet or spray of flowers going to johns family from the WLS folks? support group? I would like to donate if there is. Let me know where to send a contribution?
Its truely heart warming to see how many people from across the nation have offered prayers and support to Johns family! Im so glad to be a member of there is no place in the world that could offer the support and knowledge that you all have given.
Thank you..
Hey there sweetie pie,
There is a very lovely "large" stand-up" arrangement ordered from the WLS friends. We passed and envelope at the last Chandler meeting and collected enough to cover a huge arrangement plus have some left over to stick in a card for Diana.
I know that expenses are huge for her right now though and she does have an ucnertain future financially so if anyone would like to just stick in a little bit with a condolance card, you can mail it directly to her at this point. The flowers have already been paid for.
Her address is:
Diana P. Hix
2123 S. Red Rock Ct
Gilbert, AZ 85296
[email protected]
The funeral is Tuesday at noon at St Timothy's in Mesa and all are invited.
1730 West Guadalupe
Mesa, AZ
Thanks Sally! You represent many many kind folks who have extended prayers, warm wishes and contributions of all kinds!