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on 10/6/05 5:05 am - Northern, VA
Topic: RE: Katrina victim prays---gets $1.6 MM
Hey Dona, Thought I'd share my lottery story, although not as dramatic. It was in 94 and my 3 yr old daughter was recovering from her bone marrow transplant (for a rare form of leukemia). Neither hubby or I were working as we had just left the army shortly before she was diagnosed. We were living off unemployment and my retirement check. My mother and niece came to visit on the 4th of July and since my daughter was in Children's Hospital in D.C., after our daily visit with her, we did a little sight seeing in DC. We were going to stay for the mall activities but it was so freaking hot and humid, we decided to go home. On the way we stopped to buy some beer and wine for our own cookout and I bought 5 pick 4 tickets at the same time. I played the last four of my social security number. THEY WON!!! $25,000 when we needed it most. We were able to buy a decent car, replace our crappy bed, buy a new fridge, and pay our mounting co-pays and co-insurances for the cancer treatment. BTW, daughter is now 15, and although she has some issues with the long term effects of radiation/chemo (cataracts, growth problems, puberty problems,) she is alive and well and driving me crazy.
Call Me Tinker
on 10/6/05 4:09 am - Austin, TX
RNY on 07/28/05 with
Topic: RE: Katrina victim prays---gets $1.6 MM
I wouldn't make that assumption... and I'm Christian. The irony is that money seldom makes people happy. It may give a temporary euphoria, but that leaves as quickly as the money does. In my family a very large windfall brought out the worst greed, the meanest actions, and the most hateful expressions we had ever seen. It was no blessing that is for sure. Just perhaps the windfall isn't the "something good" that she prayed for but rather a coincidence that occurred near the time of the prayer? The "something good" prayer may have previously been answered when the family realized the value of life after losing everything in the storm? I do understand that you are pointing out that the paper is drawing the conclusion that because the woman prayed she won the money. Many people, religous or not, seek to find a cause and effect for the things that happen in life. I don't think the intent was to imply that if you pray you'll get what you want. I just wanted to give you my thoughts on the subject.
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/05 12:57 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: Katrina victim prays---gets $1.6 MM
A news story just out: The story clearly suggests that this woman was down and out until she prayed for something good to happen and god responded by giving her $1.6 million. The cause and effect here is not even subtle. Are we to assume, then, that her god considers this woman to be the single most deserving person of every Katrina victim in the entire country?
Jan A.
on 10/1/05 5:54 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Being demonized as an atheist
hey Dona, that's an easy one. they can't leave people alone because they want to "save" us. from what i haven't a clue, but "save" us they must. you know why.......jaysus told them to!
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/05 5:00 am - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: Why?
I went over and looked at her post. Sorry, I don't buy her version of the email she received. So many people sign their posts "God Bless" or some version of that that I don't buy that someone picked her out for that reason. Looking back at her post history, she has posted much more than "God Bless", but not overbearingly so (IMHO). Too many times I have seen, on these boards, one sentence grabbed on to and and everything else ignored. I suspect that is the case here. More likely, that was one point of many. Somehow, I don't think the name will ever be revealed. If it is, it will be removed as that would likely violate TOS. Tek
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/05 12:45 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Being demonized as an atheist
You do as I do---I refuse to engage. No matter how hard somebody tries to bait me, I never bite. I will insist over and over that I hope they find happiness in the manner they've chosen to live their life, please grant me the same respect. It is the perfect response, the only real response you need, to that attitude that I am misguided or lost or "risking" my "eternal soul." And you know what. I really mean it! I LIVE by my priniciples! I really do want people to live however they chose! Something we really need in this country is for more people to figure out that how someone else lives does not have any effect on you! When I hear Christians say they are "in a battle for souls" I have to admit it makes my skin crawl. Why can't they just LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/05 12:08 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Why?
The situation you are describing is definitely completely inappropriate and unnecessary. I'm not sure what anyone would hope to accomplish by treating someone that way---or for that matter, who they think, in their twisted way, they are defending! Unfortunately, it looks like many of the responses this woman has received are showing an anger directed at atheists. I have posted to the Michigan board in support of you Terri.
(deactivated member)
on 9/30/05 1:50 pm - Oak park, MI
Topic: RE: Why?
Oh, I am also hoping she gives me a name as well.
(deactivated member)
on 9/30/05 1:43 pm - Oak park, MI
Topic: Why?
There is this woman who posts on my state board all the time. She is a very nice person who happens to be Christian. I have always known this about her and I know she is pretty devout. Someone sent her hate mail telling her she offends those who do not believe by signing off with "God Bless". Many on my board know that I am an Atheist, so I go on the defensive so they know it was not me. I am very active on my state board and cannot fo the life of me figure out who would have done this. As far as I know, I am the only out of the closet Atheist on my board. I certainly hope someone visiting this board did not follow me to my state board and harrass this poor woman. This is the type of thing that makes us look bad and lose credibility. I am NOT happy about this. Terri
Jessica D.
on 9/29/05 12:16 pm - Edmonds, WA
Topic: RE: Being demonized as an atheist
It's interesting that many people view atheists as either satan worshippers, or "disillusioned with events in their lives" and the role "god" played in it. I'm a hospice nurse, so I attend the deaths of many people. There's a lot of prayin' goin' on, and because I recognize that the family needs to hold on to whatever shred of reasoning behind their loss, I simply step out of the room while they're thanking "god" for how good he's been to them, and how wonderful he is for taking away the loved one's pain. That sh** just blows me away. I'm sometimes questioned by famiy members as to why I leave the room. I figure, they're already stressed enough without having to try to figure out why I don't believe as they do. I usually say, "I'm giving your family time alone." That by-and-large does it for most people, but on occasion, someone will question a bit deeper and I never lie. I simply say, "I'm not a Christian." Of course, that answer is NEVER good enough. I refuse to debate or defend my lack of religion with anyone; I have the right, just as they do, to believe in nothing. I refuse to engage; and people ultimately give up. Sucks to be them... I'm sure I can count on them praying for my lost soul... My best friend is as Christian as they come. She believes that though I don't believe in "god", I must be spiritually centered. Because I'm a decent, moral, loving, giving person, atheisism just doesn't compute with her. She has to believe that there is 'something' that makes me the person I am. She's right, there is something: ME, genes, history, life! We agree to disagree, and it causes no tension in our relationship, it's just a part of our friendship that simply is. As someone else said, or Atheism does not define us; it's simply a part of who we are. Some people have more energy to debate and discuss it, but ultimately, just as we don't try to change the Christians to Atheists, they have no right to try to save our souls and attempt to convince us of the inaccuracy of our thought processes. Jessica
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