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Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for your response, it is truly inspiring. Did you have the lap band done or was it the sleeve? I am booked for the lapband. It is amazing that you have lost so much in such a short time. Losing 9kgs will make me feel skinny, even when I will have another 30kg to go! I have my appoitment with the dietician in another week, so am looking forward to that. My Dr told me the dietician will put me on a strict diet for the two weeks prior to the op, did you have to do that also? Did you lose weight while on that diet? I have been on the phone with Medicare and my Health fund all arvo trying to work out exactly hat my out of pocket costs will be. I don't know why they don't just make it simple for us. Anyway, thankyou for your response, I will keep you informed along the way.
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Jennifre,
wow I cant believe what you are eating. We are told not to eat anything that wont go up a straw. Thats for the 2 weeks post op so Im still slurping away on soups and smoothies. To be honest I am not that bothered. I am NEVER hungry, I am not in any pain and Im only 7 days post op and going back to work tomorrow. I am surprised that you are able to cope with potato as most "sleeves" that I have spoken to in NZ have not been able to have any carbohydrates. You tried rice? Pasta? For me , that is at least another 3 weeks away according to the surgeon here. I am still very very pleased with the op though. I have not had the gas problems that you have mentioned, in fcat I have not had any problems of any sort. I am just lovin this lack of hunger. Food basically is of no interest to me at all and thats a first.
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Kannine,
I am just one week post op and I am still in a state of disbelief like you are. After all the diets in the world that didnt work and now we have something that will work. It is so liberating to be able to get rid of the fat clothes. Normally we would keep them wouldnt , just in case, but now there is no "just in case". It has been such an easy uncomplicated procedure for me. No complications during surgery, no pain, no gas problems that some have talked about.I started at 101kgs and am now down just over 8kgs. Best of all, the measurements have dropped in that short time span. This is our ticket to slimness my friend so welcome aboard and keep in touch.
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Kannie,
I am now 10 days post-op and 9 kgs down. Had a little problem with breathing after my op but that settled after an hour then the spasms in your tummy when taking your first sips are uncomfortable but you have to expect some changes these only last for a few days anyway and are not too bad. Pain after the op is minimal and you only need a few panadol if anything seems strange to have major surgery and not the pain but it is true. Apart from all that I am now eating 3 small meals a day scrambled egg, mashed potato, custard and apple, mashed shaved turkey breast and gravy and yoghurts are all regulars at this time. I am making sure I eat 3 times a day even though I could sometimes go without, hunger pains are almost non existent. I am trying to keep my protein intake up as I don't want to lose muscle tissue. About half to 1 cup at each mealtime is plenty.
Anyway I hope we stay in touch, I am sure you will not be the first one this doesn't work for because I expected me to be that one but here I am 9kgs down. Good Luck
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Anne,
I am now 10 days post-op and am pretty happy with what I am able to eat at this stage. I am having shaved turkey breast with gravy which I mash up with a fork, about two thirds of a cup, also mashed potato, kumara, nearly any vegetable which can be overcooked and mashed is fine, pureed apple and custard any types of yoghurt, porridge, mashed avocado, scrambled egg with melted cheese. I am a caterer by profession so am eager mash up most things and give them a go. The only thing so far I didn't tolerate was watermelon whch I chewed up fine but wasn't happy to stay down so it came back up almost instantly. I think it is really important to get enough protein so that is what I concentrate on. I have lost 9kgs in the past 15 days so I am happy with my progress.
I never feel hungry but do sense when it is time for a meal and make sure I eat even if I don't feel like it as I believe you need to get some nutrition in to stop muscle loss.
Keep in touch with your progess.
Cheers Jennifer
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Jodie,
I am now 10 days post-op and have lost 9kgs. The op went well except for some problems with my breathing when I came out of the anaesthetic. That took about an hour to settle down, and they put it down to the pressure the gas they put inside you to do the op pressing on my diaphram. Anyway after that the pain was very minimal but there is spasms when you begin to drink your fluids which is uncomfortable when it is going into your stomach, but it only lasts a few seconds so is not so bad. Apart from that the gas which makes you want to burp every time you have a drink is annoying but also bearable and that has really been my biggest issue but is easing every day. I am now able to eat three small meals a day about half to one cup each time and after that do not feel hungry at all. My meals are things like mashed vegies, shaved turkey breast in gravy which is easily mashed with a fork, porridge, apple puree and custard, grated or soft cheese, macadamia nuts which can be chewed up to the right consistency and are a great protein snack, also I drink that vitamize drink from jalna which is drinking yoghurt and is high in protein low in fat, mashed banana and smoothies. It has not been hard at all for this soft stage, only trying to drink the fluids at least 2 litres as well as time your meals to fit it in, as you can't eat and drink together has tested me at times.
I hope this info helps Jodie I have tried to tell you as much as I can, I would do it again tomorrow if I had to so if I made it sound bad it is not so that I wouldn't do it over.
Good luck with yours and keep in touch.
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Jennifer, I am four weeks pre-op and feel the same as you, excited and nervous. I am 107kg and cannot wait to lose even 5kg, let alone 20kg. It all seems too good to be true, I still cannot get my head around the fact that this will work. After trying so many diets etc, as I am sure you all have, I still have that doubt in my mind, that it will work with me. Maybe I will be the statistic that it fails on?? I too would love any info from others.
You wrote your post on Oct 5, so you have already had your surgery. I hope it went well, you will have to fill me in.
Thanks Kannie
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Jodi,I am now just 4 days op and from my experience I would have to say that you have nothing to be worried about. There was no pain after the op and I did not have anything for that except paracetemol.Where are you at now in the process? I had about a 4 month build up and was keen to get it done asap but I had complications with overseas travel planned and the surgeon was not keen to operate within 2 weeks of a longhaul flight. That was so frustrating for me but the time did pass quickly and here I am now , all done.I have taken a week off work and hope to be ok to return in 4 days time. It will only be some tiredness that will hold me back I think. Im having a wee nana nap in the afternoons and apart from that, I am feeling great!. Now I am just sitting back waiting for the fat to fall off me.Please feel free to ask any questions.
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi Jennifer,
Just wondering how you are feeling and coping with the new reduced stomach capacity.Looking at some of the messages on the forum it looks like you Australians have been given a slightly different list of rules for post op.I have been told that I can only "eat" anything that will go up a straw for the first 2 weeks. The next 2 weeks are progressed onto thicker liquid like yoghurt, thick soups.From there on its just an experimental process to find what suits us individually.Most "sleeves" seem to struggle with rice, pasta, potatoes ,bread and meat. Mmmmmmm doesnt sound like theres alot left to choose from. But I am assured that there is light at the end of the tunnel. One of the "sleeves" I know is 6 months post op and she can eat everything now , just in moderation, another lady who is just 6 weeks post op is eating 2 poached eggs on toast for breakfast so that is very encouraging.
The most amazing thing is I am not hungry. Thats an unfamiliar feeling. I basically have not eaten anything for a week now and I am not in he slightest bit hungry.
How has it been for you? What instructions have you been given regarding the do's and don'ts? Hop you are feeling s great as I am. It has been such a breeze for me and I am really surprised by how really good I feel.
Topic: RE: one week pre-op and counting!!
Hi, I am now 4 days post op and have been blown away by how easy it has been.Yes coming out of an anesthetic does present some challenges but they pass very quickly.I remember that soon after waking,I think maybe 4 hours after, I needed to go to the toilet.Rang the bell for assistance and initially I struggled to get up off the bed. I dont want to blow that out of proportion because it was only a slight dizzy feeling for a few minutes.Off I trotted to the toilet and from that point on I had no problems at all. Onwards and upwards from there on.I did not have any nausea at all, I did not have ant pain at all either. I was not on any pain killer except for paracetemol. The incisions just felt like a small bit of bruising.The mouth was very dry and I could have drunk a litre of water but of course that was not possible.I was abit sared of taking a drink so initially I just swirled some water in my mouth and spat it out and that did the trick.When I did take a drink which I guess was within 12 hours of the op I did feel it go down and that was only just a tiny sip. At that point I was beginning to grasp just how critical small sips were going to be.Fortunately the volume does get better and each sip passes without feeling now.Actually the anaethestist did xplain to me that the stomach is even more smaller at that time due to some swelling so that gave me some confidence that things would be easier soon.Basically from that time onwards, I ahve been able to sip my way through cups of coffee and protein shakes with no problems.Day 3 post op did produce some diaroreah and that passed within 24 hurs. All in all it has been an absolute breeze.I have not taken any pain killers since being at home and I am in no discomfort at all. Now I am just waiting to fade away. cant wait!!