Not mentioned much in the media but tomorrow is Armed Forces Day.
Not to be confused with Veterans day which is later on in the year.
Many of our families, relatives and friends and some we don't even
know, are in there serving our country in some very undesirable places.
Take a few minutes from your busy schedules to remember
our brave men and women serving all over the world. Since we don't
have a draft anymore for many years, all of these people are volunteers.
Some of the National Guard troops as well as some of the Reservists
never thought they would end up in Iraq, Afghanistan and other trouble
spots around the world and the most recent to be on the U.S. / Mexican
border. Well that is the way life is. They are all putting their lives on the
line for us and freedom everywhere. If you have never served in the
armed forces, it is a life enrichening experience. If I had it to do all
over again there would be no hesitation. I am proud of my family
members that have served and those that are career military and
in it for the long haul. When you see a military member walking down
the street or in a store somewhere or having dinner somewhere, don't
be shy about walking up to them and saying "Thank you for what you
are doing for all of us and our country" I can assure you, they will
really appreciate it. Thanks for reading this.
WLS jUNE 1986
Mike Berkwit
Past Post Commander VFW Post 1717, CA.