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(deactivated member)
on 11/17/05 10:24 am - Oak park, MI
on 11/17/05 4:19 am - Toledo, OH
Topic: RE: An UGH!!! for the day.
Brother Pat should hope the athiests are right. Given his penchant for calling for the deaths of people he doesn't agree with and for wishing natural disasters on whole cities, he's going to be spending a lot of time in Hell if they're wrong. Funny, I don't actually believe in God (at least not in a way that Christians, Jews or Moslems would approve of), but I enjoy thinking about Pat Roberston burning in Hell
on 11/17/05 4:12 am - Toledo, OH
Topic: Support minus Jesus
I'm new here. I'm glad to have found this board. I love all the sincere folks on the main board and others who've offered to pray for me. I have no idea how to react to that, as I don't really believe that anyone hears the prayers. I've been struggling with the whole fear of death thing for the last week or so. As my date approaches, I can't help but worry about what might go wrong. It's harder when you don't believe there's a diety looking out for you, or a nice place to assemble with all your (worthy) dead relatives if something goes wrong. So how to we cope without these things? I've never coped with things WITH religion, as I've been pretty strongly non-Christian and agnostic from an early age (despite two years of horrid Catholic school -- my dad was an Orthodox Jew, so I always knew Christ wasn't the only answer people had). But it's easier to cope with pain and isolation than with the idea that I could be dead in a month. Can I get a witness?
on 11/17/05 4:00 am - Toledo, OH
Topic: RE: He's BACK
I always laugh when I hear mainstream Christians put down JWs or Mormons. The Flick Filosopher (online movie reviewer) had a funny take on it. It's like arguing about whether the magic invisible dragon who lives in your basement is blue or green. "Clearly, it's green!" the fundy will argue. "It's blue because Martin Luther said so!" the Lutheran replies. It's always an invisible magic dragon. If you believe it's there to begin with, no matter what color it is, that's pretty farfetched. When you start out believing that a virgin gave birth to the son of the magic sky daddy, the rest of it has the same amount of credibility to me. I'm an agnostic and not an atheist. I can't conclusively prove there isn't a god. On the days when I'm being theistic, I consider that there might be some sort of organizing force to the universe. But I doubt that -- if it exists at all -- it cares about people. I don't imagine some white haired guy with a long beard shaking his head because people had sex in a way he didn't like, or because the "wrong" person won Survivor. We used to get rid of JWs by offering them free copies of The Book of Mormon. You get rid of Mormons by offering them The Watchtower. Christian fundies of the Pat Robertson school pretty much geet a door slammed in the face. I really need to get a No Soliciting sign for the front door
on 11/16/05 11:00 pm - Northern, VA
Topic: RE: question for yall
Amanda, I hesitate to answer because I feel this message board is a place where athiests can discuss our views of life without having to explain ourselves to believers. I'm also pleased to read that you have 'no problem' with us. I, however, will answer your question but it is only my opinion. There may be other views concerning what happens to the energy that used to be us once we die but I can only speak for myself. I do not believe in an afterlife. Once we're gone, we're gone. We didn't exist before birth/conception and will not after death. To me, that makes each individual so much more special and the time on earth extremely precious. To me, life is all the more important. Hope that answers your question. Barb B.
on 11/16/05 9:02 pm - Lenoir, nc
Topic: question for yall
I am not an athiest and I never will be. I consider myself spiritual, but not religious. I believe there is a higher being out there. I have no problem with people choosing to believe what they wish. I just wonder though, do athiests believe in an afterlife at all??
on 11/15/05 12:05 am - Northern, VA
Topic: RE: The ugliness of cancer
Terri, I only knew of her when I read of her death. I went to her profile and was amazed at her difficult and painful time following WLS. From her account, I don't think she received the standard of aftercare. On top of that to be diagnosed with breast cancer! My sister is in the end stages of breast cancer. Since she is divorced and childless, family members rotate living with her as she is too far advanced to care for herself. I'm the closest as I live an hour away and spend a lot of time with her. People seem to think of breast cancer as cute pink ribbons and how 'everyone' beats it. Bullcrap! It's an ugly, crappy disease that leaves women mutilated and kills ways too many. This is where I get so mad at the nonsense in this administration and in congress. Quit spending money on bridges to nowhere and on a useless war! We need directed money on research to cure and to cure without mutilating, childhood cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer............. RIP (Can an atheist say that?) Jessica.
(deactivated member)
on 11/14/05 9:53 am - Oak park, MI
Topic: The ugliness of cancer
Jessica O. died, and the loss I feel is profound. I have followed her story and have exchanged emails with her on a few occassions. She was brave and she fought hard. It is tragic. Her family is certainly in my thoughts. Terri
(deactivated member)
on 11/14/05 7:07 am - Chicago, IL
on 11/14/05 4:00 am - Northern, VA
Topic: RE: Weight Loss and Health Issues
Thanks Terri and Dona for the support!. It seems the longer I'm on Earth, the better I get at this life thingie. I should be an expert just about in time to die. LOL
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