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(deactivated member)
on 10/19/05 8:44 pm - Oak park, MI
Topic: Stress will kill ya!
Ugh! The stresses of life are just unbearable sometimes. My company is jacking us around so bad. We are 7 business day from closing our doors. The trucks came from Florida to get all of the computers. All of our clients have been transferred to the new owner. We have signed our severence agreements and most have found new jobs. So, yesterday they tell us we have been acquired yet again. This means all severence agreements are null and void and we may be forced to stay with a broken company or leave empty handed. No one wants to stay. We are sick of this **** This would be the third owner in 6 months. You have a bunch of bankrupt companies buying each other to avoid taxes and cover for bankruptcies. It is sickening really. We are getting f-ed, and the millionaires get to keep playing their games. We will know more today. I am not sleeping and am sick to my stomach all of the time. I want off this ride. I am disgusted and worn down. Then, I find out my gym is closing dec 1. for a Traget store. Now, I would give up cable tv for my gym membership. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! On top of that, I call the insurance co. yesterday because they are 3 days away from the 60 they said it took for my TT approval. "Oh no" they say. It is 60 f-ing BUSINESS days! OF COUSE IT IS!!!!!!!! They couldn't tell me that 60 f-ing days ago!!!! I am stressed and sick. I am going to run a few miles and shake off the impending doom and gloom I will be facing today. I wish I could tell my company to F-off and take their job and give it to some poor sucker who is willing to learn to like the taste of **** I could never get used to it. Much Love, Terri
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/05 8:32 pm - Oak park, MI
Topic: RE: Kinda OT--Astrology
All I know is I am a Libra(10-17), and I am exactly as they describe a Libra to be. It is a little freaky.
on 10/19/05 2:52 pm - Placerville, CA
Topic: RE: Kinda OT--Astrology
October 13th. Friday. The 13th. My friend's husband just did a chart for me--I'd never had such a thing before. I looked to see the rising sign...but there are so MANY different aspects of it (34 pages). However, the first thing that he talks about is Sun in Libra, moon in Pisces. Hope you can make sense of that! Sun is in the seventh house. Quite frankly, I was hoping to find that my moon was in the Seventh House. And that Jupiter aligns with mars. Because then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars. (Standing, belting at the top of her voice) This is the dawning of the age of aquarius... Oh how I yearn for the '70s. My formative years. Oh, so...I'm a libra who can't make up her mind...self-fulfilling prophecy??
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/05 12:17 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Kinda OT--Astrology
March 1 here. From a leap year! I missed February 29 by just a few hours! Have fun.
on 10/19/05 8:03 am
Topic: Kinda OT--Astrology
This is a silly question, I know, but I am just curious. What is everyone's astrological sign? I am a huge fan of astrology and I like to see if there are patterns in people. My stats are: Pisces Sun Cancer Moon Pisces Rising If you have no clue about the "sun," "moon," and "rising" bit, just post the sign you know. The "rising" sign is the one based solely on your birthdate. For instance, I'm a Pisces rising because I was born on March 12. Anyway, thanks for your responses. It would be cool to see a pattern between a certain sign and atheist beliefs!
(deactivated member)
on 10/16/05 3:10 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: "The God Who Wasn't There" documentary
I rented this from Netflix. I'd say it's just OK! The filmmaker was raised Christian and educated in a Christian school. He's a former "born again" and obviously has an axe to grind with that community and specifically, with the superintendent of his former school. I actually found the scene where he interviews this superintendent to be quite boring and I fast-forwarded through it. He just kept trying to trip the man up. Like it isn't pointless for an atheist and a Christian to have a... uh, "discussion." The focus of the film is to examine incongruities in the New Testament that the filmmaker feels reveal its fallacy. He asks a few people coming out of a Billy Graham crusade if they know how early Christianity spread after the crucifixion of Jesus (of course they just generalize and really don't make any valid points). He has a few academics talk about the Bible from historical and literary standpoints. It's somewhat interesting in that respect. In the DVD extras, the longer interviews with these people are better than the documentary itself. Ultimately, this film is just the particular aspects of Christianity that this particular filmmaker has issues with. OK, fine, take that for what it is. For me, the film dealt with the minor points that are irrelevant when you consider the far more significant matters that tell us the world isn't being run by a deity---like evolution, physics, and just plain rational thought. Any Joseph Campbell book or a visit to a museum of natural history is more thought-provoking than this film.
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/05 3:03 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: To the christians reading this board
I have had Christians try to argue with me that this country was founded as a "Christian nation." One even told me that all non-Chrisitians, atheists included, should conduct themselves as respectful guests. The person who told me this was a naturalized American citizen who apparently thinks he has more rights to be here than I do. Many times I have heard Christians use the argument "It's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion." Well sorry but freedom FROM religion is one of the choices in a secular nation! What bugs me is how many Christians do not see how proper application of the First Amendment protects EVERYBODY, including them. They don't know what it would be like to be in the minority. I don't think they'd be very comfortable in a courtroom if they had to pass a giant shrine to Vishnu to get in.
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/05 2:48 am - Oak park, MI
Topic: RE: To the christians reading this board
You are exactly right on all points. Nothing burns my ass more than those that speak out without being educated or at least knowledgable on the subject. All this emailer did to support her point that the founding fathers were NOT atheist was put "one nation under God" in quotations. The thing about us Athiests is that we are thinkers and researchers. I have yet to meet an atheist that makes their decisions without consulting or researching. We do not just say we do not believe for no reason. Those outside of us have no idea who they are debating when they take us on. You better have your facts straight before you do that.
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/05 2:30 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: To the christians reading this board
I can't believe my typo! "insightful" What was I thinking.
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/05 2:29 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: To the christians reading this board
Greetings Terri--- Thank you for providing accurate and inciteful information. It's my understanding that this country got caught up in a religious fervor inspired by the "Red Scare" of the 1950s. It was at that time that "under God" was added to the Pledge and "In God We Trust" was added to our money. Communism was seen as our nation's primary enemy and Communists were demonized as atheists. The religious revival was a reactionary response to Communism and a way that we sought, at that time, to distance and distinguish ourselves from Communists. There should be no debate that our Founding Fathers sought to construct a wall between church and state from the very beginning. The foundation of our nation is in secularism for the protection of religious freedoms in religious neutrality and benign religious indifference.
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