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Myrtle M.
on 9/19/05 12:56 am - Duluth, MN
Topic: RE: Hey all you fellow independent thinkers!!!!
Congratulations on the success with Atkins. You sound like you know what to do and are doing it day by day. I loved your first sentence - as that's why I came to this board. Thanks for posting - I am so glad this board is here.
on 9/18/05 5:11 am - Austin, TX
I always say gesundheit which means "to your health" in German. I'm part German so it works for me I taught my 3 year old daughter to say this after someone sneezes as well. Works great for us and we're still being polite when someone sneezes. Lisa
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/05 2:33 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: How are you spending "Prayer Day"?
Oh no I didn't know they were going to do that!! I was going through some old files and found that photo and realized it showed my unfortunate SIZE so I thought I'd put it on my profile. I didn't know they were going to crop it and put it on my posts! I'm going to have to get a better one now! My digital camera decided to stop working a few weeks ago so I'll have to think of something....
Jessica D.
on 9/18/05 1:20 am - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: How are you spending "Prayer Day"?
I'm glad we finally got a picture of you!! I read your website stuff; isn't the journey fun... Take care. Jessica
(deactivated member)
on 9/17/05 2:29 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: The Sham that is Prayer
You're a hospice nurse??? Oh man.. You know, if I think about it, maybe all hospice workers should be atheists because at that time, maybe more than any other time in our lives, there are things that just HAVE to be done. What you described in your post Jessica, I have a LOT of issues with that very thing. I think people force others to endure horrible suffering because they believe "god is in control" and he's going to do... something. Whenever he gets around to it. They refuse to step up and see REALITY and make the tough decisions that MUST be made! For some people, I think part of it is their own denial. Look at how the Schindlers convinced themselves Terri Schiavo was trying to communicate with them. But I really can't deal with how people will allow their loved ones to linger because they're waiting around for god to come "take" them. Meanwhile, every medical instrument ever invented is hooked up to them, keeping this god at bay...
Jessica D.
on 9/16/05 12:41 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: The Sham that is Prayer
My mind is always blown when people say, "we prayed and prayed and look...blah, blah, blah happened." Or, "god has not abandoned us. The whole city of New Orleans is gone, but god is good. He found us food,and water; he gave us shelter. he did this, and did that." PULEEZE!! Sh** happens,and you can pray all day, but the reality is, when it's gonna happen, prepare: don't pray! I'm a hospice nurse, and I see people who absolutely believe that the suffering thier child is going through (the last one was four years old) was because god was challeging them--god was testing their faith. The boy suffered. He died. What the hell kind of test involves torturing a child to death????? People floor me with how they think prayer changes a damn thing. This little boy had a seizure disorder that rendered his brain unable to ward of contant seizures. The little boy had NO quality of life. Medications, treatments, hospitalizations, pain: and the family says, "god is so good to us, he's given us little boy "C" for 4 years. I just want to scream!!! You thank your god for this???? Misery, and zero quality of life is a gift from god?? Let me tell you, I want no part of that god, thank you!!! Jessica
Jessica D.
on 9/16/05 12:32 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: How are you spending "Prayer Day"?
The separation of Church and State: what a joke! How dare Dubya push his religious beliefs off onto the masses because he thinks we need prayer. This kind of sh** sickens me! How about we spend a day helping the less fortunate. How about we spend a day cleaning up our neighborhoods. Mabye we can set aside a day for families (ALL families) to get to know their neighbors on neighborood block day! None of these things violate our rights to keep religion out of politics. Dubya, you suck! Jessica
(deactivated member)
on 9/16/05 6:41 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: The Sham that is Prayer
Oh thanks Tek, I really had to chuckle---why pray if god knows all, what can you tell him that he doesn't already know about you and your future and what he's going to decide he'll let you have!!!! The points you raise all indicate the human psychological need that prayer fulfills since clearly god doesn't need prayer---except if we are to assume that he requires frequent demonstrative worship in return for wishes granted (which were determined ahead of time anyway)! And even that logic seems to crumble in situations of misfortune or misery when you realize that god would have caused all conditions from which one might pray for relief! Prayer is the ignition key in the coping mechanism that is religion. You're never completely out of options if you can ask god for help and when you don't get what you ask for, you have an explanation!
(deactivated member)
on 9/16/05 5:04 am - Oak park, MI
Topic: RE: How are you spending "Prayer Day"?
They interupted tv this morning to show some bishop praying. I turned it off.
(deactivated member)
on 9/16/05 1:40 am - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: The Sham that is Prayer
Obviously, any discussion of prayer assumes the existence of a god to whom the prayers are directed. Further, it must assumed that God will meddle in human affairs. -> God is omnipotent. God already knows what has or will happen. God already knows the content or purpose of any prayer before its even thought of. For all intents and purposes, there is no need for prayer IF its purpose is to inform or ask for change. -> God has a Plan. Asking for a change would actually be opposing Gods Plan. Who am I to ask God to change his plan? If God has a plan, we have no free will. -> Lets all Pray. Often, prayer is treated as a cosmic popularity contest, that the more people we can get to pray for a particular thing, the more likely it is that God will act. -> Praying for others. They are suffering. God knows this, and at BEST has allowed their suffering. At worst, God caused their suffering. Either way, they are in the situation God has chosen. I've heard several reasons why prayer is important that have more to do with our relative position and relationship with God. The whole things seems to be some sort of a "We know God knows we know" kind of thing, where we pray to show our appreciation for God as Loving Creator and giver of all things. God already knows this, but likes to hear it anyhow. We know God knows, but do it anyhow. Tek
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