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(deactivated member)
on 10/10/05 1:18 am - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: Proverbial Frozen Hell
Now I grasp the thrust of your post. Less political, more shock. Gotcha. Tek
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/05 12:57 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Proverbial Frozen Hell
Tek, it's my assumption that among atheists there'd be no debate in our general opinion of Ms. Coulter. I merely wanted to share my shock and surprise at my own opinion with my heathen buds 'round here. Now if I should continue to agree with anything else Ann Coulter says, I will be posting about it and it will be a CRY FOR HELP. I will need my atheist friends to immediately rush to Chicago and see to it that extremely heavy medication is administered as something will be SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH ME....
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/05 12:19 am - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: Proverbial Frozen Hell
The rules are there every time you post. Frankly, I couldn't care less about Ann Coulter, or what she has to say. The board is testy enough (already, one member was chased away because someone dared take offense), so polital debate is just another way to alienate fellow free-thinkers. Tek
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/05 12:10 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Who the F knows?
FYI to the members---Katie is a cool chick from here in Chicago. Please extend her a welcome. Katie, we're having a little problem right now and I just can't give you a proper response to your post!
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/05 12:08 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: So very disappointed
There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ANGRY OR RUDE ABOUT TERRI'S POST. This board is not a place where atheists have to be expected to explain themselves. It's supposed to be OUR SPACE not the Learning Center for the Curious and Uninformed. Dawn I did you a favor by accommodating your question and starting a thread for discussion and look how you treated one of our own members. You were the outsider and we took the time to respond to your question and you're going to ***** that somehow it wasn't sufficiently sugar-coated for you. Obviously it was just over your head. I'm through with being "respectful" to the likes of you. If this gets OUR BOARD removed because people like you won't leave us in peace, I can assure you you won't have heard the last. You and your little friend can leave this board and never come back if you have half a clue.
dawn D.
on 10/9/05 6:38 pm - plainville, CT
Topic: RE: So very disappointed
Just wanted to say I agree with you Sher. If someone who wholeheartedly believed in what they claim, they would not 'attack' someone with anger (look at Dona for example - she is very polite, educated and respectful when making comments),,. anyways, take care!!
on 10/9/05 6:03 pm - Flatlands, CA
Topic: RE: So very disappointed
Terri, Your responses to that poster and to many others are, in my opinion, very negative and hostile. You write repeatedly from a viewpoint of one who feels she is educationally superior to so many others. You complain about gawkers who have the audacity to come to this board and read your posts. You attack with profanity and anger. I imagine if you respond to this posting, you will also have some hateful comments to hurl my way and that is ok, a chance I take by writing to you. I just feel so sad when I read your remarks. I know you do not want my sympathy or my compassion, but I feel it for you just the same. If you truly had no doubts about your beliefs, Terri, I do not think you would feel so angry. This is not a judgment of you, simply an observation. Sher Lo
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/05 3:01 pm
Topic: Who the F knows?
Hey All, Thanks for pointing me to this mb Dona. I have a somewhat confused belief system in relation to the idea of god. I was raised in a big Irish catholic family. At the ago of 12 I simply refused to go to church with my family. I didn't really go back again until I was married, and in truth, that was to please my folks. I didn't receive any formal higher education until well into my 30s. I enrolled in several anthropology and women's studies classes. I began to research creationism and evolution, as well the history of patriarchy and misogyny. It is my opinion that christianity, as well as other big money making organized religions (cults if you please) exist to control and squash individuals and independent thought. The new testament is a book threaded with violent, threatening imagery, much of it against women and children, intended to frighten the masses into obedient submission. Maybe Jesus, the man, did exist. Maybe there was a woman named Mary who gave birth to him. I don't know. But it is obvious that the bible and new testament were created as a means to control people. The colonies were born out of biblical ideals set forth by the framers of the constitution. The puritan value system is bible based. I still feel as I felt at 12yo. I do not like being force fed the idea that some big man lives up in the sky and is watching my every move so I better be good or else. Is it god up there? Santa? I think not. And, if god exists, please I need some answers. Why is the US better than the rest of the world? Why would god bless america and not iran or zaire? Why would god let Jon Bennett Ramsey's mother turn her into a child prostitute look-alike if he knew she was going to be killed? I'd hope a decent god would have spared her the humiliation. Why does god want me to give him my money on the religious channels? Why did god allow georgie bush to buy the election? Why won't god cure juvenile lymphoma? Why does god give provide for white people better than people of color? Why won't god let the cubs win another world series? Now, as I approach 40, I would describe my relationship with the church as sentimental. I have memories of saying good-byes to people I loved who've died, of attending baptisms, etc. The church I have attended in my life was built with a lot of my grandfather's money and jewels he bought for the church. Countless relatives have been married, annointed and buried from this particular church. Stepping through the doorway conjuers a myriad of memories for me -- but not so much god based. I guess I enjoy the feelings associated with some of my memories. Like going to CCD in the 3rd grade and the teacher being so sweet to me when she knew I was having a rough time. The church is a part of my culture. Do I pray? Prayer has been given such a bad rap. Does praying really have anything to do with religion of even spirituality? When I hold a good thought for you, am I praying? If I hope all goes well for you during your surgery, does it mean god is listening because I want god to? I don't know? Is god really an eight ball? Ask again later? I support the right of all people to believe is what they choose. The mentioning of god, mohammed, jesus, etc. doesn't bother me. You have a right to believe whatever you choose. However, like the telemarketer who keeps calling, eventually I will get irritated with a cheerleader for god who annoyingly attempts to 'convert' me. I have escorted several friends to family planning centers. I've been approached and by screaming jesus groupies and I have ignored them in the way I have learned to ignore people, wearing $100.00 athletic shoes and leather jackets, who are begging me for pocket change in front of Walgreens. Maybe god does exist and has been shaking a collectively conscious head at us while thinkin', 'Man, they are really f-ing up but good!" Or, maybe we are all participants in god's little ant farm. On the other hand, I may be going to hell for posting this. ;)
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/05 12:48 pm - Oak park, MI
Topic: So very disappointed
I started thinking today after my slight altercation with a poster earlier. I feel violated. It is my own thing really. I do not like the way I feel when I feel like I am forced to say such mean things to someone. Regardless of what they say to me, it is not in my best interested to give in to that little part of me. It just feels yucky you know? I had hopes for this board, but it is not safe or private. My beliefs are something I do not want to put out there to only be atacked over and over again by gawkers. It is not their fault though. I can see where it is like an oddity to those who never met anyone that was Atheist. I used to believe, and I know what I thought. The bickering and the meanness is getting annoying. This is what I said I was afraid of the beginning. I wanted like minded only, and this site is way to public for that sort of forumn to exist. Please feel free to email me privately anytime, through this site, those of you with like minds. Good luck with your WLS goals everyone. Terri
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/05 12:07 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Proverbial Frozen Hell
Umm....the board's one month old. The rule book hasn't been printed up yet. If an atheist thinks it's of interest to other atheists I say, post it. Besides, do you actually know of any atheist Ann Coulter fans??
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