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(deactivated member)
on 9/22/05 10:20 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
Hello Barb! I just happened to be flipping through the "Communities" lists and "Pine Needle Basketry" struck me as funny. Especially when I saw that they had ten members and we had seven. Well, now we have eight! I've noticed sometimes people will describe atheism as "scary" or a big leap to take in their lives and I'd be interested to learn why. Personally I find it much scarier to believe that there is some great unknown after you are dead and that you will be judged by every little thing you might have done in your life. And the whole idea of "God is in control" or maybe not or maybe he's going to hear your prayer but maybe he won't grant your wish just yet...No I feel much more comfortable knowing that I call the shots in my own life and if something bad happens to me, it isn't "punishment" or a test or something that I will have to wait to be rewarded for struggling with. Please share your thoughts and let's discuss! Start a new thread if you'd like since this one's about you know, pine needle basketry....
on 9/22/05 7:21 am - Northern, VA
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
Atheism is scary. It took me a long time to say "There is no God and it doesn't matter how good, bad, smart, dumb lucky, you're going to die". As for those pine needles, is this something of an art form, like creating fishing lures?
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/05 2:03 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Somthin' to smile about!
Hey! Yes, that's good news! So is this further movement from the other day when you posted about how "the scale moved"??? Are you just PUSHING forward or what??!!!! As Jim Morrison would say BREAK ON THROUGH! Tell us about what you're doing! I have a recommendation. I have recently started doing my cardio work with a Polar heart monitor. I have just the most basic model. All it does is give the heart rate readout. It also transmits to many cardio machines that are equipped with Polar technology. I've been using a stepper machine, thinking that I just needed to keep staying on it longer and longer... but NO! I need time at my target heart rate or I'm not getting the real benefit! There is a specific "fat burning" range for cardio conditioning! I've been so out of shape for so long... so far I can reach my THR in about 5 minutes and then maintain it for 15 minutes. Now my goal is specific: To increase the time at my THR, not just time on the machine. It's helping me feel more focused and more accomplished when I get off that stepper!!
Jessica D.
on 9/21/05 11:08 am - Edmonds, WA
Topic: Somthin' to smile about!
Guess what?! I finally broke that damn plateau!! I've been sitting in the 260's for what feels like forever...and today, BAM!!! 257!!!!!! Now for all of you believers that have been praying for me, I humbly say to you: god didn't do this, dammit, I DID!!!! (I'm kidding, DUH!!! You're all too busy working your butts off to lose your weight to waste time praying!!!) I get a hell of a lot of support from people on the OH boards, and I want to say, thank you for every single word of encouragement. I need it: I still have 80 more pounds to lose. But beween hard work at the gym, sticking to this Adkins thing, and making myself a priority, this weight has to come off!!! Jessica 302/257/175
Jessica D.
on 9/20/05 12:29 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
Oh, Dona You know WAAAY too much about basket weaving... Jessica
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/05 2:42 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
"Fascinating" is right Tek! You just hold on to your hat sir! One need not scour the forest looking for basket weaving supplies. The finest of pine needles--the "giants" from Florida and even exotic specimens from England---can be purchased online, dyed even! The Mother of Pine Needle Basketry is Mrs. M J McAfee who did her pioneering work in the field in the early twentieth century.
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/05 1:13 am - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
You have to also recognize that the number of members is a count of those that have put it as an 'interest'. While Athiesm/Agnosticism is interesting to me, it is not something I put a heck of a lot of time or energy into... contrary to all evidence to the contrary I may have to look into Pine Needle Basketry though, it seems fascinating. Tek
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/05 1:06 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: The bible...
Christian radio amuses and scares me because of the utterly ridiculous things these people are willing to believe (pray to Jesus to solve your tax problems, Princess Diana is in hell because she consulted her horoscope) but they will also mobilize to write letters, send faxes, carry signs, boycott corporations, and harass politicians to force their religious agenda on the rest of us. The oddities of the Book of Genesis---In chapter 1, verses 26-30, god makes "man" on the SIXTH day, "Male and female he created them" and does the whole giving them "dominion" over the earth stuff. Tells them to "be fruitful and multiply." But then in chapter 2, god's week is OVER, the seventh day is passed and he hasn't made it rain because "there was not a man to till the ground." NOW god gets the idea, hey I should make a man! But he doesn't get the idea to make two people AND after Adam is made, god is just concerned that he seems lonely and needs a "helpmate." Hence the very clear message that woman's purpose is just to keep man entertained thank you very much. Interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve is intriguing to me however. If Adam's the guy in charge, why does Satan choose Eve to make his pitch? Because he didn't think Adam would be able to convince Eve to eat the apple? Yes, it takes no less than Satan himself to pursuade Eve and she takes a lot of persuasion! But Adam? Hey, he does whatever Eve tells him to. So what is the message here? That women are the instruments of Satan for the purpose of misguiding men? What little of the Bible I have read, I noticed a frequent message that seems to say that women will deceive men if given the chance so guys, keep 'em down or you'll be their helpless victim. In the Old Testament especially, women are all about guile and deception. Nice.
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/05 12:26 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
I was just really amused to see there is a board for something that sounded as arcane as "Pine Needle Basketry"!! It reminded me of when I accidentally discovered that there are people who collect cat whiskers. There is a publication called "Cat Whisker Digest." Who knew?
Jessica D.
on 9/19/05 11:42 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: Atheism is less popular than Pine Needle Basketry
Okay, I gotta ask, What the fu** is Pine Needle Basetry?? WEIRD! Jessica
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