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Topic: RE: Ding Dong Harriet's Gone.....
And we might have some indictments today also!!! Would love to see Rove, Cheney and Libby all frogmarched out of the WH today.
Topic: RE: He's BACK
Oh honey we've got plenty of those types in Chicago! All over downtown, all over the trains, standing in intersections between lanes of traffic, everywhere. And they often have portable loudspeaker systems! Great!
Topic: RE: He's BACK
I wish my guy would finally decide I am A LOST CAUSE and give up. I'm sure the dinner invitations will start up again as soon as they are settled back in town. I guess I have a good excuse now. But to be honest, I really like his wife! She's very religious too of course but she's different. She's Brazilian and I don't think you're allowed to be a Fundamentalist in this country if you believe that a shoestring is a perfectly acceptable bathing suit. She also graduated from college in Brazil and I always got the feeling that deep down in a place where she'd never admit, she wishes she could be working and using her mind to be something more than a mommy. Their eldest son was actually a very successful child model, thanks to his mother's hard work. He's got a unique racially-ambiguous look that put him in high demand. He was with the Ford Agency. I'm sure when they get back here, she'll get that started up again. Her, I'd love to see. The kids are a delight and I don't generally like kids. The husband... well......
Topic: RE: He's BACK
I just know you will be converted yet Dona!!!
You are nicer than I am though. I have this nice young guy I work with who is a JW. He leaves early on Thursdays for the door knocking. I once told him(jokingly)to tell his people to stop stalking me in the Kmart parking lot. I also told him not to knock on my door. Then I thought about it and told him he SHOULD knock on my door. We could sit and have a real nice chat. He would be no competition for me...hahahaha. He does not try to save me though. I think he sees I am beyond saving.
Topic: RE: He's BACK
LOL, that is so funny Dona. Your own personal god botherer! We have a crazy yeller in our town. He stands on street corners, attends the locals fairs, carnivals etc and yells out about hell, fire, damnation and salvation at the the top of his lungs. He holds a bible and at a distance looks like an average middle class white guy. Closer up, you see that he's wearing several layers of clothes, has TWO pairs of glasses on, dirty unkempt hair and a wild look of sheer madness in his eyes.
Topic: He's BACK
I used to have this neighbor.... The Convertinator. Yes, I lived upstairs from a Baptist pastor. He once told me that the lord had brought him to my condo building to save me. The building was an excellent real estate investment, my condo tripled in value in seven years, but I digress. He would show up at my door all the time with a plate of freshly-baked something, wanting to "chat." Pamphlets often turned up under my door. Mailings from Focus on the Family appeared in my mail. And I had to get a lawyer to send him a letter to stop holding prayer meetings in the hallway outside my door.
He accepted a new position in Texas and they moved. I continued to get emails but those were easier to deal with than his all-too-frequent presence. Well I got another email last night. He's accepted a position at another church here in Chicago and they're moving back. Right down the street from me! In fact, I can SEE THE CHURCH from my window.
I'm sure they won't be moving into my current building but I'm a little distressed to know he's going to be right here in my neighborhood again.
Topic: RE: Why I am an Atheist
I'm waiting for someone to ask Fred Phelps when god is going to seek his vengeance on the Netherlands....
I admit I have no respect for anyone who uses some twisted self-serving interpretation of "god's word" to justify exclusionary attitudes, ignorance, and hate. I would hope that religious people would oppose what I think is a perversion and abuse of religion and speak out against it but that doesn't seem to happen.
Topic: Why I am an Atheist
I cut this excerpt from an article saying they would be making things like this a crime:
Baptist Church dragged U.S. flags on the ground and shouted insults at Doyle's wife and other survivors outside a mortuary in Martinsville, Ind.
Church Rev. Fred Phelps said American soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays and accepts homosexuality. The church, which is not affiliated with a larger Denomination, is made up mostly of Phelps' children, grandchildren and in-laws.
The church members carried signs and shouted things such as "God hates ****" and "God hates you."
Ugghhhhh!!!! Who goes through life thinking such hate is ok and acceptable? The thing is, other people of faith would say this guy is wrong, but his reality is that his views are correct. Everyone thinks they are the ones with the answers.
Topic: RE: New To This Board
So sorry I wasn't checking this board over the weekend. Hopefully you are in surgery now. Wishing you the best, it really is better over here on the losing side. Unlike Dona, I still have an appetite, but it takes so little to satisfy me. Last night we went out and played poker. I ordered a burger, cut a third of it for me, took 2 french fries and gave the rest to my son. I was so full!! A woman was there passing out pieces of cake but I wasn't tempted at all. I came in 9th in the poker tournament. Life is good.