With Memorial Day weekend coming up, please take a little time from your fun
weekend to remember our brave men and women who are and have served
in our armed forces so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have in our
great country. Especially please remember those men and women who paid
with the supreme sacrifice of their lives to protect the liberties we have and
many take for granted. Many cemetaries will have flags out on the individual
gravesights of our veterans. Many veterans organizations will be holding
public special services for this special day. We always have a beautiful
service in Lake Havasu where I live with all veterans organizations represented
and also many of our civic organizations. It is so much fun to be out at some
nice lake or vacation spot enjoying ourselves and we should all do that but
out of all that time, take a few minutes to remember what Memorial day
is all about. Many of our children do not have a clue. I think it is important
we teach our children and grandchildren what this is all about so they
can/will carry on this tradition long after we are all gone.
G-D Bless All our Amed Forces and our Deceased Veterans and thank you
all for keeping America free and G-D Bless All of You and our Country,
The United States of America
Mike Berkwit, Past Post Commander VFW Post 1717, CA
My WLS 20th Anniversary in June.
Thanks Sandy. Kathy and I both remember him and his wife there.
After serving his country for so many years it makes it even more
tragic that he got all the way through a military career safely and
we lost him when he was trying to improve his health for himself
and his wife and children. May he rest in eternal peace.
Kathy's Dad was retired Navy also and is no longer with us.
Life is so short. We need to live it to the fullest because none of us
know what tomorrow will bring. I have been fighting some WLS related
medical problems for quite a few years and I am surprised I made it
to my 20th wls anniversary coming up in June. With all my med problems
I would never have lasted this long without the WLS so I feel truly blessed.
You and your family have a good safe Holiday weekend Sandy and
Thanks again for the photos from the spring fling.