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(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 9:23 pm - Oak park, MI
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
My fear is that the christian group will want to come here and debate religion with us. I am more afraid of that than the mods. I know these boards are open for all and I am a FULL supporter af free speech, but we are not a curiosity or oddity to gawk at either. I am hoping the right thing happens with this board and the gawkers stay away. I am here to be free from religion and prayers. This board is for Atheists/Agnostics and that is all that should post here in my opinion. I would not go to the Christian or Jewish boards and post there. There are a bazillion other boards for eveyone else. If someone is curious, go buy a book. I am here to talk to fellow Atheists/Agnostics only. We will just have to see what gets pulled and what does not. If they start that annoying sensoring, I am outta here. Much Love, Terri
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 9:23 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: Just blame ELLEN
I believe TOS applies even here, and name calling of even celebreties is not allowed. So... while we can't say Pat Robertson is psycho, we can say he says some psycho things "By their fruits you will recognize them." Tek
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 9:18 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
You're right, this was not meant humorously. Honestly, I did choose the topics to be a bit inflamatory, not just to see if the post is removed. I am not sure how interesting the topics would be, as there may well be very little variety of opinion. As it is, I may have to present a believers arguement (which I can do fairly and effectively). It seems to me many Athiests and Agnostics go on to become Anti-Religion, and it is easy to fall into the trap of bashing rather than discussing. I would think that beleivers will pop in, just like women on the mens board, and newbies on the Grads board. Tek
on 9/14/05 8:56 pm - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
Considering its set up as an Atheism / Agnostic board, one would hope you could discuss those issues that pop up. I'd be interested in some of those discussions . Good Luck! Genny
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 4:31 pm - Yakima, WA
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
I'm quite sure you didn't mean this humorously, but you DO slay me on MANY boards LOL. (I'm not 'really' here )
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 2:40 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
D'OH! I should have looked it up first. He called religion a "crutch for the weak-minded."
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 2:27 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Just blame ELLEN
I dug around a bit and discovered that the site has been called "The Onion meets Entertainment Tonight." Guess I called that one.... But you know what's really sick? Pat Robertson is such a psycho I was totally prepared to believe it.
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 2:24 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
I say we toss out this one... Do you agree with Jesse Ventura that religion is for the weak-willed?
Jessica D.
on 9/14/05 12:07 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
I say we try it!! If they're going to open a Agnostic/Atheist messageboard, then they should be prepared to see us discussing those very topics. Ponder away!!! I'll answer!! If anyone gets their post deleted, email the rest of us directly...if we need to start our own group elsewhere in an arena that won't censor us! Jessica
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/05 10:56 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: How safe is this place?
You forgot "The myth that is Jesus." I say we talk about that one! I'm not sure what we'll be able to discuss but check my "What would Dubya Do" post. Took FOUR versions before I got one expressing my general idea that did not get pulled.
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