Needing help with Pulmonology
Go to the Aetna website where you can locate doctors.
Do a search for specialists, if it's anything like UHC's website it will let you narrow it down to Pulmonologists specifically.... do a search for the area you want....
Call ever single one until you find an office that has an earlier appointment.
All the pulmonologists I called (About 10 of them) had only about a 2 week wait for an appointment.
Good Luck!
First check with Aetna to see who you can see. I recommend AZ Pulmoonary Specialists in Scottsdale. They were booked but managed to get me in on a cancellation. Whoever you use explain that this is for your surgery and have your WLS surgeon's office follow up with a call. Your WLS surgeon's office might be able to name some docs who have worked with with them also. Good Luck and be persistant.